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A Recognition of Hostility

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295384459' post='2581972']
It's all been done, NPO got there before us. The best we could ever do is a tie, and even that would take years.

from the sounds of it some of your buddies here wouldnt mind tying with them :unsure:

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295388943' post='2582104']
I've done no such thing, and to my knowledge neither has anyone who speaks for my alliance, buy maybe I missed an annoucment?

You don't need an announcement to see an attitude.

We have mutual treaty partners, hardly an "enemy". The world is not so black and white as you make it, just because we aren't best buds doesn't automatically make them an enemy.

Allies of mine have treaty partners I'm not a fan of, your point?

Ok fine, its untrue, so instead their second in command is just criminally incompetent, and played along with a spy "for laughs" instead of taking his duties as a representative of his alliance seriously and making sure his actions wouldn't hurt his alliance.

What a great defense, the second in command of an alliance is too incompetent to direct a spy attempt!

You truly are a fool. If you are not going to discuss what I said and instead resort to cartoonish exaggerations then I'll leave you to it.

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' timestamp='1295387734' post='2582068']
Haf I know you know how these sides things work and certain treaties in the past months certainly speaks to the fact that Polar and allies have made an effort to sign treaties and buddy up with people they wouldn't have under a different global political setting. Sure, it's happened before as a strategy by Polar before UJW and by NPO for quite a while in an effort to consolidate their position. It certainly worked before, take in a political pariah with useful NS as a meatshield, make them feel important, rinse and repeat. Also, let's not weaken the conversation by not recognizing a tent pole power doesn't have influence on who their partners and allies sign with, especially given that they feel like others are out to get them.
Polar isn't a tent pole power.

Ever since they $%&@ed over the coalition they built in Bipolar, they've had crosshairs on their back, and they know it. They've been desperately clinging to whatever allies they can scrounge up who seem loyal to them.

They're like GATO circa 2008.

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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295385344' post='2582001']
1. VE has a policy of allowing people who are experienced in the game to skip the academy, regardless of any personal relationship they may have.
2. In the logs posted in the OP of VE's thread Lennox tells Dajobo that he intends to tell Impero who he was so that he will be accepted faster.
3. Once your application is approved and you pass the academy (or are allowed to skip it) you are granted a full member mask.
4. Once you have a full member mask you can see the check in threads where war chest info is posted.

So yes the whole thing makes perfect sense unless you ignore all the facts, which I'm not surprised that people on your side of the fence are doing.

Ok so we all agree Impero knew who Lennox was when he signed up. Then Impero gave, VE hater, Lennox of all people full membership. Then Lennox uses that access to send Polar garbage screen shots. He then out of the goodness of his heart tells Impero he sent Polar some screen shots and he feels oh so bad. Polar comes to VE to tell them Lennox sent them screen shots and VE refuses to talk and then rushes to attack them. That is the story we all agree on correct? Your telling me that VE knew who Lennox was gave him full access and then attacked Polar within a couple days all on the word of Lennox?

You know long ago some moron tried this same thing between TPF and STA. It took all of a 1 min convo between myself and Tyga to figure out what the guys was up to and then he was Zid. Are you telling me VE was to stupid to also figure things out? Then why refuse to talk to Polar when they came with info they had a spy? Why the rush into war? They damn well knew it was a set up. And lets be honest so do the rest of us.

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[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1295331704' post='2580432']
[size="4"]A Recognition of Hostility[/size][/center]
and feel free to speak to a Polar rep if you want additional information regarding why this is silly or [b]instructions on how to join us and fire bullets at the heathens at the gates.[/b]

Emperor of Polaris

The bolded part is why Random is so epic in my Book.. If I wasn't a tiny fish in the big sea, and had some nookz, I would bounce VE with ya under your flag Polaris :P I was absent during the bipolar issues, and really don't know wtf happened, therefore it don't involve me, and I could really give two craps about something I wasn't here for.. So you have at least one tiny friend in the world still :D

Give em hell and burn em down..
Also, Polar is really the less of the two evils, if they really are evil. I would think this would have caused a small reward.. Helping them isn't just about helping Polar. Its about defending whats RIGHT.. and the Decit and Trickery of VE for using a spy to act as a spy to set up an alliance is pretty low by any standards.. I can't believe some of you " big dogs" in Bob are letting this fly under the radar.

o/ Polar

o/ Random

and grub.. darn you.. why did you do something as so stupid to piss so many off?? Your better then sponge, start showing it.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295337631' post='2580814']
[color="#0000FF"]Are we back to calling NPO Polar's Big Brother? You of all people should know better. I'd expect that sort of nonsensical accusation from Penkala or the likes, but you? Man am I disappointed.[/color]

Skipping 15 pages mostly to reply to this.

No, actually, I was making an Orwellian reference to the omnipresent Big Brother, which in and of itself was a tongue in cheek reference to the belief that most of the maneuvering that will occur during this war will revolve around trying to involve the NPO (thus they'll be omnipresent in the minds of those fighting and maneuvering, hence Big Brother).

