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Imperial Announcement from the New Polar Order


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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1287789570' post='2490891']
[color="#0000FF"]MCXA is a mediocre alliance with pitiful leaders[/quote][/color]

[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287791770' post='2490931']

as it's pretty much universally accepted that you have poor leadership.

(My apologies to Gopher. That guy is actually ok.)

You two want to back that up with any information? Please show me a mistake one of our leaders has made in the past year. Or are you just making stuff up?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287792642' post='2490940']
You two want to back that up with any information? Please show me a mistake one of our leaders has made in the past year. Or are you just making stuff up?
Poor leadership doesn't necessarily mean they've $%&@ed up, only that they haven't been [i]good[/i] leaders. A poor leader could be inactive, incompetent and unwilling to do anything.

I'll stop there, as I'd hate to deprive Kalasin of the opportunity to discuss MCXA.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1287793078' post='2490943']
Poor leadership doesn't necessarily mean they've $%&@ed up, only that they haven't been [i]good[/i] leaders. A poor leader could be inactive, incompetent and unwilling to do anything.

That's true, but that's not the kind of thing that is visible at all.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287792642' post='2490940']
You two want to back that up with any information? Please show me a mistake one of our leaders has made in the past year. Or are you just making stuff up?


[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287793469' post='2490947']
That's true, but that's not the kind of thing that is visible at all.

yes it is lol

Anyway, the point is that Random is a great leader. Whether he's what Polar needs right now is another matter, but I really like what I've seen of him, and I believe a forceful personality is what is necessary to make things more interesting at the moment.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287791770' post='2490931']

Actually, you were discussing what makes a good leader. A good leader generally entails a better alliance. Therefore, whether or not the MCXA is a decent alliance is relevant to the argument, as it's pretty much universally accepted that you have poor leadership.

(My apologies to Gopher. That guy is actually ok.)

Doesn't help when the past MoFA was incompetent, spy, untrustworthy and a traitor but, you know all about that.

Good luck NpO

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1287795113' post='2490965']
Doesn't help when the past MoFA was incompetent, spy, untrustworthy and a traitor but, you know all about that.

Good luck NpO

I don't know what you're talking about! I was only born in May 2010. Last Ditch Effort's honour has never been tarnished.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287795500' post='2490967']
I don't know what you're talking about! I was only born in May 2010. Last Ditch Effort's honour has never been tarnished.

Good one Frans. Your record is about as clean as the alliance you now inhabit.

I'm sorry to hear about Penguin.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1287789356' post='2490888']
I mean, it would have been pretty bad to brand everything we know about VE to you while you were in it

That would have been moronic considering I never once held a position of power in VE. Try again.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1287789570' post='2490891']
[color="#0000FF"]If they do not wish to hear my harsh words then they ought to learn their place and not speak out of turn. MCXA is a mediocre alliance with pitiful leaders, and TFD is unimpressive. But they're respectable enough overall to not warrant a special wrath, however, when they call out their natural betters, a dose of reality for these jesters is sorely needed.[/color]

I pretty much agree with you up until the point you insinuate NpO are their natural betters. :v:

[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287792642' post='2490940']
[/color]Please show me a mistake one of our leaders has made in the past year.

How about incompetence in the WWE?

Edited by Mr Damsky
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287795500' post='2490967']
I don't know what you're talking about! I was only born in May 2010. Last Ditch Effort's honour has never been tarnished.

That's funny your link is from before then.

[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1287797167' post='2490980']

How about incompetence in the WWE?

Well, I will admit mistakes were made there, and you know I disagree with you about there magnitude. However my point is not to say MCXA and its leaders doesn't have faults, and hasn't made mistakes. Only a few people are guilty of the hubris it takes to make that kind of claim, hi RV. My point is that Rebel Virginia and Fra- oops I mean Kalasin, Freudian slip there. Any how, my point was RV and Kalasin don't really know what they are talking about when they level charges against my alliance.

For those of you who are wondering why we're talking about this, it all goes back to RV's claim that Penguin didn't have enough personality to lead NpO. I fundamentally disagree with RV's stated, and otherwise easily observed view of quality leadership being described as having personality, attention, and ego. Those are some things that you don't see at MCXA. Apparently that makes us "mediocre". [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/PsyduckEmot.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1287798731' post='2491000']
So eternal zero infrastructure isn't wrong?

