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An Imperial Announcement from the New Pacific Order

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300138301' post='2664925']
Wow your maturity is astonishing, your mama must be real proud of you boy.[/quote]
You know nippy was just quoting what someone from NPO said, so if anyone's immature it's the quoted post (from NPO).

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300141546' post='2664981']
Moldavi was explaining how his apology back in GW1 was sincere up until the moment he had the strength to retract it without repercussions. If that is what the words of a Pacifican Emperor are worth, why would FAN (or anyone) take this seriously?
Because Cortath, or Mary, or any of the IOs, aren't Moldavi. You and your alliance and your allies may need to realize that he hasn't been an important part of the Order for a very, very long time.

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[quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1300142122' post='2664988']
Because Cortath, or Mary, or any of the IOs, aren't Moldavi. You and your alliance and your allies may need to realize that he hasn't been an important part of the Order for a very, very long time.

Oh, I am aware. I'm just curious why he is in here talking about how his apologies meant nothing. It isn't helping you guys very much.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300141926' post='2664985']
You know nippy was just quoting what someone from NPO said, so if anyone's immature it's the quoted post (from NPO).
Yes, I can read thank you. I just found it rather amusing that he only quoted that specific part, and that it was his only reply. Did he save time by using ctrl+c and v twice? Would be really efficient of him if he did.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1300121586' post='2664651']
You recall wrong. Only one apology was given, on our own accords-- to GATO.

Only second in our history, which was made on our own accord. The rationale is simple-- it was deserved, and yes it took us all this to realize it.
History will not change, there is no magical fix here, war will rage on but something that we needed to do was finally done.

Now what you think of it, is completely irrelevant to me or anybody in NPO. While public, the apology is directed only at FAN-- if they do not care for it much, it is understandable. If third parties do not, it is of no consequence to us.

yes this was quite public wasn't it? Seems more geared towards garnering support from the masses then actually being sorry to FAN. Cause you know...you are still at war with them. An unconditional surrender and promises of much reps to FAN might make them think you are sorry.

Edited by DogeWilliam
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300140125' post='2664959']
He's just being hyperbolic and he knows it. The other side of the web would absolutely perish without the spectre of the Orders, especially Pacifica; around which their entire existence is defined.

While Yev is certainly joking, I think the easy survival of "the other side of the web" for the 1.5 years between Karma and this war proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Pacifica isn't a vital ingredient.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300142571' post='2664994']
Oh, I am aware. I'm just curious why he is in here talking about how his apologies meant nothing. It isn't helping you guys very much.
I wasn't aware that I had any case to make or that my words carried so much weight. Considering how so many people clamor over themselves to comment on my posts and point out how I am a has-been it seems rather ridiculous for you and others to make any sort of comparison between my actions and those of the current administration.

Also, to actually address the point that you and some of the others are attempting to make in regards to my comment, you are completely correct, it was realpolitik for the moment, and never more than that. I apologized for getting caught more or less and was very clear at the time the apology was made that such was the position I was making. You and others are incorrect in comparing my rescission of a personal apology to an official action by any Emperor of the Order though, simply because while I was Emperor no such action took place. I took my apology back after I was a private citizen and I did it just to spite the masses. Since it was a personal apology it was mine to take back at my leisure. I opted to maintain it while I was in office but once I was out my actions were my own and no amount of revisionism from you will make that an official action of the Order

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[quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1300142122' post='2664988']
Because Cortath, or Mary, or any of the IOs, aren't Moldavi. You and your alliance and your allies may need to realize that he hasn't been an important part of the Order for a very, very long time.
This man speaks the truth.

More's the pity because of it.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300142684' post='2664995']
Yes, I can read thank you. I just found it rather amusing that he only quoted that specific part, and that it was his only reply. Did he save time by using ctrl+c and v twice? Would be really efficient of him if he did.

GOONS tend to be distracted by shiny things...oh and references to body parts and body noises. Reminds me of something I can't quite place.


Edited by ChairmanHal
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300140125' post='2664959']
He's just being hyperbolic and he knows it. The other side of the web would absolutely perish without the spectre of the Orders, especially Pacifica; around which their entire existence is defined.

Oh ok, if you say so :smug:

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300146161' post='2665041']
Considering how so many people clamor over themselves to comment on my posts and point out how I am a has-been


[sarcasm]Ivan, you are a has-been. Now give me attention, I want my attention Ivan or my existence will be worth nothing..please give me attention Ivan. [/sarcasm]

Did I do it right? Or do I need to add more stupidity? :awesome:

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1300147120' post='2665054']
GOONS tend to be distracted by shiny things...oh and references to body parts and body noises. Reminds me of something I can't quite place.

Yep, because we're the one who said "talking out of your ass."


[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1300131193' post='2664802']
I have little to say to people who use incredibly absurd analogies and little logic to back up their points. No seriously, you have nothing to say for yourself other than literally talking out of your ass. You went off a premise that was entirely false to begin with (that we have traditionally betrayed tyrants so that democracy could flourish wtf?) and continued off that premise. That is what I call talking out of your ass.

Didn't know Jrenster joined GOONS.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300138301' post='2664925']
Wow your maturity is astonishing, your mama must be real proud of you boy.


You're just talking out of your ass.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1300145004' post='2665025']
While Yev is certainly joking, I think the easy survival of "the other side of the web" for the 1.5 years between Karma and this war proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Pacifica isn't a vital ingredient.

Yes, only around 10k people abandoned the planet and there were almost daily threads about the planet dying during that frame.

