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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1294989975' post='2574879']
Actually, I did plenty (as anyone who actually had a stake in the situation can attest), and I only complain at the general lowering of IQ I have to suffer reading your posts.

OOC: Why the hell are you not on my ignore list anyways?

I only comment on how pitiful your alliance is. How can you share the same platform as FAN and I not look at how awful you are in comparison? You lot just take up space and do nothing of significance than run around like a bunch of incompetent children and expect me to be a-okay with that. FAN's the opposite, they're like the anti-SOS Brigade (btw you're welcome FAN) and I can only admire them for it.

If only more of us can be FAN's and less SOS Brigade's we wouldn't be so weak and unrightly indignant as we have become. Perhaps return to a time where we possess spines, perhaps.

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OK Guys, let us not descend into petty bickering. Remember, this is about an unprovoked attack on the Children of FAN. These little guys (and girls) don't understand all this geo-politic stuff, they are simply kids. All we ask is for a safe place to raise them without fear of a crazed terrorist running in and trying to harm them. Is that wrong? Really? If it is then I dont know whats right.

I just put my son (little Homer Homo) to bed. He was crying and I gotta tell you that rips my heart out. I just want to take care of him, to give him the best I can, the things I didn't have when I was growing up. Like the new Mattel M16. It goes BRAAP BRRA-A-A-AP BRAP BRAP. Just like Daddy's. BUT THOSE THIEVING TERRORIST !@#$%^&* FROM MFO STOLE IT AND THEY ARE GOING TO PAY!


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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1294990540' post='2574887'] Like the new Mattel M16. It goes BRAAP BRRA-A-A-AP BRAP BRAP. Just like Daddy's.[/quote]

Well then that toy is a poor imitation of the real thing. It should go more like BRAAP BRRA-A-A-AP CLICK-JAM "&%^$!!!" *tap-rack-bang* CLICK-JAM-DOUBLE-FEED "MOTHER$%#^@#%$^@#*#!!!!!!!" PULL OUT MAGAZINE DISASSEMBLE UPPER RECEIVER CLEAR JAM REASSEMBLE BRAAP BRAA-A-A-CLICK-JAM "SON-OF-A-@#*%&!!!" GET SHOT IN THE HEAD WHILE TRYING TO CLEAR STOPPAGE.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1294989409' post='2574873']
And it never occurred to you to give them a call eh? I mean, I wouldnt blame you if you were a little aggressive there. I wouldnt blame you for putting a fireteam on winters right off the bat for that matter, I would have done the same myself. But blitzing the whole bunch without even bothering to make sure they were aware of what he had done? C'mon.

As I stated earlier the entire assessment report is classified so I can't go into detail, but there are several anomalies here that do not add up. Every situation is unique. There is no one size fits all answer. In this case it was determined to be in our best interests to act as we did.

FAN will always meet violence with violence. It's what we've always done. We will determine the level of violence we respond with depending on the situation at hand.

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[quote name='SyndicatedINC' timestamp='1294990994' post='2574897']
Well then that toy is a poor imitation of the real thing. It should go more like BRAAP BRRA-A-A-AP CLICK-JAM "&%^$!!!" *tap-rack-bang* CLICK-JAM-DOUBLE-FEED "MOTHER$%#^@#%$^@#*#!!!!!!!" PULL OUT MAGAZINE DISASSEMBLE UPPER RECEIVER CLEAR JAM REASSEMBLE BRAAP BRAA-A-A-CLICK-JAM "SON-OF-A-@#*%&!!!" GET SHOT IN THE HEAD WHILE TRYING TO CLEAR STOPPAGE.

Ah, the memories of Viet Nam... Gagh, well, I'm for the M14 or M2 Carbine.

Then again, I'm also in favor of taking MFO to school to teach them the Creative Green Glass class too.

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[quote name='BossCat' timestamp='1294991253' post='2574905']
Ah, the memories of Viet Nam... Gagh, well, I'm for the M14 or M2 Carbine.

Then again, I'm also in favor of taking MFO to school to teach them the Creative Green Glass class too.

M14 or the M2 are indeed both superbly well suited for all you spy killing needs. Truly the best equipped children are using those toys instead. :ehm:

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1294983552' post='2574732']
all the fail fan crap, did FAN even try diplomacy ?

Also will Sparta want to slap FAN about via NOIR or any of the black alliances ?

FAN? Diplomacy? What planet are you from?!

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1294987094' post='2574829']
I'm saving a whole bunch of quotes exactly like this for next time you people have an emotional meltdown in public over an incident. Please, all of you, keep them coming. It's gold.

Also, I really could care less about MFO, etc, so godspeed to FAN and whatnot.

Yeah, sadly I'm agreeing with Impero here >_<.

Don't really care about MFO (aside from their calculator), but it'll interesting when some of these people get their panties bunched up when someone they actually like gets declared on for virtually no reason. I suppose the next time a single FAN nation attacks or spies on another alliance, that it's a valid reason to fill all of their slots 24 hours later without saying a word.

