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A Statement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289328398' post='2508312']
I won't disagree with you that MK is in the wrong here. Though I can totally understand why they are angry that RV took this public. I am doubtful of the assessment that if this would have stayed private that they would have rectified the situation. The logs would have gotten perused once and then filed away. No one would have noticed that Yev and Epiphanus screwed up the negotiation.

Evil? Really? This is a mistake for sure, but I wouldn't call it evil. What is more disturbing is that it seems that MK think's it's ok to make a mistake and to still get paid for it.
Extortionists and bullies generally dont like the limelight when they try and pass themselves off as good guys. You are being too apologetic by dismissing this as a mistake; this is not an isolated incident. You need look no further than MK government members telling non MK posters to shut up or else in this thread and the previous one to see what MK have become.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289329775' post='2508328']
Extortionists and bullies generally dont like the limelight when they try and pass themselves off as good guys. You are being too apologetic by dismissing this as a mistake; this is not an isolated incident. You need look no further than MK government members telling non MK posters to shut up or else in this thread and the previous one to see what MK have become.

Can you point me to these alleged posts of MK Government members saying "Shut up or else!"?

And you are in no place to lecture me on the difference between a mistake and evil because you wouldn't know evil if it reached up, smacked you in the face for 6 months and then gave you a treaty. Oh wai....

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289329775' post='2508328']
Extortionists and bullies generally dont like the limelight when they try and pass themselves off as good guys. You are being too apologetic by dismissing this as a mistake; this is not an isolated incident. You need look no further than MK government members telling non MK posters to shut up or else in this thread and the previous one to see what MK have become.

You might even have something approaching a valid point if it weren't for the fact they were replying to people shouting about how they're suppressing free speech.

Sarcastic replies to stupid statements are far from uncommon, no matter how much you'd like to pretend otherwise for the sake of your agenda.

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1289330435' post='2508339']
So apparently the adage that all FA is done on IRC does not apply?

There is no need for this topic at all.

The point is is that there was no need for either topic.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1289330203' post='2508335']
You might even have something approaching a valid point if it weren't for the fact they were replying to people shouting about how they're suppressing free speech.

Sarcastic replies to stupid statements are far from uncommon, no matter how much you'd like to pretend otherwise for the sake of your agenda.
[/quote]But they aren't stupid statements. MK is now extorting NSO under the explicit rationale that NSO stood up for themselves and in the process made MK look bad. That NSO 'spoke out of line.' This is [i]explicit[/i] in the OP. MK is upset that they got (rightfully) smeared, and so are extorting NSO.

MK are bullies, their bullying was exposed, and what's their response? The only response a bully knows, to start pushing people around even harder.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289330597' post='2508341']
But they aren't stupid statements. MK is now extorting NSO under the explicit rationale that NSO stood up for themselves and in the process made MK look bad. That NSO 'spoke out of line.' This is [i]explicit[/i] in the OP. MK is upset that they got (rightfully) smeared, and so are extorting NSO.

MK are bullies, their bullying was exposed, and what's their response? The only response a bully knows, to start pushing people around even harder.
Oh no, poor NSO, being forced to pay the amount they previously agreed to, the horror.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289330597' post='2508341']
But they aren't stupid statements. MK is now extorting NSO under the explicit rationale that NSO stood up for themselves and in the process made MK look bad. That NSO 'spoke out of line.' This is [i]explicit[/i] in the OP. MK is upset that they got (rightfully) smeared, and so are extorting NSO.

MK are bullies, their bullying was exposed, and what's their response? The only response a bully knows, to start pushing people around even harder.

Except that isn't what they're going for, they just made a [i]really[/i] dumb PR move by demanding such a high amount.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289330597' post='2508341']
But they aren't stupid statements. MK is now extorting NSO under the explicit rationale that NSO stood up for themselves and in the process made MK look bad. That NSO 'spoke out of line.' This is [b]explicit[/b] in the OP. MK is upset that they got (rightfully) smeared, and so are extorting NSO.[/quote]

You use that word, but I don't think you know what it actually means.

