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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295946004' post='2599689']
As I'm told it, TPF and NPO thought that they could start the war by spitting in our face and still be entitled (yes, [i]entitled[/i]) to our support.

Spare me the garbage.
[/quote]Then you are told wrong. And seriously you need to get over the angered mediator thing. If you think moo did that on purpose you're really being intellectually lazy.

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[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295946112' post='2599691']
Well good to hear!

My main issue is that it takes surprise stompy time for people to suddenly come around hat in hand. While I haven't seen much for contrition anyways, the time for that to feel genuine is not mid-war.
Queenie and I discussed this well near a year ago. We also discussed it during the many wtfbbq war drills. Although to be honest I think that was also mid war :P

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295944747' post='2599638']
A reason was given bit you seem to have missed it. We don't like them.

Also men do not have migraines, while it is typically the term given even to men for vascular pain im the brain it is referred to as a cluster headache for a male in the medical books.

See, today, you learned two things.

Wow, you have no idea how funny your comment is.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295946322' post='2599698']
Queenie and I discussed this well near a year ago. Although to be honest I think that was also mid war :P
There's still the matter of that 500 member elephant in the room.

OOC: I'm long over all this OOC, but IC I have noticed that the smear campaign as a whole continued up until...well, this war. Not to mention, on further reflection, that the discussion you had may not have been taken the way you think it was taken if this is supposed to have a positive sway on me IC.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295945136' post='2599655']
Umbrella, MK, GOONS and FAN: How dare you (incidentally) disrupt NPO's march towards reclaiming a dominant position in which they'll be able to regularly bully and strongarm alliances like they did before? The nerve!
Oh come on. You certainly don't believe this.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295945934' post='2599688']I'm using my phone from work or I would supply you endless links to medical journals that state migraines are a female hormonal issue and the exact same issue in men is medically called a cluster headach. Not saying you don't have them just telling you the two sexes have different medical terms.

No, the term for men who get migraines is still oddly, migraines. I have a friend who is male who suffers from them and not cluster headaches.
Migraines and cluster headaches are two [i]diffrent[/i] afflictions, though the latter is more prevelent in men than women, it [b]is not[/b] the same condition with a diffrent name.

Try doing some research on the two.

This is just an aside because I feel you need to get some education in you.

Also; I don't know who I support in this war.

o/ Neuturals?

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[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295946459' post='2599705']
There's still the matter of that 500 member elephant in the room.

OOC: I'm long over all this OOC, but IC I have noticed that the smear campaign as a whole continued up until...well, this war.
As a whole couldn't have included myself as there was a good 7 months of hardly existing. As to the elephant, I've told them my thoughts on the matter.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295946745' post='2599714']
As a whole couldn't have included myself as there was a good 7 months of hardly existing. As to the elephant, I've told them my thoughts on the matter.
Sometimes when something is started, it is hard to stop it.

In any case, all of this has happened before, and all will happen again.

OOC: Though I've spent the same time period barely existing, as I imagine you're aware of.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295331900' post='2580449']
I'll confess I don't really expect you to pull your allies in, especially not ones tied to Big Brother. Granted, whether an alliance rides to your defense or not is not the only determining factor in what makes one a "true ally," but I can't imagine I'm the only one who read it that way upon a first pass.

The hypocrisy in this thread is strong.

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[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295946459' post='2599705'] Not to mention, on further reflection, that the discussion you had may not have been taken the way you think it was taken if this is supposed to have a positive sway on me IC.
You'll do as you want, this isn't any attempt at ic sway. You'll notice I didn't bring this up. I know where you guys stand and your reasoning for it, that doesn't mean I agree. What I didn't want was some jab by Crymson to lead others to the conclusion there is any other issue than that night, which I've addressed I'm well over. It was easier to blame others initially than it was to realize any fault in our direction fell solely on my head, not my friends or others.

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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1295946368' post='2599700']
LOL. All of Crymson's bitterness comes from [i]that[/i]? That is just way too funny.

Why would I be better? You lost. It was simply the last straw between myself and the NPO; it was the point at which I finally decided (or admitted to myself) that the NPO was a group of connivers who could not be trusted.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295945934' post='2599688']
I'm using my phone from work or I would supply you endless links to medical journals that state migraines are a female hormonal issue and the exact same issue in men is medically called a cluster headach. Not saying you don't have them just telling you the two sexes have different medical terms.

And what is with the honorable thing? Did Planet bob somehow move it's self to the time of chivalry and open doors for the weaker sex?

You can honor our might (makes right) by fetching my slippers.

On a side note I can not see the normal AA listing as I can when not using this pos iPhone for Internet access, so I have no idea which side the people I am speaking to are on.
[/quote]Cluster headaches and migraines are two different situations. They are similar in some ways, but very different in others. Men and women can suffer from both, though migraines are more common among women and cluster headaches are A LOT more common among men.
Since I am a man who is lucky to suffer from both, I can educate you about the similarities and differences between them, if you are interested.

Edited by Golan 1st
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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1295946605' post='2599709']
Oh come on. You certainly don't believe this.

From my time as a member of the NPO and from my extensive experience in working with them at the government level as an ally, I've not even the tiniest slimmer of doubt that reattaining their dominion over the Cyberverse is absolutely their ultimate goal.

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[quote name='KINGKrath' timestamp='1295932708' post='2598643']
You are acting like it wasn't before :P

Yea it was but the escalation of the drama that came on this day made the day EPIC on all front :D

Also KungFuHamster :wub:

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295948443' post='2599739']
From my time as a member of the NPO and from my extensive experience in working with them at the government level as an ally, I've not even the tiniest slimmer of doubt that reattaining their dominion over the Cyberverse is absolutely their goal.
Sorry, explain to me how wanting your alliance to be #1 is a crime again? I was under the impression that was the whole point of this [ooc]game[/ooc]

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[quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1295948260' post='2599733']
This is absurd. I will enjoy calling out each and every MK member to ever complain about a CB from now on, though. With every day that passes you make me happier and happier that my alliance is no longer associated with yours.

What is also absurd is Archon's delusional reference to us in his announcement.

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[quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1295948558' post='2599744']
Sorry, explain to me how wanting your alliance to be #1 is a crime again? I was under the impression that was the whole point of this [ooc]game[/ooc]

So sorry, but being #1 is not the goal of every alliance. I can tell you that from experience, as TOP never really pursued it.

As for Pacifica, they pursue and handle it in a way different from any alliance in the Cyberverse. Whereas some alliances may [i]desire[/i] the #1 spot and dominance over the game, the NPO's pure [i]purpose[/i] is to attain such---and they'll go to lengths far further and more extreme than anyone else to take and hold it.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, Sho, so cut the crap. I understand you arguing along battle lines--though I find it fairly sad--but you should at least try to not be so transparent about it.

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