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NSO Surrender


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Can GOONS please change their name to GOONS OF DOOM?

It would make my day.

Also, I love trimming fat. *bans Greev*

Jesus, there are so many mentally inept people... Apologies, GOONS. You're not allowed to surrender just yet.

Edited by Jake Liebenow
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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1299005275' post='2648338']
I wonder who's lost more ANS? We were at like...13k or 16k when it started, NSO was at...hmm.

I do. Mainly from the way you're getting all hot and bothered about a simple topic. Makes me wonder if you're embarrassed.

[quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1299005576' post='2648342']
Understanding of CN: x
Your head: x

See above. At least try to come up with something original next time. Like...
Let X equal GOONs fighting ability.
X = 0
Therefore, your mom.

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299005671' post='2648343']
Perhaps leave the clever remarks to those capable of pulling them off.

That said, will you be laughing when Rectum Invictorum and company throws in the towel and surrenders after such grandstanding?
Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.

To rephrase myself, GOONs got hammered, and the idea that this wannabe spy is claiming that an alliance got curbstomped by them is hilarious. Seriously. Name an alliance this war that got curbstomped by GOONs. I'll even settle for an alliance that got minorly annoyed by them, if you can find one.

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[quote name='Greev' timestamp='1298993760' post='2648124']
Its true my post was bad because I will take all the beatings I can please ZI my nation I have tech for everyone! Also please people of planet BOB give me your worst insult me on a forum game which was cool in 06 and 07 then just gay. Most of you will never know the full expierence of the real CN and that I feel sorry. Until then have fun with alliances like MK,NSO,EXODUS, and all the other incapable retards this new CN has to offer this is my official resignation from a game I started 5 years ago. SO PLEASE INSULT ME MAKE FUN OF MY POST AND GIVE ME YOUR WORST AS I HAVE NO CARE!!!! Regarding the spy thing its true I helped out all of DOOMHOUSE quite well. Will they emit it? Prolly not but hey who would. I think its funny how I got into NSO did nothing and got promoted to almost a SITHMASTER but was stopped at Marauder and they left me to handle FINANCE PLEASE I did not even do nothing. People make me sick!

I sense a presence...one that I haven't felt since...

[i]OOC: Nah, he couldn't have found another proxy server. Anyway, goes without saying you're a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Just delete already.[/i]

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299013153' post='2648470']
See above. At least try to come up with something original next time. Like...
Let X equal GOONs fighting ability.
X = 0
Therefore, your mom.
Oh my God. Are you being intentionally thick? Not all of Invicta can be like this, right?

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299005671' post='2648343']
That said, will you be laughing when Rectum Invictorum and company throws in the towel and surrenders after such grandstanding?
I think it's safe to say that Learz, who's survived far longer wars than this one before, knows a lot more about our position than you do.

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*Insert Ben Stein Voice*
Hrmm.. so what I took away from this... Not only did GOONS participate in a CBless war, they also are committing industrial espionage against other alliances.

This sounds like a two fold reason for the world to want to be rid of them. Anyone else want to declare on them? Anyone? Anyone?


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Let's see what genius we have in this post:[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299013153' post='2648470']
I do. Mainly from the way you're getting all hot and bothered about a simple topic. Makes me wonder if you're embarrassed.[/quote]
Ad hominem...
[quote]See above. At least try to come up with something original next time. Like...
Let X equal GOONs fighting ability.
X = 0
Therefore, your mom. [/quote]
Your mom...

[quote]Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.[/quote]
and to cap it off NO U! This man hit the trifecta, here's a gold star:

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299013153' post='2648470']
Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.

To rephrase myself, GOONs got hammered, and the idea that this wannabe spy is claiming that an alliance got curbstomped by them is hilarious. Seriously. Name an alliance this war that got curbstomped by GOONs. I'll even settle for an alliance that got minorly annoyed by them, if you can find one.

Funny, I wasn't trying to be clever (I did reciprocate with the alliance name perversion).

Name an alliance that got curbstomped by GOONS? Are you retarded? We had 12 alliances declare on us, of course I have not nor am claiming that there are any. I have maintained previously that, as the numbers show, we've dealt out as much damage as we've sustained and have forced numerous surrenders. What, if anything, can Rectum Invictorum boast of? Being part of the dogpile that ends up surrendering to a sub-2 million NS alliance?

