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The Best Friend an Alliance Could Have


The Best Treaty Partner  

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IAA, by far and away. When we told them we were about to get rolled in GATO-1v, and asked that they didn't enter, they flat out refused. They were in 100% and I have never seen more reliable allies. CSN comes in a very close second, though I cannot comment on their common day bonds, as I don't know them all that well anymore.

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FEAR and TOOL but they weren't added. Seriously try adding a few that [i]aren't[/i] on Supercomplaints side.

Though I will say STA is definitely up there. The decisions they made last war was made with a heavy heart you can tell. However, I refuse to vote until FEAR and TOOL are put on the ballot.

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Would have voted MK but couldn't tolerate the mistake in our name. Ented up voting for NPO for laughs. Seriously, why keep making polls when we win them everytime, no matter what?

I have a proposal. Next time, make it harder for us to win. Something like: "Who's the best friend an alliance could have?"
Option 1: MK
Option 2: Other, please explain

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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Voted MK for obvious reasons

[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284124529' post='2448793']
Legion changed from their beat-down years ago. In Karma, we weren't even considered part of CoC, as immediately when asked to go to war, we voted (Around 220-90 Y/N if I remember correctly, which says somrething considering history) and went to war in short time, dishing out more to just Ragnorak than we took in total. We also faced LoSS, and two other alliances, in total dishing out much more than we received.

Of course, the only thing CN will ever remember is GWII. [b]They will always be blind to The [new] Legion's honor and lethality.
Also, 50-5. Popularity poll.

Oh boy, you are just too funny; bolded the funniest portion. I'm sorry your favorite alliance won't be winning because another alliance gained more votes through legitimate means. But don't worry, Legion did manage to win another award after weeks of tournament voting: WAE! I'm sure that's worth something.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284124529' post='2448793']
Legion changed from their beat-down years ago. In Karma, we weren't even considered part of CoC, as immediately when asked to go to war, we voted (Around 220-90 Y/N if I remember correctly, which says somrething considering history) and went to war in short time, dishing out more to just Ragnorak than we took in total. We also faced LoSS, and two other alliances, in total dishing out much more than we received.

Of course, the only thing CN will ever remember is GWII. They will always be blind to The [new] Legion's honor and lethality.

Also, 50-5. Popularity poll.
I !@#$@#$ hate saying this, but the only response to your posts I can come up with here is "u mad?".

lmao at Legion's "lethality", by the way. Legion is and always has been really horrible on the battlefield. That's an objective fact. That and I remember its actions in GWI quite well, regardless of how long ago it was!

It's also hard to believe an alliance as notoriously inactive as Legion could bring out 300 of its members for a vote. 22-9 is a lot more believable.

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1284134822' post='2448871']
I !@#$@#$ hate saying this, but the only response to your posts I can come up with here is "u mad?".

lmao at Legion's "lethality", by the way. Legion is and always has been really horrible on the battlefield. That's an objective fact. That and I remember its actions in GWI quite well, regardless of how long ago it was!

It's also hard to believe an alliance as notoriously inactive as Legion could bring out 300 of its members for a vote. 22-9 is a lot more believable.
Again, Legion of GW1 =/= Legion of Karma.
It is a [b]fact[/b] that Legion dished out more than they lost. I dug up the old PM's, SS's, and statistics from Legion's forums. We lost 13% total NS. Ragnarok, a larger alliance at the time, lost 30% NS. This is an undisputed [b]fact[/b].

Legion had ~400 nations on the eve of Karma. We mobilized more than 340 of them for Karma. This, again, is [b]fact[/b]. Arguing against facts is arguing against a brick wall.

Therefore, you do look ignorant and stupid :)

Also, I wasn't calling illegitimate votes, I was calling it a popularity poll.

Edited by Teddyyo
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Not on the list. BAPS, from standing with GOONS until the bitter end up to the Bi-Polar war BAPS will always do what they can for their allies regardless of the risk or cost. Sometimes that can mean biting your lip and holding back at their request.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284138871' post='2448906']
Again, Legion of GW1 =/= Legion of Karma.
It is a [b]fact[/b] that Legion dished out more than they lost. I dug up the old PM's, SS's, and statistics from Legion's forums. We lost 13% total NS. Ragnarok, a larger alliance at the time, lost 30% NS. This is an undisputed [b]fact[/b].

Legion had ~400 nations on the eve of Karma. We mobilized more than 340 of them for Karma. This, again, is [b]fact[/b]. Arguing against facts is arguing against a brick wall.

Right. First of all, Ragnarok lost 24% ns in a month. Then there's the fact that Ragnarok was in a war against IRON, NPO, Invicta, and NADC as well, which obviously meant nothing. Or the fact that Legion surrendered on April 28th when the statistics you mention go from April 20th to May 20th. It's pretty easy not to lose ns (comparatively) when you only fight for 8 days while the other alliance is fighting the entire time you know. But let's not let that distract us from the truth of the mighty and vaunted Legion war machine.

