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[quote][size="5"][b]The Beginning[/b][/size]

In the beginning, Lord Xander came upon the Planet Bob. He found it stagnant and dark; the land was filled with the spawn of the unenlightened, and alliances of men stagnated under the weight of their own inaction and political treaties.

And the Lord Xander said, “Let there be change,” and there was change across the planet. Men of action and grandeur came out from the unhallowed halls of stagnation and heathenism, and rallied under him to hear of his plans for the world. Lord Xander called these men “acolytes” and the rest he deemed “heathens.”
There was celebration amongst the Lord Xander's chosen as they cast themselves out of the alliances and homes of those not worthy of his grace — the first day.

And the Lord Xander said, “Let there be an alliance for my chosen, to gather as others do.” So the Lord Xander made his alliance, and separated his chosen from the clan-less, unaligned who drifted without aim or action. And it was so. The Lord Xander called the alliance “The Cult of Xander". And there was a great gathering as his chosen all came together in one alliance as brothers —the second day.

And the Lord Xander said, “Let my alliance name be shortened so that men may not strain themselves to speak of my glory.” And it was so. The Lord Xander abbreviated his alliance as "CoX". And the Lord Xander saw that it was good.

Then the Lord Xander said, “Let the nations produce tech, land, and dongs, so that they may grow, and their greatness may eclipse those who do not follow my word.” And it was so. The nations produced tech and land, plebes worked to produced dongs to be taxed by the apostles; and in doing such the nations of men were able to expand and grow. And the Lord Xander saw that it was good. And nations grew and expanded, NS rose to new heights, and life was good —the third day.

And the Lord Xander said, “Let there be be treaties, so those wishing to associated with my chosen can find solace in their company, and vice-versa, and protection and tech may be shared by all.” And it was so. The Lord Xander made two great treaties — MDP's to allow mutual strength of arms and protectorates to allow the strong to protect the weak. He also made NAPs and PIATS and other treaties in between. The Lord Xander sent his emissaries across the planet to spread his word and begin friendships between those worthy alliances, to promote protection and economic growth, and separate those worthy of his grace from those not. And the Lord Xander saw that it was good. —the fourth day.

And the Lord Xander said, “Let my alliance teem with members, let all those who seek to hear of my grandeur rally under my banner.” So the Lord Xander created the Apostle of Immigration, and to everyone on the planet were welcomed into the hallowed halls of the Lord Xander and his apostles. And the Lord Xander saw that it was good. The Lord Xander blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and grow your nations to greatness as those before you have done before.” And there men from all walks of the planet could find salvation and bliss —the fifth day.

Then the Lord Xander said, “Let us empower my chosen with greatness, that they may grow and expand and rule over the other men and alliances of the planet, and guide those flocking to my banner in the proper ways to rule nations and worship me.”

So the Lord Xander empowered his 4 apostles,

and at the head of his most holy alliance;

he placed them and their nations.

The Lord Xander blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and expand; spread your influence across Planet Bob and subdue it. Rule over my flock, and with them grow and rule over all on this planet who would stand apart from you.”

Then the Lord Xander said, “I give you tech, land, dongs, and nations. With these you will go forth and help me spread my vision to Planet Bob. And with them help those wayward men who flock to my banner, for as you help them they will help you to rule this planet I place before you.” And it was so.

The Lord Xander saw all that he had made and done, and it was very good. And there was CoX, shining brightly at the heart of the Cyberverse —the sixth day.[/quote]

Sinners repent! The Lord Xander has risen again to judge the inactives and the stagnant! Here's our charter:

[quote][b]Cult of Xander Membership Charter[/b]

I. Introduction
The Cult of Xander is a group of nations who agree to submit to the unwavering power that is Xander. Upon becoming an acolyte of the cult, a nation becomes an extension of Xander himself; devoted eternally to the will of the cult. Each member of the cult is less important than the whole. Acolytes exist only to serve the greater good, and the will of Xander. The Cult of Xander resides on the Black team.

II. The Council of Five Divines
The Cult of Xander shall be lead by the Council of Five Divines. Each shall play a role in the day to day management of the Cult. The council shall debate, create, and enact policy decisions. Any disputes in council debate shall be settled by the Pope.

1. Pope - Sovereign ruler and figurehead of the cult. The Pope serves for life or until resignation. Every Pope is appointed by their predecessor. In the absence of the Pope, the Cardinal Principae shall execute his duties. The Pope has the power to set policy direction, and has the ability to remove and appoint Acolytes to positions in the Council of Five Divines.
2. Cardinal Principae - Second in command to the Pope. The Cardinal Principae takes the place of the Pope in his absence.
3. Cardinal of Internal Affairs- Responsible for the execution of internal policy, such as finance and trades.
4. Cardinal of Foreign Affairs- Responsible for the execution of foreign policy, such as embassy upkeep and diplomat management
5. Cardinal of Destruction- Responsible for the execution of military policy, such as warchest building and squad creation.

III. Amendments, Merges, and Disbandment

1. Amendments to this charter require 4/5 votes from The Council of Five Divines
2. A vote to merge or disband the alliance requires a unanimous vote from The Council of Five Divines.

IV. Admissions

1. All those who wish to apply for the Cult of Xander are expected to agree to the terms of, and electronically sign the Membership Expectations Contract. Members who fail to uphold all terms in the contract shall be subject to immediate expulsion. Once the contract is signed, there is a 48 hour question and answer period. Applicants will be accepted with 4/5 votes from the Council of Five Divines
2. Upon entrance, all new members will gain entrance into the Outer Sanctum, where they will have full protection. Outer Sanctum members have limited access to aid programs.
3. If a member of the Outer Sanctum shows promise and devotion to the cult, the Council of Five Divines can vote (with a 4/5 vote) to move him to the Inner Sanctum. Members of the inner Sanctum have full access to aid programs. Members of the Inner Sanctum can participate in debates held by The Council of Five Divines, but they cannot participate in the final vote.

V. Tech Raiding

1. Raids on all unaligned nations are encouraged. Tech raids are restricted to unprotected alliances with less than ten members, or nations without an alliance affiliation.
2. Raids consist of two ground attacks, followed by a peace offer from the attacking nation. If the peace offer is not accepted, the attacker may continue with ground attacks as soon as possible. If the nation being raided fights back, the raider is authorized to use all necessary force to neutralize his target. Raiders should know the Cult is not obligated to support them in raids gone bad.
3. All clauses in this section are subject to exception by direct orders of the king.[/quote]

Before anyone gets any bright ideas, we are protected by Poison Clan.

tl;dr: Cult of Xander DoE

IRC: #cultofxander on coldfront

Forums: http://cultofxander.info/index.php?


Pope: King Xander the Only

Cardinal Principe: 890765

Cardinal of Foreign Affairs: d3filed

Cardinal of Destruction: Lord Nettles

Cardinal of Internal Affairs: Vacant

Edited by 890765
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1283305329' post='2437701']
Somewhere KX is approving of this

Good luck!
Dear WickedJ,

I believe I've found him.


He's right there silly.


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