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Why do you play?


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Why do you play CN? Honestly, I had some revelation and honestly have stopped caring about my nation anymore. It's all about the OTS, NoR and TSO community that keeps me around. I see thirty pages of bickering about CB's being right or wrong and just shake my head. Now, this isn't a thread to ***** and moan about how CN is dying or how the mods/Admin don't do **** or how players lack cojones these days. Just answer the question. Why do you play CN?

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Despite the game's political aspect heading south over the past year or so I hold out that it may improve. I also enjoy running an alliance and interacting with the various people from around the world that make it tick. My nation is not the reason I play, it is my ticket to a much bigger game that plays out outside the limitations of the game itself.

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Unlike a lot of players, I actually enjoy the nation building aspects of the game. It involves maths, which I enjoy, even if it is a very simplified version.

I also like communicating with other people and it helps to relax after a day at work. It's time consuming at times, and even though the quality of the OWF is going down very quickly, there's still some intelligent players out there who I don't mind reading about and learning about.

Simple really. I like the FA aspects and the building aspects. War doesn't really interest me; it's more of an inevitable set back to building for me.

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Politics. This war is very interesting. Although one side is obviously evil, they're putting some respectable, complicated effort into the game. The war is being coordinated like a game of chess, with people moving around their strongest bits. RIA's double sided declaration appears to be random and insane, but it's the most brilliant diplomatic move I've ever seen... a lot of the war is similar too. Politics are worthless during peace, but during war, they really shine and watching the political landscape change is interesting too. One other reason I signed up to CN was because people kept telling me about how much nerdrage was in the game - that aspect does not disappoint.

I hate the war system, but love the competitive aspects of it, coordinating with people to make a fight work.

I like working with people. I like making an alliance more competent. I like turning unwashed noobs into elite killing machines.

And I like games where you can sit around and chat. I sign up for MMORPGs just to chill. CN's even better as I could do it anywhere where I have IRC access, while doing other things in the meantime.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1295750842' post='2592768']
Why do you play CN?

As an excuse to lounge around on IRC and chat with some of the more interesting folks I've met over the last roughly 5 years. Also, there's something about the trainwreck that is the OWF that is so repulsive, yet so morbidly humorous that I find myself mildly amused reading it from time to time.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1295750842' post='2592768']
Why do you play CN? Honestly, I had some revelation and honestly have stopped caring about my nation anymore. It's all about the OTS, NoR and TSO community that keeps me around. I see thirty pages of bickering about CB's being right or wrong and just shake my head. Now, this isn't a thread to ***** and moan about how CN is dying or how the mods/Admin don't do **** or how players lack cojones these days. Just answer the question. Why do you play CN?
Yeah... the nation doesn't really mean jack anymore. I pretty much play out of habit (4+ years is hard to kick) and to stay in touch with my alliance.

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