But now I had to ruin it by explaining :(

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I don't mean to be abjectly insulting here, but I'm genuinely befuddled at why Polaris and STA believe that the things they say will be trusted. Their pasts have certainly proven that they aren't deserving of such trust.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295389312' post='2582118']
Polar isn't a tent pole power.

Ever since they $%&@ed over the coalition they built in Bipolar, they've had crosshairs on their back, and they know it. They've been desperately clinging to whatever allies they can scrounge up who seem loyal to them.

They're like GATO circa 2008.
[color="#FF0000"]or...um...you know...Polar circa 2008.[/color]

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295393203' post='2582219']
I don't mean to troll here, but I'm genuinely befuddled at why Polaris and STA believe that the things they say will be trusted. Their pasts have certainly proven that they aren't deserving of such trust.

Kind of like TOP's past to. Though. thats all I will say in this matter. I don't need to be bogged down in this with a member of TOP. You actually do have members I respect.. Though very few.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295393203' post='2582219']
I don't mean to troll here, but I'm genuinely befuddled at why Polaris and STA believe that the things they say will be trusted. Their pasts have certainly proven that they aren't deserving of such trust.
im not sure if this is World irony day or what but good lord that was one $%&@ed up post

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1295393394' post='2582228']
im not sure if this is World irony day or what but good lord that was one $%&@ed up post

I'd ask what you meant, but we'd be scolded for going off-topic. In any event, I'm aware that you dislike me, and I suspect that's at the root of it.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1295389604' post='2582124']Then Impero gave, VE hater, Lennox of all people full membership.

Hi TBB :wub:

I think thats a weird point to make. People change areas of the treaty web and even sometimes join rivals at a decent frequency. I don't think its commonplace for allliances to say, "You used to be our enemy, so now that you're a member, you won't get a full mask"

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295393203' post='2582219']
I don't mean to be abjectly insulting here, but I'm genuinely befuddled at why Polaris and STA believe that the things they say will be trusted. Their pasts have certainly proven that they aren't deserving of such trust.

Where is my 300 tech you untrustworthy sod?

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295389312' post='2582118']
Polar isn't a tent pole power.

Ever since they $%&@ed over the coalition they built in Bipolar, they've had crosshairs on their back, and they know it. They've been desperately clinging to whatever allies they can scrounge up who seem loyal to them.

They're like GATO circa 2008.

It really was pretty great when MK and TOP signed their treaty. I'm not sure how exactly that relate to VE being so desperate.

Perhaps it is all the rhetoric. We should all really cool it.


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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295393588' post='2582232']
Where is my 300 tech you untrustworthy sod?

This is getting a tad old. On the same note, though, it's just getting more and more comical how badly you misinterpreted my role in that situation.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295393203' post='2582219']
I don't mean to be abjectly insulting here, but I'm genuinely befuddled at why Polaris and STA believe that the things they say will be trusted. Their pasts have certainly proven that they aren't deserving of such trust.
Ah yes. Can't have a thread without "NpO betrayed their allies in Bipolar!" these days....

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295393675' post='2582236']
This is getting a tad old. On the same note, though, it's just getting more and more comical how badly you misinterpreted my role in that situation.

Oops, I forgot my "not serious" tags again. I know you have trouble picking up on such things and will try to remember for next time.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295393818' post='2582242']
Oops, I forgot my "not serious" tags again. I know you have trouble picking up on such things and will try to remember for next time.

Sounds good. Thanks.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1295394080' post='2582253']
It is relevant though.
I would think MK would be appreciative of what we did to help you guys out in Bipolar? Guess your still pissed over \m/ though. Than again, you can't really have a war these days without putting someone in a bad position. Damned treaty webs.... :wacko:

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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I dont really like or simply just dont care about any of the alliances involved thus far so Ill just sit back and watch you destroy yourselves; maybe allowing myself a smile too.

As for the Polaris explanation I have a long memory of Polar pulling deceitful stunts long before NpO-\m/ war; its hard to believe that an alliance historically so adept at depict and realpolitik tries to plead ignorance when it gets caught with its fingers in the pie whilst the same old names are running the show.

What a delightful day to check the forums; all the best with this to all parties :)

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[quote name='Cairna' timestamp='1295376556' post='2581699']
Generally one likes to verify that it's actual information. Human curiosity wins out in this situation. And they weren't exactly given a whole lot of time to go to VE.

Like Letum points out, when OV received info they didn't even go to the alliance being infringed upon.

They wanted a war. They'll grasp at whatever straw they can get at.
All info is actual info. If its fakes, then its someone trying to cause a war and an immediate notification to the other alliance would have avoided this war. And from what we can tell from the logs, it appears they had a day or two to figure it out.

And by your logic, Polaris wanted the war, thus making them even more guilty as this would be a deliberate attempt to cause problems.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295393203' post='2582219']
I don't mean to troll here, but I'm genuinely befuddled at why Polaris and STA believe that the things they say will be trusted. Their pasts have certainly proven that they aren't deserving of such trust.
I don't see why one must expect to be believed by everyone in order to speak their minds. I know when you were widely disliked and distrusted you wouldn't have held back your perspective either.

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