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Pandora's Box


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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1286224409' post='2474538']
Yes? No? What are you talking about?
My apologies the last one was GOD, you all sort of blur together.

If it is a joke though, they have gone to a lot fo trouble so much so the treaty compendium now has them listed as Treaty free http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=46911

Edited by Brenann
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[quote name='Reptyler' timestamp='1286195074' post='2474149']
No, I am not referring to Ninjas at all, you misunderstand me completely. I am saying AUT is a shining example of someone who is willing to talk big, but never make a significant difference. I've been playing this game long enough to see many of his kind rally the call against evil, only to lead a suicidal charge that does nothing but waste resources. He, like you, will be forever doomed to be an armchair quarterback. You sit back and criticize all you want, but you are the coward who will never step up and make the hard calls yourself. If we make missteps, it is because we had the courage to play the game. You and your friends sniping us from the anonymity of insignificance and mediocrity can talk all you want, but until you step up and play in the big leagues, your talk is pretty cheap.

What are you on about? What big calls did VE make? You mean when they flip flop their position every week. I'm a coward because I don't wage a war against VE? Wow. That's hilarious. VE isn't even worth being attacked, and honestly, you never were. You've ridden the wave of your allies, while you failed to make a splash. Your only positive move was the creation of ZIPP which was nothing but a publicity move from every alliance who signed it. As far as insignificant goes, you're one of the ones who's been leading the charge. Even when you guys were in Q, no one ever mentioned VE, or SF for that matter, even in Pandora's Box you're still insignificant to the majority of the people (I honestly don't know why). So when will VE start to play in the big leagues instead of riding the pine.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1286224741' post='2474547']
You mock the originality of his post with that? Nice.

Btw you still haven't explained why Bilrow is a hypocrite because we attacked an alliance in "Stever Buscemi: The fantasy Bob".
Karma, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54735"]it's right in your DoW[/url]. Now stop trying to defend Bilrow's clearly hypocritical actions. NPO has waged more war over spying/spy intel than any other alliance and now you are doing what you criticized so often.

But I'm sure you'll have a lame excuse for why it isn't the same thing as what Bilrow did when really it is.

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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[quote name='Aimee Mann' timestamp='1286223754' post='2474519']
The original context is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the intended meaning of your image. It's clear where people are finding humour in the image; the vehicle is called the gayroller 2000 and it's rolling over your political enemies. By implication you are calling your enemies straight, as though that's something negative. Heterophobic and bigoted.

I fixed it for you, based both on comments from future Pandora's box members as well as the original artists intentions.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1286225993' post='2474586']
Karma, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54735"]it's right in your DoW[/url]. Now stop trying to defend Bilrow's clearly hypocritical actions. NPO has waged more war over spying/spy intel than any other alliance and now you are doing what you criticized so often.

But I'm sure you'll have a lame excuse for why it isn't the same thing as what Bilrow did when really it is.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it? Now lets examine your claim. From the topic you just linked (and hopefully read, although with those eyes I know it can be hard)

"Sethb of Ordo Verde admitted accepting a screenshot from the NPO private forum and, [b]rather than informing us of that fact[/b], chose to keep it in OV."

See the difference? Not to mention the fact that Seth got his screenie from a spy.

And you being an idiot and not seeing the difference between the two is not a lame excuse just the reality of things. Not that any of this has anything to do with the topic at hand.

Ontopic: So I hear that Pandora is going to be the biggest kid on the block when and if it is announced?

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[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1286220014' post='2474407']
Still looking for discussion on to the things I highlighted about the sales pitch on Pandora's Box.

Located [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93065&view=findpost&p=2474396]here[/url] if you missed it.
I think it's a poor attempt. I mean, at least an effort was made but the way everything was phrased and organized along with what the emphasis was put on just wouldn't be convincing to me. I always found the most convincing arguments were those who present the information in an impartial manner then presented both cases. Instead some information and buzz words were used while trying to make a case for it before getting to the "case" for or against where no real effort was put into showing the flaws of such a design and what real concerns might be, barring one perhaps all leading it to be not the least bit convincing, even if I ignore what AAs are listed. What I find the most baffling is the following quote:

[quote]SF/C&G will be kept abreast of the bloc once they are notified, and this isn't designed to diverge away from them. We all have common allies in the two blocs, and we all have no intention of creating a new side in this game. This is a way to chart our own path while still maintaining the relations we have with our outside allies.[/quote]
What they're doing isn't charting their own path but swapping Super Friends and Complaints & Grievances for who their path is dependant on for those alliances in this block. What really should be happening if they want to chart their own path is downgrade treaties if they feel stifled and having no room for independance instead of signing a bloc which will incur greater demands and less flexibility. The failure to respond to such a thought of them going about it the wrong way with this bloc leaves this question wide open making it seem as if they have no response. It can be damaging to the argument for the bloc.

