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A Statement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289316774' post='2508051']
I take it this means you're on your way to #mushroom for a chat?

We can exchange more than just words soon enough.

I may fall for many things, Archon's !@#$ isn't one of them.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1289316943' post='2508053']
We can exchange more than just words soon enough.

I may fall for many things, Archon's !@#$ isn't one of them.
You would do a lot more damage to your enemies by agreeing with them, you know.

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ahhh did poor wittle MK get their panties in a twist? so basically, your gov was more screwed up than NSO's and offered a high sum, which you admitted was high. then when NSO waged a PR war, MK backed down and finally admitted the amount was high in public. Yet, instead of just accepting the 3m/50t already sent, you are demanding the rest?

i hope you guys get rolled over and over again.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1289317183' post='2508057']
Most will be in the form of pictures that tell a story of a missile of desire.
oh gosh now you've got me all hot under the collar...

Edited by Voytek
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1289317231' post='2508059']
ahhh did poor wittle MK get their panties in a twist? so basically, your gov was more screwed up than NSO's and offered a high sum, which you admitted was high. then when NSO waged a PR war, MK backed down and finally admitted the amount was high in public. Yet, instead of just accepting the 3m/50t already sent, you are demanding the rest?

i hope you guys get rolled over and over again.
I hope your actions are worth more than your poorly-executed speeches.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289314380' post='2508011']
[color="#0000FF"]Nothing I did caused any harm to MK's image. MK's own actions and statements did that. You cannot hold me accountable for your own behavior.

Yes, I am aware that you are no longer in MK.[/color]

Then do not associate my actions with theirs. I may fly the flag of Umbrella but I, like yourself am my own man, that and we have nothing to do with this last time i checked.

Your conduct during this escapade has been equally as poor as mk.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Egwaterboy61' timestamp='1289315260' post='2508032']
I think not. If this nation was bearing the tag "GOONS" or really most other alliance tags, then no reps would have been asked of, and you know that.
If the nation was flying 'GOONS' we would probably attack him ourselves.

Also, @ RV:

Really RV, I don't see why you even bothered taking it public, it didn't help when we 'liberated' the money from dopp, and it only made things worse here for you.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1289317966' post='2508069']
I am responding to the OP. If MK decided to change it's position mid-thread then please, by all means, tell me.
Yeah I kind of see your point I mean no thread discussion has ever clarified or expanded on or gone into any greater level of depth into the events leading up to the creation of the thread

Responding to the OP is fine as long as you aren't doing so under the assumption that you're doing so with the fullest understanding of what's going on.

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[quote name='Boywunda' timestamp='1289314870' post='2508024']
Initial asking price, while admittedly high was agreed upon. MK was willing to negotiate down until the ever loving Rebel Virginia decided to let every one know about it (a PR mess), thus smearing MK's image. I would sure as heck hope that MK would demand the initial payment be met. Seems reasonable to me. If they didn't, it makes MK look even worse, by showing that they can be walked on. What alliance in their right mind would want to be known as letting other alliances walk all over them.

I hope this ends badly....

/o MK

The ever loving goons, gripping tight with both hands on to someone else with power, classy as always.

MK was wrong in this matter, they know it and so does the rest of bob, what is shocking, Archon opens his mouth nothing but sewage spills out, then the rest of MK hails a smell of roses yet everyone else smell sewage. (within the MK name you can also count the likes of goons and Ronin, and the others who blindly hail this crap)

Have fun all, I shall see you in Karma 2.0, MK hope your ready to beg

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[quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1289317342' post='2508062']
I hope your actions are worth more than your poorly-executed speeches.

what are you going to do? last i knew FoB no longer had a treaty with MK. if you so defensive of MK, you gonna leave FoB and join MK?

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1289318400' post='2508080']
what are you going to do? last i knew FoB no longer had a treaty with MK. if you so defensive of MK, you gonna leave FoB and join MK?
Before you accuse me of being defensive, go read my posts the last several pages.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289318109' post='2508073']
Really RV, I don't see why you even bothered taking it public, it didn't help when we 'liberated' the money from dopp, and it only made things worse here for you.

I don't get why people keep saying that. How exactly has it made things worse?

MK: You owe us 15m & 250 tech for screwing up a trade circle.
RV: Ok, we'll pay that but your demands are ridiculous and this is extortion.
RV: Look what MK did.
OWF: What the hell? Forcing payment for cancelled trades is not a good precedent to be setting.
MK: We [i]might[/i] have changed our mind about the aid but you started that topic, making us look like bullies. Now you'll pay us what you already agreed to pay us!

How is that worse?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289318109' post='2508073']
Really RV, I don't see why you even bothered taking it public, it didn't help when we 'liberated' the money from dopp, and it only made things worse here for you.

How ironic, you who constantly use the PR tool in your blog and recently made +20 posts publicizing logs of WCE are talking about make things public. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1289318400' post='2508080']
what are you going to do? last i knew FoB no longer had a treaty with MK. if you so defensive of MK, you gonna leave FoB and join MK?

Last I knew IAA and NSO didn't have a treaty, so by your amazing logic that stipulates you can't defend someone or think they are more in the right unless you're allied to them, are you going to be joining NSO?

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1289319086' post='2508094']
How ironic, you who constantly use the PR tool in your blog and recently made +20 posts publicizing logs of WCE are talking about make things public. :rolleyes:

Eh, reaching pretty hard there, that wasn't Sardonic publicizing his negotiations with other alliances, it was Sardonic picking apart the silliness found in the WCE logs that he was given.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1289319086' post='2508094']
How ironic, you who constantly use the PR tool in your blog and recently made +20 posts publicizing logs of WCE are talking about make things public. :rolleyes:
The difference being it was completely to my benefit to do that, whereas RV could have just negotiated to a reasonable price, if he hadn't so blatantly misread the situation, and have had to pay less. I guess they consider the extra money paid worth it to do PR damage to MK.

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