Basically, too many people on these forums have been so chaste for war, that they'll really jump on the smallest bit of action no matter how ugly it is.

Oh well, hopefully NOIR will actually do something about it. (I'm looking at you, OSA!)

edit: lawlz. resolution has already happened.

Edited by KainIIIC
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But MFO are good people. They share their stuff and all. I still use their infra calc...

And certainly [i]one[/i] spy ops shouldn't be followed by full scale war, and without diplomacy...

Meh, their fault if they don't have strong treaties though.

Edited by Trikoupis
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1294986449' post='2574811']
Are you implying FAN is going to get rolled?

[quote name='Desperado' timestamp='1294986543' post='2574815']
Good luck in rolling FAN, MCXA. Your support in this war will help FAN fulfill the program's needs at a much faster pace.


[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1294986730' post='2574817']
I suppose now would be a good time to point out that while FAN has gone 'paperless' they are far from friendless.

I was implying FAN was having a good run, Rolling MFO... Not the other way around... The see ya later buddies was more directed towards MFO.

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Paaaleeease. All this NOIR talk... y'all be just wantin' for us to get off our porches and go mow the grass. Y'all best be steppin' cause when I'm done with my beer I don't wanna see any of y'all NOIR talkers stealing any more gas from my El Camino in the drive way.

tl;dr good luck!

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1294989959' post='2574877']
I honestly can't tell which 'group' you're referring to... and actually I'm curious.

Quite simple. Don't you remember that lovely little Peggy-led coalition that intended on using a GOONS tech raid as a CB? Here we have FAN using a spy report as a CB, and a few members of that same coalition crying their little hearts out for the poor defenseless aggressors in MFO, whining about diplomacy. It's a lovely little clear-cut case of hypocrisy, and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1294998764' post='2574957']
Quite simple. Don't you remember that lovely little Peggy-led coalition that intended on using a GOONS tech raid as a CB? Here we have FAN using a spy report as a CB, and a few members of that same coalition crying their little hearts out for the poor defenseless aggressors in MFO, whining about diplomacy. It's a lovely little clear-cut case of hypocrisy, and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

You'll have to excuse me if I can't distinguish between the dozens of tech-raid related incidents GOONS went through, but I hardly think it's an equal comparison. I can't remember the last time MFO made any news at all, while you guys have had literally dozens of opportunities to get your !@#$ together.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1294999901' post='2574962']
You'll have to excuse me if I can't distinguish between the dozens of tech-raid related incidents GOONS went through, but I hardly think it's an equal comparison. I can't remember the last time MFO made any news at all, while you guys have had literally dozens of opportunities to get your !@#$ together.

You'll have to excuse me, I know you're prone to get angry whenever GOONS is mentioned, but use your damn head. What you're saying right now is that hypocrisy is okay, depending on who is on the receiving end. That's in direct contradiction with your previous posts in this thread, thereby making you a hypocrite in your own right. Perhaps you shouldn't allow yourself to be force-fed "information" and do a bit of research before spewing your anti-GOONS rhetoric. I'll give you a cookie if you could find the last three 'bad raids' GOONS members conducted. I'll give you a box of cookies if you could find the last three that weren't handled diplomatically and didn't leave the opposite party satisfied with the reparations. Meanwhile, you yourself are in the process of going nuclear rogue on us, thereby removing any weight your words might have had in regards to 'right' and 'wrong'.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1294989409' post='2574873']
And the criminals responsible for that walk free and haughty on the planet to this day. I wouldnt blame you a bit if you wanted to do something about *that.*


As a senior member of our paranoia and tinfoil working group , I will be quoting this to the comittee, I'de invite you to be a guest speaker there , but I'm far to paranoid to disseminate the exact location and time of that meeting ...were such a meeting actually be scheduled to occur .... Which I can neither confirm nor deny of coarse .....I'm sure you understand .

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295005350' post='2574983']
So, tl:dr - FAN attacks MFO because a single nation from MFO launched a spy attack against a single FAN nation.

This is where a sane alliance would have ZIed the offender. However this is FAN and they're bored, so nukes away.
Good sir, not a single nuke was launched :P

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1294983552' post='2574732']
all the fail fan crap, did FAN even try diplomacy ?

Also will Sparta want to slap FAN about via NOIR or any of the black alliances ?

[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1294984553' post='2574762']
So FAN didn't bother with diplomacy at all.

(Remember, in a 13 person alliance, you don't have people checking screens all day to catch these things right away.)
FAN is presently [i]conducting[/i] diplomacy. If MFO will take the time to assemble the launch times of each cruise missile and nuke from FAN nations, they will invariably realize that FAN is communicating with them via Morse Code. So far, MFO's responses in this medium of communication have been unintelligible, though I suspect that a cipher may have been employed.

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