All in all, a stronger case could have been made for the bloc which would better catch the attention of those on the fence and those opposed by making it more wide ranging in what it covers with greater detail in a more impartial manner.

Edited by Hyperbad
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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1286225961' post='2474584']
What are you on about? What big calls did VE make? You mean when they flip flop their position every week. I'm a coward because I don't wage a war against VE? Wow. That's hilarious. VE isn't even worth being attacked, and honestly, you never were. You've ridden the wave of your allies, while you failed to make a splash. Your only positive move was the creation of ZIPP which was nothing but a publicity move from every alliance who signed it. As far as insignificant goes, you're one of the ones who's been leading the charge. Even when you guys were in Q, no one ever mentioned VE, or SF for that matter, even in Pandora's Box you're still insignificant to the majority of the people (I honestly don't know why). So when will VE start to play in the big leagues instead of riding the pine.
VE was a Q member? That's news to me.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1286218009' post='2474368']
What's funny about this is in the past your alliance would have rolled the alliance making a post just like yours here. You are just a Grade A hypocrite aren't you.

The tears you are shedding over this topic are delicious.

Edited by D34th
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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1286222589' post='2474476']
We weren't invited to the GAYroller. :(
Probably as well, looks like a death trap. None of the group appear to be using protection. Yup, not a seat belt in sight. Lots of smiles from the group, except for PC who seem to be grasping the hot shaft of the exhaust. Where did you want to be in that pic the front the middle or back?

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286210276' post='2474266']
I also think it's hilarious that you listed the leaders of two long-term MK allies. And you wonder how you get a reputation as a traitor, hmm, LJ?[/quote]

I believe I was pretty open even during my time in MK .gov that I didn't particularly like said leaders. Nothings changed, except I'm now in a position where I should probably care slightly less about exercising my opinions in public, if anything.

That and I think you're really trying to stretch the "traitor" reference a bit more than it's willing to go. Anyways thanks for taking me back a few years! I guess I'm no longer reputable.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286213147' post='2474294']
Once, LJ Scott was a mmber of the Body Republic, the proud owner of an $80 NPO flag, then he was the victim of the system and a peer, now he is the loudmouthed system again, and calls me a crybaby--guess who's still where he was 3 years ago?[/quote]

Firstly it was $32 I believe, which was just pocket change in my paypal account. Irregardless it was a pretty £$%^&*@ thing to do.

Not sure how you figure I still am where I was 3 years ago, but anyways, I figure you were a dobber 3 years ago, and god damn you're still a dobber today.

[quote name='Aimee Mann' timestamp='1286223754' post='2474519']
The original context is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the intended meaning of your image. It's clear where people are finding humour in the image; the vehicle is called the gayroller and it's rolling over your political enemies. By implication you are calling your enemies gay, as though that's something negative. Homophobic and bigoted.[/quote]

As the creator of the image I'd like to clear up something. To say those about to be rolled are "enemies" is wrong. They're simply people I believe are fine gentleman. What you or others take from it is your call, but don't try to put meaning into something I made on my own, when you know nothing.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286224467' post='2474540']
[color="#0000ff"]Also, I must say that it is quite an honor to have made Pandora's target list. Please, try and enact your pretty vengeance on us. I think I speak for all of us when I say give us that satisfaction.[/color]

Again, it's not a list of "targets". See above.

