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Everything. Must. Die.


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And there goes any pretense of this being a war of anything other than blood lust.

I've never supported the idea of there being a new "hegemony" but you sure are doing your damnedest to prove me wrong.

Oh well, it is actually kind of funny.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295951577' post='2599802']
You heard it here first: Umbrella is a paper tiger and no one has any interest in us aside from having some big nations.

I heard all that tech just inflates your NS. :P

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When you couldn’t trap in NPO with the same move used by them in the Karma war, a move they were hammered for by you then you just did what TOP did against you in the Bi-Polar war in a move you hammered them for. I know being on top you dont care about opinions or comical levels of hypocrisy. I’m interested to know TOPs take on this move. The OP clearly thinks there is a major difference between the two citing TOPs attack as “deplorable” and “not when against a foe of strength” amongst his comments to justify this attack

[b]So what say you TOP, happy with your new allies move after what dhey did to you only months ago?[/b]

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Golan 1st' timestamp='1295951158' post='2599794']
So MK and co. attacked them to keep oppressing and destroy all the others themselves.
Gee, that's so much better.
How much longer before the "Neutral" Alliances are targeted? They have have what they want, Money, Tech, Land! When no one is left standing to fight, who is going to be left? It is a shame that people cannot see this for what it is. What is more, once all are conquered when do you as their allies become the target? You might say it wont happen, but just look. Isn't that exactly what is happening?

Edited by Judge X
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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1295951159' post='2599795']
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I swear I had this down before you even thought about it. Surprised it actually took you this long to bring it about though. You're getting old Neverender.

Hidden behind these calls for anarchy lies the one supreme grudge between the Mushroom Kingdom and Pacifica. And you can spin that out all you like, it wouldn't work, not now, not in two years time. The FAN and Umbrella are merely tagging along for the ride.

Yes, yes, VietFAN, blah blah blah, transgressions, blah blah blah. You know what? No-one even cares anymore. FAN, you haven't been on the stage in so long that I'm surprised you were even called into action with this. In fact, I'm willing to bet that Mr Neverender here rang up Mpol on a rainy day and asked him "Hey man, want a piece of the NPO?" And the Grand !@#$%^& replied "HELLZZ YEAHH!! We still want their skins after VietFAN! They took all our guns! Boohoooo!!!11oneone" Okay, so it may not have been as dramatic as that, but I know I'm close.

As for Umbrella..pfftt..please, you actually think you have some sort of political weight here? Oh no. No no no. Antoine, you need to come to terms with the fact that your alliance is nothing more than a paper tiger of high-key nations, to be used upon the whim of those you call allies. I mean, seriously, do you really think the others in Doomhouse would call you allies if you didn't have an alliance made up entirely of bulky nations? Take your head off, and screw it back on the right way.

"Everything. Must. Die."

What are you, planks? No? Let me know when you get round to the hundred or so other alliances then. Seriously, I wanna see the likes of GATO, LSF, ODN, etc. brought down soon. Unless of course, you only apply your ideology to NPO, and people you don't like. Tsk-tsk. That would be shoddy, bad form.

Speaking as an ascended being, sitting up here on my high horse, I see nothing more here than MK becoming the very thing they seek to destroy. Karma was a tool to gather a coalition that would be ready to perform to similar standards found in the day of Pacifica's rule. I call !@#$%^&*.

Note my words carefully Neverender. I see you here, turning on your heels against the core belief that started your Karmic movement in the first instance. I mark you here, in the very spot you stand, as the aggressor in this conflict, persuing a petty grudge of yours that, were you reborn a new man, you would not put down to save your life. I acknowledge you here, as unwilling to co-operate with a peaceful alliance, who has remained peaceful for over a year, who has specifically stated that they have accelerated into a new age, a different age to the previous one. Well, Neverender...

[b][center][b]...what goes around, comes around.[/b][/center][/b]

Sir, are you mad? You seem to be expressing you anger in a very long winded approach and that is a great way to get those feelings out and into the open. Now you can begin the steps of healing those wounds you are carrying on your heavy heart.

I would also get your self a large cup of Deal With It, but I implore you to get the caffeine free as you are wound up tighter than (a) TOP.

It's a great thing that we are not doing this for public opinion, because that pretty much useless. There are obviously two sides to this curbstomp and destruction, you are not on the side of might, right?

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1295950116' post='2599774']
You're not an idiot :P
Dude I must be, I sincerely believed in MK as the refuge of the oppressed, as a beacon for all of us who once had the Pacifican/1V jackboot firmly on our heads for so long. I find myself saddened by what I see here today, really saddened :(

[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1295950350' post='2599781']
I can't say we weren't pissed but let's not say that the idea was the right choice. it sucks to be attacked for that reason, but strategy is just as good a reason to go to war as any. A CB is just a reason to go to war, our CB has been said. It's just strategy. And everything must die.
Strategy is all well and good but what of Principles? surely it was the latter that distinguished us from the enemies we vanquished during Karma?. Of course I understand the logic behind the CB but for me personally I find it too unpalatable to swallow.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295951861' post='2599810']
Sir, are you mad? You seem to be expressing you anger in a very long winded approach and that is a great way to get those feelings out and into the open. Now you can begin the steps of healing those wounds you are carrying on your heavy heart.

I would also get your self a large cup of Deal With It, but I implore you to get the caffeine free as you are wound up tighter than (a) TOP.

