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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order


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And here I thought the idea of the ridiculous reps NPO paid after Karma was to "wipe the slate clean." NPO has certainly held up their end of the bargain since then; they haven't done anything even remotely offensive in the last two years. It's really clear now that all we've done is put in place a new "we will curbstomp people whenever we feel like it" collective.

Good luck, NPO.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1295965938' post='2600076']
Their CB is "NPO cannot be allowed to live because they did bad things in the past".

But I agree with you. It's not a valid CB.
Yea, fair enough.

Carry on then.

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Well, it seems strange that Doomhouse would "unprovokingly" attack NPO, let us remember NPO's last Imperial Decree:


Bring it.

Emperor Blackbird
New Pacific Order
Comrade Chuckles

Mary the Fantabulous
Imperial Regent of the New Pacific Order
Reformed Neutral Menace[/quote]

While yes, I agree Doomhouse may have gone about it the wrong way, NPO CAN NOT play the victim as they were antagonizing everyone. They knew it was coming. NPO hit peace mode 2-3 days ago if I remember seeing it right. So while, I thing Doomhouse could have gone about this better, in the end, Pacifica is not a victim.

I wish both sides a clean, fair fight. Onward.

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Crush them NPO.

Say what you want about me, I'm no fan of yours. I have no interest in you living, or being a successful alliance. At least I can say that I've been honest and open about it, and sadly the opponents you face today can't say the same. There's nothing in this world I dislike more than dishonest people, and the people you fight are the very definition of dishonest hypocrites.

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[quote name='Silent Spectre' timestamp='1295966676' post='2600090']
While yes, I agree Doomhouse may have gone about it the wrong way, NPO CAN NOT play the victim as they were antagonizing everyone. They knew it was coming. NPO hit peace mode 2-3 days ago if I remember seeing it right. So while, I thing Doomhouse could have gone about this better, in the end, Pacifica is not a victim.

Yes, Doomhouse was totally provoked into doing this. Totally.

But I agree, NPO isn't a victim. Our jackboots are too big for MK to fill, feelings of inferiority and fear of us returning is natural.

Bring it.

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[quote name='Silent Spectre' timestamp='1295966676' post='2600090']
While yes, I agree Doomhouse may have gone about it the wrong way, NPO CAN NOT play the victim as they were antagonizing everyone. They knew it was coming. NPO hit peace mode 2-3 days ago if I remember seeing it right. So while, I thing Doomhouse could have gone about this better, in the end, Pacifica is not a victim.

I wish both sides a clean, fair fight. Onward.
Knowing you are about to be attacked for no reason doesnt mean you stop being the victim of an unprovked attack. NPO havend done a thing since they paid $10 billion and 350k tech after being beat down and given a clean slate. That makes them the victim.

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I, for one, will appreciate the irony of you coming hat in hand to the likes of FAN and MK. Given the history involved it's an appealing type of symmetry.

I sure hope MK's gotten over their tendency to push for overly light terms.

Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295969626' post='2600167']
That was pretty much VE's CB. "They were running to peace, so we had to declare early."

At least VE had more to go on than just "welp, looks like they are hitting PM"

Edited by Viking
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[quote]I'm busy dismantling members from your alliance, yet I agree with you.[/quote]

Weird, indeed, Viking. I'm sitting here agreeing with every word you and Alterego say. Odd indeed.

Anyway, I know what my plan of action will be when/if my alliance's involvement is resolved.

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NPO, during karma I fought to bring down your hegemony. I recieved reperations from your noble alliance. We all fought bravely and we brought a new world order in. This is not the world I fought for where CB's can be made up just to put an alliance into the dirt. Give em hell Pacifica.

o/ Pacifica

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Unfortunately, NPO has not be given a chance to exist in this "new brave world".

It was not given a chance, because this environment is stale. And that is why it is dying. It is stuck in years passed, and there is no new dynamics.

I am sorry for all the effort Cortath and other IOs put in trying to find a place for Pacifica in this hate filled world. NPO under his rule didn't do a single transgression, a single action against even the most sensitive of moral concepts. He and IOs really did a good job and they have changes NPO from withing and outside.

It is a shame they were never given a chance.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1295971766' post='2600231']
Unfortunately, NPO has not be given a chance to exist in this "new brave world".

It was not given a chance, because this environment is stale. And that is why it is dying. It is stuck in years passed, and there is no new dynamics.

I am sorry for all the effort Cortath and other IOs put in trying to find a place for Pacifica in this hate filled world. NPO under his rule didn't do a single transgression, a single action against even the most sensitive of moral concepts. He and IOs really did a good job and they have changes NPO from withing and outside.

It is a shame they were never given a chance.

We don't need one. We were born in fire, and in fire we shall always be reborn. Such is the fate of a Pacifican.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1295971766' post='2600231']
NPO under his rule didn't do a single transgression, a single action against even the most sensitive of moral concepts.
I declare shenanigans!
The pretender to the throne bit was highly immoral.

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