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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286999383' post='2483779']
He accuses you of getting worked up and moaning, and your response is to deny it and then moan and whine even more?

Right on cue, one of you moralists shows up and interprets a completely humorous post as something else. SCY, you'll never get it, and I'm quite aware why...but I feel for you, man. It must suck to not allow yourself the ability to seek enjoyment out of things.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286999383' post='2483779']
He accuses you of getting worked up and moaning, and your response is to deny it and then moan and whine even more?
Disagreement is not equal to "whining". Please do not perpetuate this stereotype.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1286994308' post='2483723']
I made a new propaganda poster to express my opinion and my sharp wit. Hopefully everyone can understand its brilliance.
[Insert relevant image here]
I laughed at that. Not bad for an MS Paint job, I must say. :smug:

[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1286994939' post='2483735']
Right. Because nearly all of the alliances in PB weren't already treatied. I too am surprised at this entirely new founding of political ties. This quite obviously renders the bloc fragile.
Yes. Yes it does. :v:

[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1286996344' post='2483750']
Take propaganda lessons from MK? Hell yes. They make some of the best stuff around. Have for a long time.[/quote]
Read my response to Janova.

[quote]I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think its safe to say your grasp of international politics is shaky at best. Lets take your example of FOK and PC being together surprising you.

Would it shock you even more to know that prior to the bloc FOK and PC had a treaty? One that dates back to Mar 3, 2009.[/quote]
Nope, my grasp of international politics is just fine. I'm talking about the behaviour of both alliances. Let me know when you've figured out what I mean. I'm really not going to waste any more effort.

[quote]Bad propaganda just all around sucks, I think you'll find that if you make good propaganda, even if its aimed at us, we will still acknowledge the skill in creating it.

You didn't make good quality work. You had to explain your work. That kills it. Like any good joke, its no longer funny if it has to be explained. for example;

Why do so many math majors confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because Oct 31 is Dec 25.

Math majors are faceplaming over the pun, most others won't get it. So its not funny to them, if I have to explain it, they will understand, but it still won't be funny/entertaining.
You're still under the illusion that the image was a joke.

Protip: It wasn't.

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1286998290' post='2483768']
'worked up' and 'moaned'.

You attempted to insult our new bloc with an attempt at propaganda, and instead produced an accidental stain of liquid fecal matter on the underwear of Bob. Bob doesn't appreciate unclean undies. Bob gets worked up and moans, and those of us that maintain Bob's undies (namely those of us who give a $%&@ about intelligence, wit, and humor) prefer to change Bob's diet when required. Please mind the tightie-whities, bud.
Okay, c'mon, only an inbred ten-year old would make a statement with references to underwear and "liquid fecal matter". Damn it nippy, go sit in the corner. And change your name to nappy while you're at it. I expected better from you. :((

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[quote name='Gofastleft' timestamp='1286996962' post='2483756']
Well Duh, we all know everyone hates kriekfreak. :ehm:
[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1286998749' post='2483773']
Ah it looks like my reputation proceeded me. Excellent. :smug:

Haters gonna hate.

'Hate' is definitely not the right word to use in this case, otherwise I would've used it. One can think very lowly of someone and still not 'hate' them in the least bit. Another example that comes to mind would be Olaf_Styfe, there's zero 'hate' to him from everyone. However...

(Cue: Olaf popping up and being proud of people 'hating' him :v: )

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1286999699' post='2483784']
Disagreement is not equal to "whining". Please do not perpetuate this stereotype.

Disagreeing is not whining, but when you we get nearly a page full posts with crummy arguments formed from elaborate leaps in logic about the quality or meaning of a piece of proganda, it is whining.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287000333' post='2483798']
Disagreeing is not whining, but when you we get nearly a page full posts with crummy arguments formed from elaborate leaps in logic about the quality or meaning of a piece of proganda, it is whining.

Yes, elaborate leaps of logic should always be interpreted as whining, as the alternative is to see a point. Shame on us for assuming conducting an argument over quality of propaganda was possible without being insulted for our level of intelligence.

e: leaps, not heaps

Edited by nippy
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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1287000655' post='2483802']
Yes, elaborate leaps of logic should always be interpreted as whining, as the alternative is to see a point. Shame on us for assuming conducting an argument over quality of propaganda was possible without being insulted for our level of intelligence.

e: leaps, not heaps

I never said always, just this time. The past two pages are just typical of you though. Don't ever write anything with any substance, just mock who ever disagrees with you, and hope no one notices how wrong you are. No one would care at this point about this one picture, but all the crying over this is a bit ridiculous.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287001737' post='2483810']
I never said always, just this time. The past two pages are just typical of you though. Don't ever write anything with any substance, just mock who ever disagrees with you, and hope no one notices how wrong you are. No one would care at this point about this one picture, but all the crying over this is a bit ridiculous.