It's a great thing that we are not doing this for public opinion, because that pretty much useless. There are obviously two sides to this curbstomp and destruction, you are not on the side of might, right?
The only thing I'm mad at is MK being catastrophically worse than GOONS and making me hate them more than the latter.

Worry not mrwuss, I intend to direct my full attention to GOONS, when I am finished with the Mushroom Kingdom. Or perhaps I'll mop you up on the way, we'll see.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']
A first strike is not deplorable when against a foe of strength, but one must make sure their political situation is unassailable before doing so.

This is a joke. The height of hypocrisy. You think you are different from Pacifica? You are not. In fact, you are [i]twice [/i]as bad. You twist words and lie with your silver tongue to suit your needs Neverender. May you yet choke on them.

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295951995' post='2599813']
You wouldn't want to have your allies in power? Strange policy displayed by STA.

It was you !@#$%*ing about people keeping the NPO in power when you are doing the exact same thing for your allies. It isn't my fault you are too stupid to work that out.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1295951722' post='2599806']
[b]So what say you TOP, happy with your new allies move after what dhey did to you only months ago?[/b]

If you had bothered to read any of the many posts made by TOP members in the last few hours, you wouldn't be needing to ask.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295952294' post='2599821']
It was you !@#$%*ing about people keeping the NPO in power when you are doing the exact same thing for your allies. It isn't my fault you are too stupid to work that out.

Keep your rants to yourself. I explained why I think NPO wants to be the largest alliance in the game, why they need themselves to be.

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[quote name='northstars' timestamp='1295952392' post='2599822']
If you had bothered to read any of the many posts made by TOP members in the last few hours, you wouldn't be needing to ask.
What people say and do arent the same thing. If you read archons posts in the last 2 years you would know this.

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This is the worst declaration I've ever seen, and I've seen some pretty terrible ones. There's no love lost between the NPO and I, but this is pretty deplorable, even by the NPO's CB standards. Frankly, I have no problem with someone going to war for no reason at all, but at least have the balls to say that. If you're going to declare war because you feel like it, you should say so, instead of gussying it up like this and trying to make yourselves look good. The sad part about your supposed [i]cassus belli[/i] is that what you accuse the NPO of doing, their imperialistic iron fisted ruling, is precisely what MK et al have been doing since Karma.

Archon, you used to have more class than this, and you used to be a better sport. Tossing in a bunch of MS Paint images does not a LUEser make. Perhaps it's time to stop pretending and forget that you used to be a LUEser, since you have long since abandoned the ideals that they stood for.

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[quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1295952289' post='2599820']
This is a joke. The height of hypocrisy. You think you are different from Pacifica? You are not. In fact, you are [i]twice [/i]as bad. You twist words and lie with your silver tongue to suit your needs Neverender. May you yet choke on them.

To be fair to Archon, I think that was conveyed with a rather reflective tone. At least thats how I read it.

What I'm just astounded by is the number of MKers who were off their rocker decrying a move exactly like this last year. I suppose props should be given to them for having so many members active enough to spit out the party line at any point in time. Everyone does it, I'm just getting personal gratification in seeing the massive about face.

Edited by Lord Curzon
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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295952294' post='2599821']
It was you !@#$%*ing about people keeping the NPO in power when you are doing the exact same thing for your allies. It isn't my fault you are too stupid to work that out.
Settle down. I heard that it is better to use smaller words in larger print with the slow ones. [size="7"]About this size should do.[/size]

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[quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1295952289' post='2599820']
This is a joke. The height of hypocrisy. You think you are different from Pacifica? You are not. In fact, you are [i]twice [/i]as bad. You twist words and lie with your silver tongue to suit your needs Neverender. May you yet choke on them.

This is especially hilarious coming from UBD.

also xfd "[i]twice[/i] as bad"

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[quote name='northstars' timestamp='1295952732' post='2599829']
This is especially hilarious coming from UBD.

also xfd "[i]twice[/i] as bad"

There was a scientific study out about it. You didn't read that? You guys are empirically twice as bad. Pretty amazing how that math works out, don't you think?

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[quote name='Chris Kaos' timestamp='1295952488' post='2599826']
This is the worst declaration I've ever seen, and I've seen some pretty terrible ones. There's no love lost between the NPO and I, but this is pretty deplorable, even by the NPO's CB standards. Frankly, I have no problem with someone going to war for no reason at all, but at least have the balls to say that. If you're going to declare war because you feel like it, you should say so, instead of gussying it up like this and trying to make yourselves look good. The sad part about your supposed [i]cassus belli[/i] is that what you accuse the NPO of doing, their imperialistic iron fisted ruling, is precisely what MK et al have been doing since Karma.

Archon, you used to have more class than this, and you used to be a better sport. Tossing in a bunch of MS Paint images does not a LUEser make. Perhaps it's time to stop pretending and forget that you used to be a LUEser, since you have long since abandoned the ideals that they stood for.
... Holy crap. Chris Kaos defending Pacifica. :huh:

What the [b]hell[/b] have you done to Planet Bob, Doomhouse?! :blink:

Edited by Arrnea
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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295951995' post='2599813']
You wouldn't want to have your allies in power? Strange policy displayed by STA.

More important than the power is how and what you will do to obtain it, if you need to go against your own principles and become what you used despise to obtain it, power will have no value.

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