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LGBT CN players...


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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283703598' post='2442672']

Also loving all the "this is stupid" and "this is irrelevant" yes who cares about bigotry as long as it doesn't apply to me :rolleyes:

They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.

[i]Martin Niemöller [/i]

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1283716915' post='2442900']
[#10355] You must cast your vote in each question of the poll.

What? There's only one poll question visible?

The other is taking great pains to remain hidden from public view.

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[quote name='NearX' timestamp='1283717082' post='2442903']
So long as they do not go on talking about it, I'm fine with it.

what about if a straight person goes on about their "it", is that a problem

if yes, how much is enough that they are "going on" about it? is it the same amount for gay and straight people? hmm...

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[quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1283720591' post='2442955']
Why not? They can't touch me over the internet so I don't really see any harm as most of them seems to be good players anyway..

Would you mind working or going to school with a homosexual? They can touch you then. OH NO! :ph34r:

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Do ask and tell, it might be juicy.

That being said. I've been on and off internet circles now for 15ish years. While I am sure there are places that are homophobic and full of Witch hunters, I have generally found that people are less judgmental than in real life and people can be themselves.

Heck, save the few of us that proudly announce our gender and our age, you really don't know if I am a 15 year old gay boy from Asia or an elderly women in Canada or something in between. We also often role-play things that we are not.

In online gaming systems there used to be about a 90/10 split - male/female if not higher on the male numbers but if you looked at character genders the ratio was quite different. Many men would role play being female because a certain class of guys were more likely to help them out or not attack them, etc. And many women would create male characters so as not to stand out.

So the moral of what I say is - we are all members of the species [i]Home sapiens[/i] (I think). That's all that really matters.

Edited by Cerridwyn
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[quote name='Cerridwyn' timestamp='1283724689' post='2443036']
So the moral of what I say is - we are all members of the species [i]Home sapiens[/i] (I think). That's all that really matters.
But if we're all just basically homo's, can't we all just get along?


(E: Thought I should point out this is a quote from a TV show, so blame Thornton Reed. Also your typo kinda screwed up my delivery :( )

Edited by WorldConqueror
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Man, is CN really this boring now that you guys have to keep discussing over LGBT rights and CN?

Also. [i]I refuse to be part of an alliance where some people have sexual relations with people from opposite sex, because men and women are different, they have different understanding, values and looks. It just seems wrong.[/i]

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[quote name='Cerridwyn' timestamp='1283724689' post='2443036']
Heck, save the few of us that proudly announce our gender and our age, you really don't know if I am a 15 year old gay boy from Asia or an elderly women in Canada or something in between.

I am actually several elderly Canadian women.

I tried to vote in this poll 3 times. Ended up nulling the vote. :((

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As a rule I try not to make my gaming decisions based on the RL sleeping partner decisions of other players. Though for the record, some of the people in RL that have been the most influential to me just happened to be gay or bisexual. Indeed, I have gay and bisexual friends and would be extremely annoyed (read pissed off and liable to take action) if they were harassed or otherwise insulted or made to feel uncomfortable playing any sort of game, including this one.

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To be serious, I utterly fail to see the correlation between someone's OOC sexual preferences (male / female / sheep / people in fuzzy suits / whatever) and how capable they are of contributing to an online community. Who the hell cares what someone is interested in as long as that person's conduct, whatever it is, doesn't become overbearing or move into the realm of poor taste.

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"Would you accept an openly gay/lesbian/bisexual person entering your alliance?"

How to say this properly. If I got an alliance application from someone and they tossed in a big rant on their real life sexuality I'd likely reject them, no matter what their the sexuality was (straight, bi, homosexual, etc). Anyone that drags massive aspects of their RL personality into a text based browser game and makes a big deal out of in IRC or the alliance forums is likely going to be trouble. Same goes for most other RL things. If someone is trying to drag large amounts of RL onto the boards right off the bat, they're likely trying to start drama.

I've never seen anyone get rejected over sexuality before, but I have seen "girls" get rejected over being way to attention seeking and viewed as a potential annoyance.

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