OOC: you don't need to worry, I've moved on. What you did to me, however, was abominable.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but you were a deceitful spy and a betrayer; you absolutely blasted the trust vested in you by your electorate, you sold out your alliance, and lying to your alliance and to your own electorate became a way of life for you. You were irresponsible to the fullest extent of the word. You were a traitor in the purest sense. And I wouldn't be surprised if you did it all for the attention that you so openly and desperately sought afterwards, before you attempted to evade lasting responsibility for your deeds by assuming an alias.

Whatever the things were that may have been done to you as a result of your actions, you certainly deserved them all.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1287808123' post='2491084']
Heh, I like this development.
I agree. Penguin is awesome and everyone likes him, but that's boring. I'm curious to see what this brings. I haven't seen people blaming things on random for too long.

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[quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1287810785' post='2491099']
I agree. Penguin is awesome and everyone likes him, but that's boring. I'm curious to see what this brings. I haven't seen people blaming things on random for too long.

I blame things on Random all the time. It is one of my pastimes.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1287780219' post='2490786']
If the only thing that you can remember that Almighty Grub done was honor NpO's treaties and fight in both sides of war you have some kind of memory problem for sure.
How about remembering when he lied to his wartime coalition partners about his treaties being cancelled?

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I think he means 'told them that they weren't going to activate them' or something. Let's not turn this into a Bipolar grievances thread, but Polar clearly did at the very least vastly mislead their coalition in that war and then went to fight for the other side.

I couldn't actually name MCXA's leadership. Whether you think that makes them mediocre or just quiet is up to you. I personally think that if they haven't screwed up enough to be identifiable then they're not that bad, and that MCXA has much deeper issues with membership inactivity which you can't really blame the leadership for.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1287845602' post='2491242']
Dude, i thought Dom Gobb covered this, its Haff man.

I can't remember if I was there or if I read the logs after, but I am fairly sure of reading that, when questioned about the treaty with Mushroom Kingdom and its consequences in the war at the time, Grub did reply that the treaty was being cancelled on grounds of abuse of relationship related to member misconduct towards Polaris. Said treaty that was supposed to be cancelled but ended up not being was the [i]reason[/i] Polaris declared war on its own coalition.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1287850815' post='2491299']
I can't remember if I was there or if I read the logs after, but I am fairly sure of reading that, when questioned about the treaty with Mushroom Kingdom and its consequences in the war at the time, Grub did reply that the treaty was being cancelled on grounds of abuse of relationship related to member misconduct towards Polaris. Said treaty that was supposed to be cancelled but ended up not being was the [i]reason[/i] Polaris declared war on its own coalition.
Here we go again....

*puts on his crash helmet*[/color]

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As the NSO was the only legitimately grieved party in that conflict, at least in regards to direct actions, I can state definitively that both sides of the Polar-coalition dispute did plenty to disparage and harm one another. While I personally have documented disagreement with some specific acts, that arguement died a long time ago. Considering that NSO has been beat down twice since that occurred I hardly would consider possible poor Polar-NSO relations the forefront of either alliances FA policy. Give it a rest.

Also, for those commenting from NSO and elsewhere, if the Emperor is not present, Rebel Virginia, as the Dark Lord, carries full authority within the NSO outside of aggressive declarations of war. So yes, RV speaks for the NSO unless directly contradicting or contradicted by the Emperor.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1287797167' post='2490980']
That would have been moronic considering I never once held a position of power in VE. Try again.

AlterEgo doesn't hold a position of power in BAPS yet he's more or less its face, and i'm betting most of the hate BAPS gets from the other side is almost purely from him. Point being, it doesn't really matter if you hold a position of power or not.

In any event, I'm not really sure how this conversation devolved into re-litigating BiPolar and discussing MCXA, other than congrats to Random and congrats to MCXA for gaining 600k NS in a month's time.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1287862045' post='2491409']
In any event, I'm not really sure how this conversation devolved into re-litigating BiPolar and discussing MCXA, other than congrats to Random and congrats to MCXA for gaining 600k NS in a month's time.
This thread still isn't about MCXA gaining NS. It became about MCXA when people continued to talk about them...

Congrats NpO.

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