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[quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1299016532' post='2648573']
Oh my God. Are you being intentionally thick? Not all of Invicta can be like this, right?
Wow, a post with no substance except an alluding accusation about something vague. If you'd care to point out something specific that you have opposing evidence for, you're welcome to post it. Or not. Or post something humorous, which is better than the butthurt people in this thread.

[quote name='NotYou' timestamp='1299017851' post='2648613']
Well, you get a A+ for cherry picking my posts, but I'll have to give you an F for adding nothing relevant to the discussion. In case you didn't get it the first few times, I pointed out the GOONs got killed. GOONs responded (barring the below example) of saying "you're stupid for using facts." At which point I reiterated in a slightly mocking way to make my point.

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299018108' post='2648622']
Funny, I wasn't trying to be clever (I did reciprocate with the alliance name perversion).

Name an alliance that got curbstomped by GOONS? Are you retarded? We had 12 alliances declare on us, of course I have not nor am claiming that there are any. I have maintained previously that, as the numbers show, we've dealt out as much damage as we've sustained and have forced numerous surrenders. What, if anything, can Rectum Invictorum boast of? Being part of the dogpile that ends up surrendering to a sub-2 million NS alliance?
Well, I'll give you the name twist, but I've been dogging you guys for months to come up with something better (hey, we did it to ourselves less than 5 seconds after the name was suggested). But at least now you're not like the rest of the people here trying to claim that GOONs is somehow an awesome military machine. Then again, attempting a shameful 3-on-1 no-CB assault*, you should expect this to happen, right? I'm glad I don't consider that a highlight in my CN career. I'd rather go down being outnumber massively while trying to honorably defend an innocent ally.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299017378' post='2648593']
I think it's safe to say that Learz, who's survived far longer wars than this one before, knows a lot more about our position than you do.
Shhh, don't tell them. They're busy thinking they're right ;)

[size="1"]*Not that I have anything against it. It certainly breathed some life into this place, and in my opinion we need more of it![/size]

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1299017772' post='2648610']
*Insert Ben Stein Voice*
Hrmm.. so what I took away from this... Not only did GOONS participate in a CBless war, they also are committing industrial espionage against other alliances.

This sounds like a two fold reason for the world to want to be rid of them. Anyone else want to declare on them? Anyone? Anyone?

The saddest part of this whole thread is that you believe this stuff.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299017378' post='2648593']
I think it's safe to say that Learz, who's survived far longer wars than this one before, knows a lot more about our position than you do.

I was asking a question there...

And that quip didn't quite answer it. :psyduck:

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299019451' post='2648654']
Well, I'll give you the name twist, but I've been dogging you guys for months to come up with something better (hey, we did it to ourselves less than 5 seconds after the name was suggested).

Dogging us for months? Seems like you've just recently mustered the courage to pipe up, 'cause this is the first I've heard from you.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299019451' post='2648654']
But at least now you're not like the rest of the people here trying to claim that GOONs is somehow an awesome military machine.

I don't make (presumably baseless) claims. I did point out earlier that we've held our own (by doling out equal damage) and forced numerous surrenders, a couple from Rectum Invictorum if I recall correctly (and I may not, I haven't kept profiles on all dozen plus). Take from that what you wish.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299019451' post='2648654']
Then again, attempting a shameful 3-on-1 no-CB assault*, you should expect this to happen, right?

Shameful? Please, spare me your moralism.

And expect what? A strategy criticized even by some on your very side?

No, I did not expect that (at least not to the degree we've seen). Perhaps I gave you all too much credit.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299019451' post='2648654']
I'm glad I don't consider that a highlight in my CN career. I'd rather go down being outnumber massively while trying to honorably defend an innocent ally.

Don't know what you're trying to say here, so I can't respond.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299019451' post='2648654']
Shhh, don't tell them. They're busy thinking they're right ;)

Right about what? You haven't refuted anything I've said so far (in fact, you've ignored most of what I said and asked).

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1299017772' post='2648610']
*Insert Ben Stein Voice*
Hrmm.. so what I took away from this... Not only did GOONS participate in a CBless war, they also are committing industrial espionage against other alliances.

This sounds like a two fold reason for the world to want to be rid of them. Anyone else want to declare on them? Anyone? Anyone?


GOONS seem to enjoy getting rolled

I on the other hand am annoyed. I have to buuy infa everyday. The $%&@ mindless clickls

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