Edited by Big Z
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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284138871' post='2448906']
Again, Legion of GW1 =/= Legion of Karma.
It is a [b]fact[/b] that Legion dished out more than they lost. I dug up the old PM's, SS's, and statistics from Legion's forums. We lost 13% total NS. Ragnarok, a larger alliance at the time, lost 30% NS. This is an undisputed [b]fact[/b].

Legion had ~400 nations on the eve of Karma. We mobilized more than 340 of them for Karma. This, again, is [b]fact[/b]. Arguing against facts is arguing against a brick wall.

Therefore, you do look ignorant and stupid :)

Also, I wasn't calling illegitimate votes, I was calling it a popularity poll.

You have [b]got[/b] to be flipping kidding me. Look, Legion and I have put a lot our past hatred behind us but it doesn't change the past. Legion asked for several days if they could get out of that war. You don't do that when you're "winning". We let you out with white peace since you wanted to surrender early and didn't really want to fight for the NPO at the time and were taking heavy losses. Legion got rolled in that war and did not perform well in the very short time that they were involved. I know because I fought you directly, signed my name on your public surrender post, and happened to be involved in the conversations that led to your quick exit from that front.

It is great to love your alliance, but it doesn't make it okay to make inaccurate and flat out idiotic statements. Hopefully Legion is a different alliance than it was back then, but if you're an example of what they have become then color me dubious.

Lastly, and back on topic, everyone is just going to vote for themselves or their allies. No useful information will be obtained by this poll.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284124529' post='2448793']
Legion changed from their beat-down years ago. In Karma, we weren't even considered part of CoC, as immediately when asked to go to war, we voted (Around 220-90 Y/N if I remember correctly, which says somrething considering history) and went to war in short time, dishing out more to just Ragnorak than we took in total. We also faced LoSS, and two other alliances, in total dishing out much more than we received.

Of course, the only thing CN will ever remember is GWII. They will always be blind to The [new] Legion's honor and lethality.

Also, 50-5. Popularity poll.
Was this poll created to pat Legion on the back? Are we 'doing it wrong' by disagreeing with you? The reason why Legion has only 5 votes is because most people think that they [i]aren't very good allies[/i]. Oddly enough, even if you don't like MK, some people actually do, and respect them as an ally.

[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284138871' post='2448906']
Again, Legion of GW1 =/= Legion of Karma.
It is a [b]fact[/b] that Legion dished out more than they lost. I dug up the old PM's, SS's, and statistics from Legion's forums. We lost 13% total NS. Ragnarok, a larger alliance at the time, lost 30% NS. This is an undisputed [b]fact[/b].

Legion had ~400 nations on the eve of Karma. We mobilized more than 340 of them for Karma. This, again, is [b]fact[/b]. Arguing against facts is arguing against a brick wall.

Therefore, you do look ignorant and stupid :)

Also, I wasn't calling illegitimate votes, I was calling it a popularity poll.

Wow, you mobilised 7/8 of your alliance and you fought in a war. You even lost some NS! I'm sure [i]no one[/i] else in this list has done such a thing. Almost anyone on this list can say they fought and lost NS in Karma. What is funniest is that you claim that 13% of your NS in a nuclear war is some sort of badge of honour. 13% simply shows you weren't pulling your weight. RoK was fighting more than just Legion, oddly enough. The fact they managed to deal 13% (or whatever the actual numbers were) when you were a minor side show is rather amusing and shows the might of the Legion war machine!

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1284137605' post='2448893']
How does NATO even have one vote?
NATO has two active members, I guess one of them remembered to check the OWF today.

I've never been allied to most of these people, but I can say that both the Lost World and Ronin have never given me cause to question their loyalty. Gondor could get rolled today, and I guarantee you that both of those alliances would be at our side.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284080231' post='2448253']
You're right. Neuts have a commitment to their own treaty of neutrality.

Legion gets my vote for Karma.

[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1284124529' post='2448793']
Legion changed from their beat-down years ago. In Karma, we weren't even considered part of CoC, as immediately when asked to go to war, we voted (Around 220-90 Y/N if I remember correctly, which says somrething considering history) and went to war in short time, dishing out more to just Ragnorak than we took in total. We also faced LoSS, and two other alliances, in total dishing out much more than we received.

Of course, the only thing CN will ever remember is GWII. They will always be blind to The [new] Legion's honor and lethality.

Also, 50-5. Popularity poll.

So which is it. Do you think we should be on the receiving end of Karma II, or do you think we're "lethal".

I can't fault you for your service in The Legion during Karma which was great, but kindly stick to sticking up for your current alliance. We're more than capable of sticking up for ourselves.