No, you're wrong, and I'm not. You're defending a horrible piece of propaganda, not addressing the actual points we're making and accusing us of whining. You have no counterpoint and are only being contrary for the sake of being contrary. Your crying over our criticisms is more than a bit ridiculous. Have some dignity.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287000333' post='2483798']
Disagreeing is not whining, but when you we get nearly a page full posts with crummy arguments formed from elaborate leaps in logic about the quality or meaning of a piece of proganda, it is whining.

Look, the fact is, it looks like a kindergartener made it. It is a crummy piece of propaganda because it looks terrible, isn't entirely clear on first look and its funny that anyone would think it was suitable for mass consumption on here. No leaps of logic there.

I know that you can always fall back on the "stop whining" argument but its not going to make any of that less true.

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[quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1287002818' post='2483823']
Look, the fact is, it looks like a kindergartener made it. It is a crummy piece of propaganda because it looks terrible, isn't entirely clear on first look and its funny that anyone would think it was suitable for mass consumption on here. No leaps of logic there.

I know that you can always fall back on the "stop whining" argument but its not going to make any of that less true.

I would never argue that its all that artistic, but why would propaganda with its quality deserve so much criticism?

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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1286562499' post='2478993']
Shame a significant proportion of the bloc hates one of your closest allies.

Yeah it is, however that doesn't affect my feelings towards them all that much.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287008349' post='2483896']
I would never argue that its all that artistic, but why would propaganda with its quality deserve so much criticism?
Probably because when we said "Uh, we don't get it", it was responded to with ":facepalm:". If you try to argue that your terrible propaganda isn't terrible, expect an argument.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287008349' post='2483896']
I would never argue that its all that artistic, but why would propaganda with its quality deserve so much criticism?

Because it sucks should be reason enough really.

Better yet, the author came in with the facepalm emote, with what amounts to "IT DOES NOT SUCK D:", and had to explain the joke. Which was then followed by you "crying" about people "crying" over poorly done propaganda. Or something.

And so now we're here.

Edited by Aurion
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[quote]Oh for the love of...that's exactly my point. MK was/is allied to some of your members. Whatever propaganda they make is obviously going to be in your favour. That's not what I'm looking for, or haven't you figured that out yet?[/quote]
I told you to get lessons on how to make it, not ask them to make it for you. So nice argument against something which I never said. Surprisingly enough, the same techniques for making good graphical propaganda apply whichever side you're aiming it at. I'm sure there's some old ex-Heg propagandists (NPO are also very good) if you want to get your instruction from someone on the 'right' side of the web, though.

[quote]Why do so many math majors confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because Oct 31 is Dec 25.[/quote]

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1287008349' post='2483896']
I would never argue that its all that artistic, but why would propaganda with its quality deserve so much criticism?
Allow me to share my understanding in the traditional GOONS way; MS Paint.


Edited by Felix von Agnu
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[quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1287025051' post='2484083']
Allow me to share my understanding in the traditional GOONS way; MS Paint.


This is unbelievably accurate. We cherish [i]intentionally bad[/i] propaganda.

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[quote name='Iserlohn' timestamp='1287175516' post='2485421']
I dub it "The Laugher Curve".
And I bet there will be people coming out of the woodwork to defend it. :v:

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1286486520' post='2478173']
I will stop to ignore your posts just for this time to make a confession: I don't have a clue of what or who "detlev" is. :v:
It is a great compliment.

We at MK usually ignore votek as well.

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Stick around kid, PB get's my vote on next power block to get rolled with all the "love" Bob shares for the alliances involved. Should be rather entertaining. [img]http://www.world-of-smilies.com/wos_essen/essen33.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Kahnite' timestamp='1288539785' post='2498038']
Stick around kid, PB get's my vote on next power block to get rolled with all the "love" Bob shares for the alliances involved. Should be rather entertaining. [img]http://www.world-of-smilies.com/wos_essen/essen33.gif[/img]

A week late to the party son, try harder next time. Would you like to suggest who is going to roll us, anyway?

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