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SkyNet and you, A possible future scenario for your Alliance

New Reverie

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[quote name='Zhaan' timestamp='1291090354' post='2526279']
I'll play the role of the un-informed and under-educated man, here. I play Cyber Nations and use the functions the game provides me. I am on a level playing ground with everyone else, as far as actual game mechanics are concerned. Then SkyNet is introduced. This appears to be basically a game add-on. Those using it properly, it would seem, would have a significant advantage over those who do not. Given that it's not available for all to use or upgrade to, this has the potential to shift the balance of power in the game. Don't take that as a compliment. SkyNet can have long term serious repercussions on the game, itself. Don't get me wrong, it looks fantastic. Looks like the type of addition many of us would have loved to have seen from admin. But, a program this significant built into the game and becoming part of the game itself, yet not readily available to anyone who would like to use it is wrong and would drive away players. I don't understand how admin could or would support this without it being available to all.

If I'm misunderstanding, someone please explain it a little more clearly. I can't see how this is any different than admin, himself, adding something to the game and saying only alliances x, y, and z can use it. Not sure I'd continue to play under those circumstances. Again, it looks great and I would love to see it tested and made public, with confirmation of admin's approval. Otherwise, I'd like to see SkyNet shut down. I'll send my son from the future to shut it down if that's what it takes....

Several alliances have systems of a similar nature in place. In addition, most longstanding/established alliances have a group of programmers who develop stuff for them, whether it be as simple as a check-in system or recruiting parser or automated application form, to something as complex as this. That is what distinguishes alliances like NPO or Umbrella or MK from the rest.

Anyways, as several of my Paradoxian colleagues have stated, I'm sure you would be welcome in TOP. We have the benefit of having a flexible FA policy, a reputation for activity and excellence, a fairly solid programming infrastructure in place and a capable staff, and well, we're the stats guys. That being said, I have no authority to grant you any kind of position, it'd be something that would have to be taken up with our council, but I hope you'll give TOP some thought

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[quote name='Zhaan' timestamp='1291090354' post='2526279']
I'll play the role of the un-informed and under-educated man, here. [/quote]

Log into CN. On the bottom left menu, you'll find "World Statistics, Tools & Links". Click it.

At the top of the page, you'll see "Cyber Nations Statistics Screens". In the bottom of that first section, you'll find "Statistics Downloads". Click that.

From there, you can DL two files. Both are in ZIP format. Compressed text files. Those will give basic info on all wars, and all foreign aid sent/received.

Those are there specifically so that people can write tools, such as this one. This isn't the only way to gather information, but it's one of the most important.

Surely you can't argue that Admin put in the ability to easily gather all of that data, and yet does not want anyone to be able to use the data?

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I'd like to invite you to the North Atlantic Defense Coalition. I think you'll find your work for the alliance would be greatly appreciated. We have a great group over here right now and I'm sure you'd be an awesome addition. That's all I'll personally say though, in the end it is your decision. Good luck to you wherever you end up :).

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I am only looking for a strong community that will embrace what i have to offer and keep me busy. I want to feel involved again and I want to feel like my efforts are noticed and appreciated. [/quote]

You'll find that in NADC alright...

While we are still among the mid-range alliances, we are fast growing into a more militarily ready Alliance and your programme will be of great use to us. On top of our long history, we are also one of the most cohesive and mature alliances out there. I strongly encourage you to sign up at http://forum.cn-nadc.net to participate in our community centred alliance and create a new dawn for the Blue Team.



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[quote name='New Reverie' timestamp='1291080623' post='2526147']

Leadership can manage who has access to what features.


Epic, I'm famous! And so is Uhtred.

Also, cool.

Though, I do have doubts to legality of said proposed logistics program (but, I must confess I didn't read the whole thread, so I do not know if it was addressed or not).

Edited by DevastationStation
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I have two qualms about this, in that I am very wary of Greeks bearing gifts, and as a general rule, people asking to be put in charge of things generally aren't people I want to put in charge of those things things. That said, you have a pretty powerful lobby buzzing persistently in my ear right now, and it's someone I'd consider to be a fairly strong character witness. He made some very compelling arguments in your favor, and backed up the perspective that this is something you are proud of and don't want to see wasted. While you say something to that effect in the OP, the motivational analysis has more impact coming from someone whose judgment I trust than from you, with whom I've only had one or two conversations in the last four years. No offense intended. That is a motivation I can empathize with and respect.

