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Ministerial Decree

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In this world, little is accepted as universal truth. Many see principles, consistency, logic and morality as tools for political gain, but one thing it seems we can be certain of and that everyone agrees on is that hoarding infrastructure is deplorable and one's worth can be assessed through how much they enjoy losing it.

On February 2nd 2011, Sal Paradise announced to a private crowd that He had discovered the secret of this universe. If sacrificing one's nation was virtuous, then godhood could be achieved through its total eradication. Within a few moments, the nation of Bat Country was destroyed. Sal Paradise ceased to exist in this world and soon joined the thousands of other transcendent beings that have done the same since creation.

For little over a month, Sal Paradise enjoyed His godhood oblivious to the continuing samsara-suffering of those below on Planet Bob. Today, in a brief fit of boredom, He turned His attention back to this world and discovered, to His surprise, the true extent of His transcendence.

On February 5th 2011, while Sal Paradise's transcendent being was exploring the mysteries of the universe and his discarded corpse lay rotting on the material plane, He was somehow able to declare war on the Legion.

[quote name='Devilyn Caster' timestamp='1296969754' post='2621392']
For The Greenland Republic

ilselu1 - Archon
ff0000 - Minister of Defense
[b]Sal Paradise - Minister of Finance[/b]
Gnox - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Cripple - Minister of the Interior
Senate - Tolkien, Wurzel, Lord Akanata, Trebekistan

The Greenland Republic has been fortunate to have a god as its Minister of Finance for the past month, but as a superior being, Sal Paradise simply cannot allow this to go on much longer.


The Ministry of Finance secedes from the Greenland Republic and declares its independence.

As the Ministry of Finance was in a state of war prior to its secession, it shall remain in state of war until a separate peace is negotiated between it and the Legion. Legion representatives are encouraged to contact the Ministry for a list of demands.

Signed for the Ministry of Finance,

[b]Sal Paradise[/b]
Minister of Finance
Greenland Republic Postmaster General
Green Protection Agency Director of Nuclear Proliferation
Prince-Consort of the Order of the Black Rose[/center]

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[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1299710951' post='2658012']
So you are angry that they declared war and put your name under it while you didn't even knew about the entire war thing?


Sal Paradise is not angry. He is merely asserting His powers as Minister of Finance which, unbeknownst to Him at the time, extend beyond the grave.

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[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1299710951' post='2658012']
So you are angry that they declared war and put your name under it while you didn't even knew about the entire war thing?


Yeah, he sure is obviously mad. This announcement is dripping with seething rage as opposed to simply poking fun at the situation with some wit thrown in.

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When you ascended, should not the trappings of the Ministry have followed you into the ether, much as clothing somehow becomes invisible along with its wearer in so many bad science fiction films? If so, the Ministry is still a part of Greenland Republic, but yet it is also a part of The Legion, and of alliances long since past and those yet to be. It is in states of both war and peace with all nations, for eternity and yet not for even a moment, transposing the corporeal and temporal into a singularity of existence and nothingness. To 'declare war' is to seek cleavages where they cannot exist, and I dare say you might cause the universe to collapse in on itself with this one. Bad show if so.

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I as the duly appointed representative of The Legion, do hereby extend an offer of merger between our great alliances. If this merger is agreed upon by both parties we shall forever be known as The Legion of Finance. With our large corp of tech sellers and your huge contribution of 3 NS no one shall stand before our mighty financial prowess!

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From one bogus department head to another:

All hail the Ministry of Finance! Fountainhead of Godhood reaches forth from beyond the material plane, so repent Legion! Repent so that your tax deductions do not become forfeit and your children are included in sub-committee zoning law pre-planning meetings!

-Mr. Otingocni of Kzoppistan,
President of Kzoppistan,
[u][b]Honorary Minister of Ropes and Pulleys, CSN[/b][/u],
Agent of Xiphosis,
Zealot of Zenithism,

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Sithis' timestamp='1299724008' post='2658165']
I bet Legion surrenders to the Ministry of Finance or whatever this thing is.

Well this may help with the what: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Ministry%20of%20Finance

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[quote name='Zeta Defender' timestamp='1299725018' post='2658185']
Well this may help with the what: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Ministry%20of%20Finance

Total Strength: 3

Repent! The end is nigh! This hyper power shall bring about Ragnarök!

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[quote name='Zeta Defender' timestamp='1299725018' post='2658185']
Well this may help with the what: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Ministry%20of%20Finance
I still think Legion will surrender to him/it.

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