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To the Allies of the New Pacific Order


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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296433901' post='2611739']
That could conceivably happen with MK and Umbrella, but not so with GOONS. Sure, some are getting overwhelmed (not surprising given the numbers and given the fact many are newer to this game and are thus inexperienced), but the majority are having the most fun they've had since they've started playing.

I miss warring as a little nation, it was so much more fun then warring as a big nation. 6-12k is the best.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296433901' post='2611739']
[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1296433464' post='2611729']
[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296433405' post='2611728']
[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1296432409' post='2611701']
If they're complaining or you're complaining on their behalf, it means it's working.
Is the NPO war plan to bore Doom House to death?
um, yes?
That could conceivably happen with MK and Umbrella, but not so with GOONS. Sure, some are getting overwhelmed (not surprising given the numbers and given the fact many are newer to this game and are thus inexperienced), but the majority are having the most fun they've had since they've started playing.
And the thing is, we'll be able to constantly fill the lower-tier nations with aid because our large nations won't be in peacemode.

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If people want to take pressure off NPO I think declaring war on FAN would be the best place to do it, even when I declared on 3 nations from MK the only counter attack I got was from FAN who I didn't declare on. I would be profiting off this war so far if FAN didn't attack me. FAN doesn't have many treaties, other than unofficial relations with alliances already involved in war.

edit: Also for those who have declared on GOONS, if you want to declare on nations from FAN without posting a separate DoW, you wouldn't be doing anything they haven't already done this war. So if GOONS become boring there are other alliances on their side who don't differentiate between alliances, but only sides which you could attack nations in.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1296426611' post='2611604']
Actually I thought that was LM's fault.

LM proposed it, it was the coalition planners fault for accepting/agreeing with the plan. So, while LM gets a lot of the blame, their all equally at fault.

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[quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1296436579' post='2611781']
LM proposed it, it was the coalition planners fault for accepting/agreeing with the plan. So, while LM gets a lot of the blame, their all equally at fault.
What, no.

LM was obviously the most competent of all of them. He was the "Wrath of Karma." He was also TOP, which was very well praised for their performance in BiPolar.

Granted yes, they were at fault, but it's the same thing as saying that MK and GOONS would be at fault for listening to Umbrella over something. They put their trust in a centralized figure who had fought and seemed to know what he was doing.

Edited by Earogema
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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1296422989' post='2611496']
Why does anybody think these sort of idiotic callout threads will actually bring about some meaningful change from the other side? Or, if you don't think they will, why make them?

I wonder the same thing.

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It astonishes me that anyone can get their allies to declare on an alliance (knowing full well they will beat them down for a long time), and then say on the OWF that they are cowards and aren't committing to "the right strategy".

You can't call someone a coward after you bring all your mates in to declare on one alliance out of the blue. It's hypocrit- oh wait we're not allowed to say that because that's a bit of PR that would make [i]sense[/i]. My bad. Looks like the honourable Doomhouse have everything covered.

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[quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1296443110' post='2611917']
It astonishes me that anyone can get their allies to declare on an alliance (knowing full well they will beat them down for a long time), and then say on the OWF that they are cowards and aren't committing to "the right strategy".

You can't call someone a coward after you bring all your mates in to declare on one alliance out of the blue. It's hypocrit- oh wait we're not allowed to say that because that's a bit of PR that would make [i]sense[/i]. My bad. Looks like the honourable Doomhouse have everything covered.

I'm not in Doom House. I'm fighting on NPO's side. Please keep up.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296445902' post='2611985']
I'm not in Doom House. I'm fighting on NPO's side. Please keep up.

I don't particularly have the patience to keep up with whose side you're on. Regardless, the tone you use in your posts suggests you're on Doomhouse's side so if you're not, why are you complaining to the OWF about your own side?

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[quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1296446454' post='2612000']
I don't particularly have the patience to keep up with whose side you're on. Regardless, the tone you use in your posts suggests you're on Doomhouse's side so if you're not, why are you complaining to the OWF about your own side?

Because they're stupid and cowardly. Did you read my OP?

Edited by Mr Damsky
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I guess even the members of their side know they're doomed, and like rats on a sinking ship, are shooting lazers at each other and levitating out on gusts of photovoltaic energy platforms similar to the discs that ancients were reputed to use to travel between planets and solar systems.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296421358' post='2611459']
Do they think that beating up on GOONS is going to damage DH in the long run? It will literally take two months to rebuild GOONS to what it was pre-war.

In case you haven't noticed, the damage to DH has already been done. It wasn't done in pixels either.

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These threads are silly.

If your enemy is making a serious tactical error, why correct him?

Plus I can't see anyone taking advice on how to run their war from the enemy coalition anyways. So this is just another basic taunting thread.