I realize this is a sellers market and you are going to have your pick of alliances chomping at the bit and promising you the moon right off the bat. Recruitment threads are like chum in a shark tank, and with the added incentive you've included here, you may as well have turned the water to blood. Even the non-recruiters are drooling.

Now, even given all that, I'm not in the habit of making an offer on anything until I know what it is I'd be buying, nor am I going to offer a job to anyone without having a much more significant conversation with them and not just about the tool. I'd much rather have a strong appreciation for what this can do than simply rely on the impulse to grab things because they look shiny. If that means someone more eager to please gets you, then I hope they provide you with a good home.

For my own part, I have a few questions I'd like answered out of the gate:

First, does it do anything with trades?

Secondly, what exactly are the security levels, how are they handled and, in broad terms, what are the differences between them?

Finally, what else is it that you bring to the table? I know exactly who you are and what you have done, and even ignoring that, simply building this thing is fairly impressive. I'm always happy to add to our number of programmers. You are, however, asking for a fairly specific job that is rather broad in scope, and as you've pointed out, your period of peak activity was quite some time ago. So what I'd like to know is either what exactly you are expecting for a job or else what your proposed qualifications other than bringing in a really nice tool to do a lot of the work would be.

You are obviously quite talented, but I'm not putting any offers on the table until I've heard what you have to say.

Edited by Delta1212
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Well, this is the most interesting development that I've seen in a while. Rev, no matter what you do make the choice that is right for you. The UNSC is different. We are new. We are experienced. We are doing something that no one has done before. And a man of your talents is needed in the Corps. We are devoted to taking everything to the next level. Check us out.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1291096089' post='2526365']
I have two qualms about this, in that I am very wary of Greeks bearing gifts, and as a general rule, people asking to be put in charge of things generally aren't people I want to put in charge of those things things. That said, you have a pretty powerful lobby buzzing persistently in my ear right now, and it's someone I'd consider to be a fairly strong character witness. He made some very compelling arguments in your favor, and backed up the perspective that this is something you are proud of and don't want to see wasted. While you say something to that effect in the OP, the motivational analysis has more impact coming from someone whose judgment I trust than from you, with whom I've only had one or two conversations in the last four years. No offense intended. That is a motivation I can empathize with and respect.

I realize this is a sellers market and you are going to have your pick of alliances chomping at the bit and promising you the moon right off the bat. Recruitment threads are like chum in a shark tank, and with the added incentive you've included here, you may as well have turned the water to blood. Even the non-recruiters are drooling.

Now, even given all that, I'm not in the habit of making an offer on anything until I know what it is I'd be buying, nor am I going to offer a job to anyone without having a much more significant conversation with them and not just about the tool. I'd much rather have a strong appreciation for what this can do than simply rely on the impulse to grab things because they look shiny. If that means someone more eager to please gets you, then I hope they provide you with a good home.

For my own part, I have a few questions I'd like answered out of the gate:

First, does it do anything with trades?

Secondly, what exactly are the security levels, how are they handled and, in broad terms, what are the differences between them?

Finally, what else is it that you bring to the table? I know exactly who you are and what you have done, and even ignoring that, simply building this thing is fairly impressive. I'm always happy to add to our number of programmers. You are, however, asking for a fairly specific job that is rather broad in scope, and as you've pointed out, your period of peak activity was quite some time ago. So what I'd like to know is either what exactly you are expecting for a job or else what your proposed qualifications other than bringing in a really nice tool to do a lot of the work would be.

You are obviously quite talented, but I'm not putting any offers on the table until I've heard what you have to say.

Way to make the rest of us look like mere plebians in comparison :v:

You've always had a way with words Delta

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1291090435' post='2526280']
I think any alliance can benefit from SkyNet
Although I wasn't particularly involved in this when it was offered to C&G (I had basic member or commander access or something minor), it honestly wouldn't be hugely useful to most alliances. It would almost be a waste to use this if you weren't in a bloc (or having some sort of shared military arrangement). Also, alliances with a low percentage of active members would also be wasting this program because of the way it facilitates targeting and the way it collects information (assuming all the features have now been added).

It would actually be a waste to give this to some alliances "bidding" here.

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