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To the Allies of the New Pacific Order


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*Kortal flicks a drop of saliva from his whiskers*

Ahhh, for the time just weeks off when all the smug DH members will feast on their words rashly spoken here when their beloved GOONS falls by the wayside, pounded by attack after attack from the very people their "protectors" knocked down to their level...

For the period scant months away when the rest of CN comes to the realization that their glorified lulz kings can be trusted only to live up to their principal strengths of deceit and betrayal, and turn on them like the cancer we already know them to be...

I'll say what few people have been willing to come out and say in this thread. You know our strategy, we have no surprises, no aces up our sleeve. Our tactics have been divined and thoroughly discussed. What you can't know, or refuse to, is that they will work. Can we match up to your upper tiers? Of course not, you've won there already, to the unfortunate doom of those few nations of ours who could compete for a time with you. But now what? Now you sit alone, warless, bored. The only targets you could hit are in peacemode, whiling away the hours. They've got good warchests too, not to your own standards perhaps, but enough to sit in peacemode nearly indefinitely. Meanwhile, as you sit back in hopeless frustration, our combined lower tiers smack GOONS around with no mercy. Sure, you can help a bit with your little aid projects, but you know as well as anyone that with a few exceptions, most GOONS nations simply don't have the fighting experience necessary to make full use of that money. And with their disorganization (compared to more streamlined alliances like Umb or MK) and great numbers, we'll start to see individual surrenders on your side of the web too, then more and more. Many will stay, but GOONS will be a shell of even the pitiful little group they were at their peak, and no one likes playing that game.

We're not TOP, we can't sustain the damage output they could all last war, but we can sustain enough to make keeping us at war waaay too much of a hassle, and then we'll see how this little shindig gets wrapped up.

So yeah, you know our strategy. And we know its going to work

Edited by Kortal
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[quote name='Kortal' timestamp='1296539408' post='2614195']
*Kortal flicks a drop of saliva from his whiskers*

Ahhh, for the time just weeks off when all the smug DH members will feast on their words rashly spoken here when their beloved GOONS falls by the wayside, pounded by attack after attack from the very people their "protectors" knocked down to their level...

For the period scant months away when the rest of CN comes to the realization that their glorified lulz kings can be trusted only to live up to their principal strengths of deceit and betrayal, and turn on them like the cancer we already know them to be...

I'll say what few people have been willing to come out and say in this thread. You know our strategy, we have no surprises, no aces up our sleeve. Our tactics have been divined and thoroughly discussed. What you can't know, or refuse to, is that they will work. Can we match up to your upper tiers? Of course not, you've won there already, to the unfortunate doom of those few nations of ours who could compete for a time with you. But now what? Now you sit alone, warless, bored. The only targets you could hit are in peacemode, whiling away the hours. They've got good warchests too, not to your own standards perhaps, but enough to sit in peacemode nearly indefinitely. Meanwhile, as you sit back in hopeless frustration, our combined lower tiers smack GOONS around with no mercy. Sure, you can help a bit with your little aid projects, but you know as well as anyone that with a few exceptions, most GOONS nations simply don't have the fighting experience necessary to make full use of that money. And with their disorganization (compared to more streamlined alliances like Umb or MK) and great numbers, we'll start to see individual surrenders on your side of the web too, then more and more. Many will stay, but GOONS will be a shell of even the pitiful little group they were at their peak, and no one likes playing that game.

We're not TOP, we can't sustain the damage output they could all last war, but we can sustain enough to make keeping us at war waaay too much of a hassle, and then we'll see how this little shindig gets wrapped up.

So yeah, you know our strategy. And we know its going to work

This man has it right.

Edited by Biazt
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[quote name='Kortal' timestamp='1296539408' post='2614195']
*Kortal flicks a drop of saliva from his whiskers*

Ahhh, for the time just weeks off when all the smug DH members will feast on their words rashly spoken here when their beloved GOONS falls by the wayside, pounded by attack after attack from the very people their "protectors" knocked down to their level...