Edited by LJ Scott
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1286213170' post='2474295']
I laughed my ass off. So much to look at, whoever made this is a genius. I really like Duncan King being stampeded :lol1: [/quote]

You're welcome :)

And it just wouldn't be believable if she was running, and putting up a fight.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1286225961' post='2474584']
What are you on about? What big calls did VE make? You mean when they flip flop their position every week. I'm a coward because I don't wage a war against VE? Wow. That's hilarious. VE isn't even worth being attacked, and honestly, you never were. You've ridden the wave of your allies, while you failed to make a splash. Your only positive move was the creation of ZIPP which was nothing but a publicity move from every alliance who signed it. As far as insignificant goes, you're one of the ones who's been leading the charge. Even when you guys were in Q, no one ever mentioned VE, or SF for that matter, even in Pandora's Box you're still insignificant to the majority of the people (I honestly don't know why). So when will VE start to play in the big leagues instead of riding the pine.
I don't know where you get your ideas, because they are clearly not related to the reality I am familiar with.

The reason you never heard about VE in Continuum or SuperFriends is because [b]we were never members of those blocs[/b]. The last bloc VE was a member in was The Initiative. When we left, we were the first alliance to cancel on NPO, ever, and got rolled for it, [i]all before your alliance ever existed[/i]. We've made decisions that have made a splash on the world, and who's even heard of your alliance? I could make a list of things VE has done since reformation that you haven't, like had a senator, been mentioned in the sanction race, been threatened with destruction by Electron Sponge, stood up for Ordo Verde in Karma, etc. What have you done?

I don't know what VE did to hurt your feelings in a past life, but you need to quit sippin' on that haterade, man.

Edited by Reptyler
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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286230610' post='2474654']
Again, it's not a list of "targets". See above.
[color="#0000FF"]LJ Scott, traitor to my most beloved Pacifica, you do not fool me. Do not think that I forgot that I took you under my wing, and made you want you are. But you proved to be unjust, and with your wine defiled everything that was pure and good in this world. So I took up the banner or justice and have fought against you and your ilk at every turn. I know you fear me, and I know that is why I am on that list. So, come on coward, face me already. Attack me. Do you worst. I can take your slings and arrows.[/color]

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[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1286220014' post='2474407']
Still looking for discussion on to the things I highlighted about the sales pitch on Pandora's Box.

Located [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93065&view=findpost&p=2474396]here[/url] if you missed it.

Since I got nothing better to do between classes...

* Alliances disenchanted with the current SF/C&G structure and perhaps looking for friends who are still on the same side but maybe don't have the negative connotations associated to each would have a new pole to embrace, and we could end up putting ourself in a position to make many strong friends.

Is there anyone in SG who actually believes this? Almost everything I've seen people be disenchanted with about the reigning powers are represented by alliances [i]in this very grouping[/i]. If you think this will make the alliances in it appear to be any [i]better[/i] on Bob, you're delusional. [font="Century Gothic"]Literally.[/font]

[quote name='Hyperbad' timestamp='1286226832' post='2474606']
What I find the most baffling is the following quote:

[quote]SF/C&G will be kept abreast of the bloc once they are notified, and this isn't designed to diverge away from them. We all have common allies in the two blocs, and we all have no intention of creating a new side in this game. This is a way to chart our own path while still maintaining the relations we have with our outside allies.[/quote]

What they're doing isn't charting their own path but swapping Super Friends and Complaints & Grievances for who their path is dependant on for those alliances in this block. What really should be happening if they want to chart their own path is downgrade treaties if they feel stifled and having no room for independance instead of signing a bloc which will incur greater demands and less flexibility. The failure to respond to such a thought of them going about it the wrong way with this bloc leaves this question wide open making it seem as if they have no response. It can be damaging to the argument for the bloc.

All in all, a stronger case could have been made for the bloc which would better catch the attention of those on the fence and those opposed by making it more wide ranging in what it covers with greater detail in a more impartial manner.


[quote]Note: PC downgraded on \m/ recently but have not publicized it. MDoAP is now ODP.[/quote]

I blame Stubbs.


[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286230610' post='2474654']
Not sure how you figure I still am where I was 3 years ago, but anyways, I figure you were a sperg 3 years ago, and god damn you're still a sperg today.[/quote]

[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286230610' post='2474654']
As the creator of the image I'd like to clear up something. To say those about to be rolled are "enemies" is wrong. They're simply people I believe are fine gentleman.

[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286230712' post='2474655']
And it just wouldn't be believable if she was running, and putting up a fight.

And people wonder why MK is a laughingstock.