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1284155793' post='2449122']
You have [b]got[/b] to be flipping kidding me. Look, Legion and I have put a lot our past hatred behind us but it doesn't change the past. Legion asked for several days if they could get out of that war. You don't do that when you're "winning". We let you out with white peace since you wanted to surrender early[b] 1. and didn't really want to fight for the NPO at the time.[/b] I fought you directly, signed my name on your public surrender post, and happened to be involved in the conversations that led to your quick exit from that front.

[b]2. It is great to love your alliance, [/b]but it doesn't make it okay to make inaccurate and flat out idiotic statements. Hopefully Legion is a different alliance than it was back then, but if you're an example of what they have become then color me dubious.

[b]3. Lastly, and back on topic, everyone is just going to vote for themselves or their allies. No useful information will be obtained by this poll.[/b]

1. Fixed it for ya.

2. As far as teddyboy loving The Legion goes, he loved it so much he left.

3. Surprise, Surprise I'm going to disagree with you again because I believe that any information is useful if it's used in the right way.

I will grant you that we're 0-2 in the last two wars and I can personally vouch that paying reps from Bi-Polar sucked with a capital S. But the perception that The Legion is a waste of time is wrong. We've stuck by our treaties when we've been on the losing side of wars that we didn't want. We've built back up and with the help of our good friends managed to get sanctioned. We continue to grow and try to get better every day in every way and that shows in our NS average which is the highest it's been since before Karma.

Now that you've heard from someone who's actually in the alliance you're criticizing let me know if anything I just posted is and "inaccurate and flat out idiotic statement".

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1284158420' post='2449161']
1. Fixed it for ya.

2. As far as teddyboy loving The Legion goes, he loved it so much he left.

3. Surprise, Surprise I'm going to disagree with you again because I believe that any information is useful if it's used in the right way.

I will grant you that we're 0-2 in the last two wars and I can personally vouch that paying reps from Bi-Polar sucked with a capital S. But the perception that The Legion is a waste of time is wrong. We've stuck by our treaties when we've been on the losing side of wars that we didn't want. We've built back up and with the help of our good friends managed to get sanctioned. We continue to grow and try to get better every day in every way and that shows in our NS average which is the highest it's been since before Karma.

Now that you've heard from someone who's actually in the alliance you're criticizing let me know if anything I just posted is and "inaccurate and flat out idiotic statement".
You are such a ridiculous poster. Please continue to post.

In the same argument you claimed your early surrender in Karma was because you didn't want to stand by NPO, and then you say you stand by your allies every time. Do you think at all?

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1284126267' post='2448808']
FEAR and TOOL but they weren't added. Seriously try adding a few that [i]aren't[/i] on Supercomplaints side.

Though I will say STA is definitely up there. The decisions they made last war was made with a heavy heart you can tell. However, I refuse to vote until FEAR and TOOL are put on the ballot.

I would definitely not vote TOOL or FEAR. If I remember correctly there were a couple wars when TOOL didn't come to the defense of a treaty partner.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1284158606' post='2449167']
You are such a ridiculous poster. Please continue to post.

In the same argument you claimed your early surrender in Karma was because you didn't want to stand by NPO, and then you say you stand by your allies every time. Do you think at all?

Did we fight in Karma? Yes. Did we fight in Bi-Polar? Yes. Were we gung-ho and ready to burn every single pixel we had to the ground in either of those? No. We fought and were offered peace terms in both and after talking with our allies took them.

As I was trying to point out even though we didn't agree with the reasons behind the wars we kept our word.

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1284158420' post='2449161']
But the perception that The Legion is a waste of time is wrong. [/quote]
"Your totally subjective opinion is wrong because it contradicts my unparalleled opinion based on the objective truth!." Someone's perception cannot be wrong as it is there own. And someone who is so involved in legion cannot contradict this because they are inherently biased.

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1284158420' post='2449161']
We've stuck by our treaties when we've been on the losing side of wars that we didn't want. [/quote]
You've weaselled your way out of the last two wars before any real damage was done, and you're still complaining. [i]Great allies.[/i]

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1284158420' post='2449161']
We've built back up and with the help of our good friends managed to get sanctioned. We continue to grow and try to get better every day in every way and that shows in our NS average which is the highest it's been since before Karma. [/quote]
"We merged with some inactive to increase our NS." So really, your 'growth' has come from an outside source, and therefore you must be a good ally. Okay!

As for your average NS, it's been almost one and a half years since Karma. [i]Everyone[/i] has improved their average NS. This hardly proves your competency, and it definitely doesn't make you a good ally.

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1284158420' post='2449161']
Now that you've heard from someone who's actually in the alliance you're criticizing let me know if anything I just posted is and "inaccurate and flat out idiotic statement".[/quote]

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