For the period scant months away when the rest of CN comes to the realization that their glorified lulz kings can be trusted only to live up to their principal strengths of deceit and betrayal, and turn on them like the cancer we already know them to be...

I'll say what few people have been willing to come out and say in this thread. You know our strategy, we have no surprises, no aces up our sleeve. Our tactics have been divined and thoroughly discussed. What you can't know, or refuse to, is that they will work. Can we match up to your upper tiers? Of course not, you've won there already, to the unfortunate doom of those few nations of ours who could compete for a time with you. But now what? Now you sit alone, warless, bored. The only targets you could hit are in peacemode, whiling away the hours. They've got good warchests too, not to your own standards perhaps, but enough to sit in peacemode nearly indefinitely. Meanwhile, as you sit back in hopeless frustration, our combined lower tiers smack GOONS around with no mercy. Sure, you can help a bit with your little aid projects, but you know as well as anyone that with a few exceptions, most GOONS nations simply don't have the fighting experience necessary to make full use of that money. And with their disorganization (compared to more streamlined alliances like Umb or MK) and great numbers, we'll start to see individual surrenders on your side of the web too, then more and more. Many will stay, but GOONS will be a shell of even the pitiful little group they were at their peak, and no one likes playing that game.

We're not TOP, we can't sustain the damage output they could all last war, but we can sustain enough to make keeping us at war waaay too much of a hassle, and then we'll see how this little shindig gets wrapped up.

So yeah, you know our strategy. And we know its going to work
I-It's true... we're only delaying the inevitable.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1296498450' post='2613182']
You guys are a joke. You offensively attack an alliance for no coherent reason, then when you get bloodied a bit all you talk about is reparations. What a sad group.

on the other hand, you're mhawk.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1296520078' post='2613623']
Cowardice disguised as strategy is still cowardice.
Didnt you chicken out on TOP?

[quote name='Maleatu' timestamp='1296532281' post='2613841']
I wouldn't be so focused on our ANS. What I would be more concerned about is the lack of support your getting from your traditional allies, based on your lack of tact in how you DoW'd on a neutral party in this war. The past's words can only take you so far, before those hollow words fall upon deaf ears, and you wake up to find yourself all alone.
Im not a GOON but we were alone before thanks to NPO and managed just fine.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Hydro' timestamp='1296491510' post='2613066']
My comment had nothing to do with MK? I think you're getting too reactionary from all the detractors.
[/quote]It's the only explanation I can imagine, for calling a 30mil ns vs 32mil ns war a "curbstomp".

Also, that's not what reactionary means.

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[quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1296573126' post='2614664']
What happened to Gremlins, oh yeah, this.
Gre lost because of internal strife, not external war. There's quite a difference between taking down 5 or so high ns nations with 200 mid tier nations than there is 300 of them with 500 low tier nations.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1296574211' post='2614678']
Gre lost because of internal strife, not external war. There's quite a difference between taking down 5 or so high ns nations with 200 mid tier nations than there is 300 of them with 500 low tier nations.

Yes its on a much larger scale. That does not make it impossible though

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[quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1296576430' post='2614717']
Yes its on a much larger scale. That does not make it impossible though

it's not the scale, it's the ratio. A thousand five year olds could beat the crap out of a heavyweight boxer. This dousn't mean that two thousand five year olds could take on a thousand boxers.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1296554318' post='2614512']
12 v 1 Curbstomping doesnt become a moralist such as yourself.

The problem with this argument is that initally the odds where in the favour of Doom House, two wrongs don't mike a right sure but the argument cancles itself out.

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Is this where each side tries to grasp at terrible and obviously skewed analogies in order to frame their perspective in a more positive light?

Can we skip that and go back to taunting each other?

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[quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1296576430' post='2614717']
Yes its on a much larger scale. That does not make it impossible though
I regret to inform you that 5/200 is much less than 300/500.

Your lower tier is of much lower quality than that of IRON as well. IRON actually knows how to fight.

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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1296580821' post='2614781']
The problem with this argument is that initally the odds where in the favour of Doom House, two wrongs don't mike a right sure but the argument cancles itself out.


sorry, that was awfully petty.

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