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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1327891706' post='2909995'] July 27th is a long way away [/quote] You can place a formal request with Nosce Te Ipsum's complaint division, and we will consider waiting for you. I'm very grateful Val continued our relationships with NAC and ROTN. Some of our oldest friendships in the game between Shav, Rattle, Gambona and I.
  2. Sad times indeed friends. We've had a good run while it lasted... but when you consider everything it was the right time for us to bow out. I hope those who knew us will remember our glory days, rather than our most recent time. But all that is good must come to an end eventually. Don't have the time to give the shoutouts which everyone deserves, I'll reserve those for another time in the near future. Thanks to all of our past and present allies that have stood with us during times of war and been there at our sides when asked of them. "In the beginning there was much cheering and encouragement for both of the contestants, but as the day went on the folk of Asgaard drifted away to entertain themselves with other pursuits..." - Found this quote from Cheshire to be fitting.
  3. One of the best leaders CN has seen at the helm of one of the best groups CN has seen. Congrats on the free time Jack.
  4. Hmmm, I fought the first two. Guess my greatness rubbed off Kudos yall.
  5. Look out Lanna, I bet FOK wants this war too. Oh, and hey.
  6. [quote name='foxfire99' timestamp='1323899700' post='2878033'] Why not both? [/quote] Because if RnR asked for help that makes it much sweeter? Because if FOK declared because FOK wanted to it makes me wonder why they'd be interested in crushing an alliance that is a quarter their size? I imagine RnR has other allies capable of helping them that wouldn't be overkill? The more you know... right? Questions from someone who has been way too busy to be even remotely involved in politics for the better part of a year now.
  7. [quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1323771960' post='2876424'] Good luck [/quote] Who needs luck? We've got the gods on our sides and any threat from those fake-GODs is being disposed of promptly Seriously though, I am curious; did FOK declare because FOK wanted to declare or because RnR asked them to declare?
  8. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1323748882' post='2876108'] I like your spirit. [/quote] Every nuke we take just puts us that much closer to launching extraterresial missions to the Moon and Mars when our new generations of non-irradiated citizens are born.
  9. TSA and Asgaard got this, don't worry guys. Obviously RnR couldn't handle us
  10. One of the only alliances I can honestly say I've known since I started my time out here. And never once questioned their loyalty and friendship. Thanks for the support and give em hell guys!
  11. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1323315522' post='2868215'] Good luck to my favorite cookie-cutters. [/quote] We make a mean gingerbread viking over the holidays!
  12. War Anthem for Nosce Te Ipsum. [quote]I'm one with the warrior inside My dominance can't be denied Your entire world will turn Into a battlefield tonight As I look upon you Through the warrior's eyes Now I can see the fear That will ensure my victory this time [/quote] Good luck guys, let's make this a good one.
  13. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1318558213' post='2824385'] Legion wasn't who requested and started to receive aid first, we are just make things even again. Nice try though. [/quote] No one requested aid. To be honest, NSO have helped us with tech for a lifetime now, most of us are just repaying their kindness to the individual nations that have supported us. But hey, if you have a problem with it you're more than welcome to do more than a dog and pony show about your aid packages. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1318597283' post='2824823'] 7 slots, 2 appear to be tech deals, the other are 'Aid for being ballers' if I may paraphrase only slightly. [/quote] Good ol' Lefty, known him since practically the beginning of my time here.
  14. I'm flattered my little ol' nation is deserving on being nuked into oblivion.
  15. I have to ask you, where do you find [url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000328]these guys?[/url] I've generally found only RE has guys like this which hide the day of the war to get an extra collection in, jump above everyone else, and then declare down on nations they think they can take the least damage against. It's kinda sad really. My other opponents (besides the guy I assume is MIA since the attack) are pretty active and good though, so kudos on that.
  16. Darn, I didn't get to declare an hour early on you guys! Where's Tibs when you need him to give away his hand a day early so a counter-declaration can be prepared.
  17. I like you guys, I hope you keep going strong and stick to your guns. What do you see as the biggest challenge to Aesir going forward?
  18. [quote name='admin' timestamp='1315149580' post='2794605'] I've provided a brief description about alliances [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Alliances"]here[/url]. I'm debating about adding the changes to SE. Alliances in CN Standard often have different structures than those in CN:TE. Since TE resets a hard coded alliance system works, but I don't know if that would work in SE with the way all the alliances are already so well established. [/quote] I don't see the problem I suppose with moving it to SE then. The benefits of having everything far outweigh any changes that would need to be made in order to elect an in-game leader. Of course, more modifications still need to be made to the system in my opinion, small tweaks here and there and things we will probably learn as the TE round progresses. But ghost removal, links to key locations, flags, that is all things alliances would rather have than not have, even if their government structure isn't ideal for how you set it up. First thing I notice with this set-up though, is that the 'approval messages' could use some personal touches by admins. Allow you to put links to locations, etc. Or when you go to 'join' an alliance, have a message automatically sent that was designed by the admin as well. I hope the potential in this to add a lot of coding time isn't going to turn you off to rolling it into SE, it has the promise to add some renewed spirit to mechanics.
  19. [quote name='admin' timestamp='1315113658' post='2794381'] Allinaces were the only major change for this round, aside from 90 day rounds as compared to 60. I have plans to add more functionality behind the in-game alliance feature, but I'm saving that for future rounds. The alliance updates required A LOT of coding, and I don't want to roll out too many new features/changes without working out all the kinks in the new alliance feature first. [/quote] Could you please provide more information on everything you did with alliances for those of us not entitled to ruling in TE? I'm assuming with the time you spent this will be rolled out to SE in there near-term, and I'd like to be "prepared" for it by then. Thanks.
  20. [quote name='dealmaster13' timestamp='1314522376' post='2789851'] I reckon it would be more worthwhile to impose a penalty against those with an MP rather than make it harder to purchase or even remove it altogether. [/quote] I would rather see nukes become free for everyone to use, nuclear anarchy removed, and TE used as a testing ground for new weaponry with new effects. Let's face it, nukes are outdated anyways. Shake things up and make it so that the "set formula" in TE no longer exists.
  21. Take all the time you need Admin, we can wait for changes!
  22. [quote name='Lord Klusman' timestamp='1313874830' post='2785255'] If you give 3 month a go I suggest you change the attack ranges to where you can only down declare 66% of your current NS, but allow any nation to up declare on any NS range higher than your NS [b][u]NO LIMIT[/u][/b]. (this will stop people from getting out of range) [/quote] No, unlimited range will cause the top nations to be slot filled the entire round. As discussed in the past, a 75%/200% formula would be perfect. The idea of TE is to attack up, not down, but not so far up you're just sitting there getting pummeled. I'd like to see some experimenting with nuclear anarchy being removed or altered this round, therefore we can slug it out for 5 days and potentially go right back to war after your wars expire if you're prepared/not in anarchy. I'd also like to see peace penalties, much like in SE when you're in hippy mode for an extended period, the same should occur when you abstain from war in TE for a period of time.
  23. If you do 3-month rounds, you need to make sure you balance things out better. We can't have nations capable of surviving for 2 months unscathed sitting on an extra month-long collection stacking up 100+mil and therefore being impossible to reasonably take down.
  24. Come here youngins, I'll tell you a tale about when Asgaard first came onto this here planet... But first, I present a cake for everyone that wanders in here. [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/3280984/4865169201_d8fa8bce2d_z_large.jpg[/img]
  25. Aw man... now I actually have to pretend to like this guy. Glad to have you up here with us Thrawn, been a long time coming.
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