It read to me like while Archon acknowledges that the demand was too high (it was), he doesn't feel the need to have it lowered when the other party decides to act in bad faith.

Frankly, MK $%&@ed up. But they aren't really under any obligation to be the bigger man when the other party decides to drag it into the mud.

MK are bullies, their bullying was exposed, and what's their response? The only response a bully knows, to start pushing people around even harder.

MK's not coming down off the original agreement despite outrage in World Affairs.

Oh dear god this is horrible new hegemony pepsi/coke just as bad as they are rabble rabble.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289330714' post='2508342']
Oh no, poor NSO, being forced to pay the amount they previously agreed to, the horror.
Except Heggo had the final word and overruled RV, so NSO actually didn't agree. MK then lashed out and extorted the money by threat of force.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1289325842' post='2508249']
No. They admit they were wrong, but because NSO accepted the terms without even trying to negotiate just so they could be martyrs and whine about it with a PR stunt, they still have to pay.

And I sympathize with that. It's akin to telling GOONS they don't have to pay reps for something just so you can complain about how they didn't pay reps. Oh wait that actually happened.
Hey, someone gets it. When you accept a deal you know is based on a mistake just so you can drag the other alliance through the dirt, you better expect to pay the price you agreed to.

[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289328398' post='2508312']
I won't disagree with you that MK is in the wrong here. Though I can totally understand why they are angry that RV took this public. I am doubtful of the assessment that if this would have stayed private that they would have rectified the situation. The logs would have gotten perused once and then filed away. No one would have noticed that Yev and Epiphanus screwed up the negotiation.
I believe it was actually being already discussed before someone pointed out that RV made this topic.

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Well like anyone on plant BoB, when an alliance like MK makes a mistake that can be seen from space [ooc]on the scale of the great wall of China[ooc] we have to mark it with a sig.

For you MK with love

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289332307' post='2508362']
Except Heggo had the final word and overruled RV, so NSO actually didn't agree. MK then lashed out and extorted the money by threat of force.
Like I said:

Oh no, poor NSO, being forced to pay the amount they previously agreed to, the horror.

[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1289332325' post='2508364']
Well like anyone on plant BoB, when an alliance like MK makes a mistake that can be seen from space [ooc]on the scale of the great wall of China[ooc] we have to mark it with a sig.

For you MK with love

OOC: It's planet 'bob' not planet 'BoB', maybe you should [b]delve[/b] more into the historical archives for a better perspective.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1289331014' post='2508346']
You use that word, but I don't think you know what it actually means.

It read to me like while Archon acknowledges that the demand was too high (it was), he doesn't feel the need to have it lowered when the other party decides to act in bad faith.
Act in bad faith? MK coerces NSO into paying a ridiculous sum yet NSO is somehow at fault because they shared what was going on with the rest of Planet Bob?
Frankly, MK $%&@ed up. But they aren't really under any obligation to be the bigger man when the other party decides to drag it into the mud.
All RV did was make the conversation public. MK's the one dragging their own name through the mud.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1289331014' post='2508346']
You use that word, but I don't think you know what it actually means.

It read to me like while Archon acknowledges that the demand was too high (it was), he doesn't feel the need to have it lowered when the other party decides to act in bad faith.

Frankly, MK $%&@ed up. But they aren't really under any obligation to be the bigger man when the other party decides to drag it into the mud.
NSO did act in good faith. MK failed to act in good faith in the negotiations.

Just because NSO didn't pick up that MK was (according to MK's story) only toying with them, and thought that their threatening demeanor was dead serious, does not mean it is NSO who was acting in bad faith by any stretch of the imagination.

The response from NSO is something that they should have expected. NSO's attitude was praised back in the day when it was applied to your enemies. NSO isn't the group that has changed since that time.

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