They're on the wrong end of a beatdown and trying to do something different to maybe have a chance at a stalemate. Far be it from anyone to tell them to "die the way we want you to".

I think I have an idea of what they are trying to do. I'm far from convinced it will work, but it is a novel idea and will be a good case study once this war is over.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1296425041' post='2611552']
I have a good idea of whats going on actually. But you will have to tune in to the podcast this week for my hypothesis. Don't worry I am sure it will generate some negative propaganda from someone because it isn't what they want to hear.
IS that a "[i]sommmmeone[/i]" or a "someone"?

[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1296426305' post='2611593']
Coming from the guy who had "Screw Valhalla" in his nation bio when you were our protectorate I find your sudden turn of opinion rather ironic.

DR can't and never could win this war for you, even if we ever had any intention to get involved. Our stance from before this war officially started has been that NpO and VE are both about the worst AA's in Cybernations and watching them both burn is about the greatest thing ever.

ALL of our allies knew of our stance before they entered the war. ALL of our allies were told that we WILL NOT chain in to this war on optional clauses before they entered the war. We advised ALL of our allies to take the same stance. We made ourselves crystal clear long before Exodus or MCXA decided to get involved, that they thought our position would change AFTER you did what we advised you to NOT do, well tough.
Heh. I'm glad someone in DR just came out and said it. I hope you're just as smug when the tables are turned.

[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1296445066' post='2611966']
Airme is playing game all his own, the rating game :P
It's the most fun game.

[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1296449350' post='2612061']
These threads are silly.

If your enemy is making a serious tactical error, why correct him?

Plus I can't see anyone taking advice on how to run their war from the enemy coalition anyways. So this is just another basic taunting thread.

They're on the wrong end of a beatdown and trying to do something different to maybe have a chance at a stalemate. Far be it from anyone to tell them to "die the way we want you to".

I think I have an idea of what they are trying to do. I'm far from convinced it will work, but it is a novel idea and will be a good case study once this war is over.
Your levelheaded uninvolved observer analysis has no place here, sir, [i]no place![/i]

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296446768' post='2612016']
Because they're stupid and cowardly. Did you read my OP?

And if you were of any significance you could actually go about mending their strategy. The fact that you are not suggests you don't know what you're talking about.

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The NS game isn't the only one being played here. National leaders and whole alliances have their breaking points. Boredom and frustration can be powerful weapons if directed on an enemy for lengthy periods of time. Whatever they're trying to do, they're specifically not allowing the enemy to do what it wants, and thats a small victory for NPO and co right there.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296452323' post='2612327']
Because they're not my enemy.
Then this isn't the place to raise this concern.

If they do have a master plan, they sure as hell shouldn't explain it in public.

While I don't think their particular tactic may work, I can certainly say at least that a full-on charge into DH's superior upper tier is foolhardy. So if you're going to criticize, do explain what they could do better. Magically grow a numerically superior top end is NOT an answer.

Edited by bigwoody
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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1296425097' post='2611555']
It is a lot harder to rebuild like alliances used to in the old days. NPO wasn't rebuilt yet either.
It may be difficult for an incompetent alliance to rebuild to build a decent upper-middle tier in the space of a year. And to be fair to most alliances, including most of NPO's, are incompetent. But it's not impossible or overly difficult by any means. Especially if you're starting with nations who have a decent number of wonders.

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Well the only thing this is going to accomplish is making so we take less damage and have to spend a little more aid money than we were planning on. I mean GOONS avg NS is so low no matter how much of a hit they take DH can easily rebuild them internally within 2-3 months I'd guess.

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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Meh, what boggles my mind is that most of these alliance could have just hit another target and helped a ally still having goons outnumbers by a significant margin. There are multiple fronts in this war but figured that the easiest choice was to have their upper tier go to peace and then dog pile onto GOONS. Truly a brilliant strategy when you've given up on your allies engaged in the other fronts where your upper tier might be useful. Hereby, minimize your own losses and provide a faulty legitimate excuse of not entering another front.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1296454027' post='2612509']
It may be difficult for an incompetent alliance to rebuild to build a decent upper-middle tier in the space of a year. And to be fair to most alliances, including most of NPO's, are incompetent. But it's not impossible or overly difficult by any means. Especially if you're starting with nations who have a decent number of wonders.

It would have taken me 10 months to get to a decent tech level, and that is assuming that I would get my slots constantly filled with tech, with 100% efficiency, and with someone available to pay for it instead of me (when most of the people who can pay, also need tech). Without those conditions (which are implausible), the time would have, at the very least, been 20 months.

It has been 8 months since we were able to start doing tech deals.

And even then, the rate at which a nation can accept tech is the same no matter how big it is, so other alliances would always have a lead.

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