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About Edifice

  • Birthday 09/09/1976

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    Decadent Past

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  1. We're gonna smash you so hard you'll condense into a star
  2. TOP-Polar bickering in this thread too?! Give it a rest guys.
  3. I think the CB is dying because the game itself provides no viable CBs. By now, everyone knows that spying isn't really worth the effort. Same goes with poaching, or aiding alliances at war, or whatever. Much easier to forgo these insignificant behaviors in exchange for peace. Furthermore, the game is so old, the 'societal' standards so well-established that anyone with half a brain following the general "how to avoid war" CN rulebook has nothing to worry about. When some incident pops up, those in the disadvantageous position will follow the rulebook. Everyone's an optimist, they'll always think that waiting things out will tip the scales in their favor later on. By the time that happens, the newly disadvantaged side will follow the same rulebook, and the same hopes. On the off-chance someone does something stupid and insufficient steps are taken, alliances will either ignore/cancel/not activate treaties to prevent escalation. I think the community needs to redefine what an acceptable CB is. I do agree that generally, noCB "we don't like you's" are pretty bland, too easy. Why not make certain actions alliances take that is pretty vital to their growth/well-being, and make them war-worthy? So, "stealing our tech deals" or "cancelling our trade circle" (lol yev) or "not voting for our senator".... some of these sound ridiculous, but that is the point! Alliances have to think at some point that war, even a losing war, is preferable to caving into ridiculous demands. Granted, the mechanics of the game is the biggest constraint on coming up with stuff that's actually worth going to war over (there is very little scarcity, a scarcity of scarcity ) but I would not rest my hopes on any changes being made in that realm.
  4. If you want to hate on TOP, get to know our history first. There are plenty of valid complaints to raise, trying to attribute every single action in TOP's history as some evil betrayal is just dumb.
  5. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
  6. I was unfortunately on leave from TOP during your tenure, only to return post-BiPolar and find out you had disappeared from our world. No matter what mistakes you think you made in hindsight, TOP truly was worse off from losing your talent. Since I never got a chance: thanks for your service to TOP. -lowly TOP member
  7. [quote name='Acetone' timestamp='1295935515' post='2599050'] If all we wanted was to hit Pacifica, we'd do what Doom House did: form alliances, plan for months, play our political cards, and strike when we were sure of victory. No, we are here for destruction, for chaos, for ar\m/ageddon. We are here to tear up faces, and we don't expect in the slightest to win. We are here because we are \m/. I couldn't care less about NPO's precious infra. I want to see things burn, and hearing you lot crying over it makes this so very much better. \m/>_<\m/ [/quote] You guys used to be so edgy.
  8. [quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1295920400' post='2597574'] [sup]1[/sup][size="1"]Paranoiance is a unique Paradoxian blend of paranoia and arrogance.[/size] [/quote] Add annoyance to that list
  9. [quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1295918858' post='2597517'] The attack gave me a lot of problems though and forced FOK in one of the most difficult decisions in it's history. I am glad that !@#$ is over because sawing how FOK and TOP relations deteriorated caused me stress for the first time on planet BOB. [/quote] TBH reading this is the first time I've personally felt regret that the FOK-TOP relationship deteriorated. Thanks.
  10. Good luck in your pillowfight Argent. Bring back some tigerskin pillowcases.
  11. I was under the impression that the Polar flipping during BiPolar was more out of soreness stemming from WotC than a desire to save one's skin.
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