Also a good portion of the last year and a half was spent trying to bait Pacifica into war and by others seeking vengence against Polaris.

That's why any thread like this from NPO is bombarded by Doomhouse and their allies. Why there was a red raiding safari. The game is extremely NPO centric and so many alliances simply define their very existence based on actions from NPO.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1300131193' post='2664802']
I have little to say to people who use incredibly absurd analogies and little logic to back up their points. No seriously, you have nothing to say for yourself other than literally talking out of your ass. You went off a premise that was entirely false to begin with (that we have traditionally betrayed tyrants so that democracy could flourish wtf?) and continued off that premise. That is what I call talking out of your ass.

You are abysimally incorrect. I have yet to use words such as tyrant, democracy or anything remotely related thereto. The premise that I consistently follow in this thread is that NPO turns on its allies like a dog which swallows its own vomit. Any denial of that premise is easily refuted with historically verifiable evidence.

You accuse me of using "incredibly absurd analogies and little logic" yet you attack without factual foundation and buttress your prevarications with nothing more than vulgarity. I suggest you pull your head out of your nether regions, take a deep breath of fresh air and enjoy an invigorating encounter with reason. I suspect that for you it shall be a whole new experience.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1300167210' post='2665353']
You are abysimally incorrect. I have yet to use words such as tyrant, democracy or anything remotely related thereto. The premise that I consistently follow in this thread is that NPO turns on its allies like a dog which swallows its own vomit. Any denial of that premise is easily refuted with historically verifiable evidence.

You accuse me of using "incredibly absurd analogies and little logic" yet you attack without factual foundation and buttress your prevarications with nothing more than vulgarity. I suggest you pull your head out of your nether regions, take a deep breath of fresh air and enjoy an invigorating encounter with reason. I suspect that for you it shall be a whole new experience.

Context is everything when making an analogy. Saying that we simply betray people like Brutus is such a simple-minded way of going about it. You might as well say that we're like any betrayers in the history of anything. Hell you might as well call us betrayers and be done with it without the need for an analogy. Hence, why your analogy is stupid. Now stop trying to act like you're brilliant or that you have oratory skills to back up your !@#$%^&* by hiding behind verbose language. I hate people like that.

Edited by Jrenster
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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1300167210' post='2665353']
You are abysimally incorrect. I have yet to use words such as tyrant, democracy or anything remotely related thereto. The premise that I consistently follow in this thread is that NPO turns on its allies like a dog which swallows its own vomit. Any denial of that premise is easily refuted with historically verifiable evidence.
Then refute it. Aaaannnnd GO!

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300166891' post='2665348']
Yes, only around 10k people abandoned the planet and there were almost daily threads about the planet dying during that frame.

Also a good portion of the last year and a half was spent trying to bait Pacifica into war and by others seeking vengence against Polaris.

That's why any thread like this from NPO is bombarded by Doomhouse and their allies. Why there was a red raiding safari. The game is extremely NPO centric and so many alliances simply define their very existence based on actions from NPO.

It is pretty sad that some alliances can make their own futures but chooses to live in the past still. Maybe if some alliances could get off the Pacifica hate train they could be more interesting then paint drying.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1300169179' post='2665379']
Your sophomoric response betrays a definitive lack of intellect and provides characteristic evidence that you couldn't quite pop your cranium from the anal crevice in which you have lodged it. See a surgeon. I understand that analencephalectomies are quite affordable. In the meantime, I wish you well in the dark.

You see, while we've been sitting here going back and forth on these issues, you have provided nothing. No arguments, no facts, no truth, no logic. Just a lot of unnecessary words-smithing. While, I, on the other hand, have assertions with the reasoning to back them up. Do you see the difference?

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1300168402' post='2665369']
Context is everything when making an analogy. Saying that we simply betray people like Brutus is such a simple-minded way of going about it. You might as well say that we're like any betrayers in the history of anything. Hell you might as well call us betrayers and be done with it without the need for an analogy. Hence, why your analogy is stupid. Now stop trying to act like you're brilliant or that you have oratory skills to back up your !@#$%^&* by hiding behind verbose language. I hate people like that.

Your sophomoric response betrays a definitive lack of intellect and provides characteristic evidence that you couldn't quite pop your cranium from the anal crevice in which you have lodged it. See a surgeon. I understand that analencephalectomies are quite affordable. In the meantime, I wish you well in the dark.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300168523' post='2665371']
Then refute it. Aaaannnnd GO!

I already have. In this thread. Keep up.

Edited by Antonio Salovega VI
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[quote name='Enrage' timestamp='1300166866' post='2665347']
Pacifica has done a lot to fix her image over the past year, and this is a big step towards the right direction.
Good luck moving forward; hope you two find a peaceful resolution.

We appreciate that Enrage, Especially from someone of your stature who is deemed on the "Opposite Side".

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A couple of questions to the NPO:

1) If this is addressed to FAN and only to FAN, why post it so publicly? Surely you were to expect some sort of negative feedback from the community at large, yes? As it is, the community's opinions should matter somewhat. Some of these members may even be former FAN, allies of FAN, or friends of FAN gov't. No one will argue that what you did was totally wrong, but you should be focusing on redemption not in just FAN's eyes, but in the public's eyes (in relation to this specific event).

2) While it's been admitted that this apology should have sooner, why now? Obviously this makes it seem like a plea or, put frankly, as if the NPO is trying to politically twist their way out of this war. I personally have no opinion one way or another, I'm just curious (as many are) on the reason for the horrible timing.


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