Edited by mythicknight
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1286163567' post='2473848']
He had a very good point. The reason opsec is so tight within alliances is because of stuff like this. No one wants to have their plans posted on the owf so they restrict knowledge further. If every alliance was 100% loyal, members would get more information.

This is absolutely true. There's just too many loose lips in the world, and government restricting information in the only solution.

[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1286173529' post='2474018']
If this is true, will make the next 6 months interesting.

Wonder which blocs will be at each others throats first.

SF - Pandora - C&G

I don't see how any Bloc opposed to the immediate treaty web of SBG (Super Box of Grievances) would raise a quarell with any of these 3. Or any of the 3 with any of the other two because of so many common and linking treaties.

[quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1286190524' post='2474118']
What should really happen, is PB should make a bloc of blocs with SF and C&G so we can really show them who the new Hegemony® is.

I can see the headlines now... "The Super Friends save planet bob's Complaints and Grievances from the forces of evil by stashing them in the safety of Pandora's Box"

but what would we call such a thing? Pandora's Super Grievances? Super Box Complaints? Grievances, Boxes, and Friends?

<3 the Names.

[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1286225086' post='2474559']
My apologies the last one was GOD, you all sort of blur together.

If it is a joke though, they have gone to a lot fo trouble so much so the treaty compendium now has them listed as Treaty free http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=46911

Hmmmm, interesting, but with all of GOD's stunts I'm sitting on "its a joke".

MKppl: Hey Bob, mind editing this for us, thx. Tell no one, or die!!
Bob: Lol why???
MKppl: you know, for the lulz nd stuff...ppl going crazy about something so unlikely it seems impossible but they panic nd talk all the more about us...
Bob: well...ok...
MKppl: awesome, prepare for the lulzz

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286231266' post='2474666']
[color="#0000ff"]LJ Scott, traitor to my most beloved Pacifica, you do not fool me. Do not think that I forgot that I took you under my wing, and made you want you are. But you proved to be unjust, and with your wine defiled everything that was pure and good in this world. So I took up the banner or justice and have fought against you and your ilk at every turn. I know you fear me, and I know that is why I am on that list. So, come on coward, face me already. Attack me. Do you worst. I can take your slings and arrows.[/color]

Took me under your wing? I'll admit that I learnt a few things from yourself, but not as much as you seem to think. The biggest lesson I took away from you was that "lizard people potentially rule America", which you like to babble on about late at night in the NPO back channels. Fear isn't the word I'd use, pity perhaps.

Also even if I wanted to attack you, it's not possible within the mechanics of the game. Maybe in a year or so. Or sooner if people are willing to follow through with their ever so threatening words and wishes.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1286156136' post='2473710']
Their allies are heavy hitters. They are a link, a tie between the blocs, for sure. But Sparta itself is a terrible alliance, only held aloft by the strength of their allies. They're traitorous cowards as the Karma war proved. That's why they surround themselves with the top tier alliances (In terms of political and military strength), it's the only way they can survive. When this ship starts to sink, Sparta will be first in line to jump off and find new allies.

All in all, considering how terrible Sparta is, I am surprised to see they weren't invited to this bloc.

I guess you have some obsession with us. Look up in yellow pages for a good shrink.. you need one..

now, lets come back to the subject of this thread...

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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286231936' post='2474675']
Took me under your wing? I'll admit that I learnt a few things from yourself, but not as much as you seem to think. The biggest lesson I took away from you was that "lizard people potentially rule America", which you like to babble on about late at night in the NPO back channels. Fear isn't the word I'd use, pity perhaps.

Also even if I wanted to attack you, it's not possible within the mechanics of the game. Maybe in a year or so. Or sooner if people are willing to follow through with their ever so threatening words and wishes.
[color="#0000FF"]Bah. Rubbish. Everything you are is because of my kindness and magnanimity. I created you, and you betrayed me for the Reject Kingdom, and you betrayed them for the Umbrella, which has betrayed the good side for the bad side by joining this neo-UjP. Oh, believe me, you will be destroyed for this injustice and you will regret your actions.

Also, I fully expect you or one of your lackeys to attack me. There is a reason I was placed on that poster of yours and it wasn't for the laughs. You are quite serious about bringing back PZI. Well, let me tell you, I won't let you. You will rue the day you ever met me.[/color]

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