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3rd Triannual Report of the 6th Year of Order

Sir Paul

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[quote name='Mussolandia' timestamp='1283026915' post='2434069']
It is extremely offensive to the intelligence of an average citizen of the Cyberverse that a representative from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization would lecture the world on [i]altruism [/i]given the alliance's failure to live up to its [i]contractual [/i]treaty obligations merely weeks ago.

I really don't care what you think about GATO, but I know I for one have dedicated loads of time to helping others who I know I'll never get anything in return for. That's one thing that you can't question me on.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1283027519' post='2434081']
[color="#0000FF"]And you can't point to the lack of those that either SF or CnG are good either, particularly SF. SF, VE, FOK, and Sparta, among others, did take advantage of NPO's influence to cover for their crimes (LoFN, Rico Valian, Illuminati, Big Biz), and why they may not have been so overt as the NPO, they were still doing things that should be frowned upon. If the NPO ever regains power, which is unlikely, they will do none of the same things they did in the past. Why? The same reason we don't see SF or CnG doing them. It is bad strategy in the end, as it'll anger too many people. So how about you all drop the "but they aren't sincere in their hearts" line, which truly is a new high in showing your desperation to maintain the credibility of the the Pacifican bogeyman. Instead focus not on the things the NPO [i]aren't[/i] doing, but rather on those that SF [i]are[/i] doing.

You sunk my battleship.[/color]

Sure I can agree that there are many other alliances out there who are as bad or worse than Pacifica. However, using that argument is the same thing those inside the Super-Grievances power structure saying "well at least we haven't done the things Pacifica has." So I'd say that's irrelevant.

[quote name='Hakim' timestamp='1283028691' post='2434103']
Be careful you don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. Wow...really wow. I have heard some ego-maniacal self gratis in my day, but that was really bad man...

Altruism is what sets me apart from the other rulers here. It's why I take the time to find protectorates for poor small alliances that are getting beat down just because they haven't figured things out yet. It's why I actively seek out newer players and help give them the info they need to succeed here. With the exception of maybe WC I don't see many more people doing those things.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1283027519' post='2434081']
[color="#0000FF"]You sunk my battleship.[/color]
What is with the battleship sinking? Aircraft carriers or submarines are where its at. Get with the times.

EDIT: Hey we got a shoutout. Sweet!

Edited by Felix von Agnu
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[quote name='Cortath' timestamp='1283026611' post='2434061']
Firstly, since this is my first post in the thread, let me extend the congratulations and the warmest regards of a thankful people to the Dean of the Body Republic for this Triannual Report.

Now, Mr. Assembly Chairman: I don't particularly know why you seek to insult the New Pacific Order in a thread commemorating the August Revolution, the day of the founding of the New Pacific Order. Were you there? Did we hurt you then? Does this event somehow have meaning for you? Does it have meaning for your people?[/quote]

I never came here seeking to insult the Order. I only corrected a mis-truth. It was then your alliance who engaged me in a less than civil fashion.

I have the deepest respect for the Global Alliance Treaty Organization, Mr. Chairman, which is why I will take great pains to direct my comments towards you, the person of the Assembly Chairman, rather than that Office or your Alliance.

Stop speaking. Please. You will really help your alliance if you retreat to your inner office like a good lame duck Assembly Chairman, and stop talking publicly. I can't imagine you're running for Assembly Chairman, and if you are, you would lose. I have great faith in the wisdom of your people. So, in the interests of equity of your people and mine, why don't you stop acting as if we're some mortal enemies, and actually act as if we were allies not a few weeks ago who held a deep and mutual respect for each other, borne of out of years of conflict and reconciliation? I believe that would be in my people's interests and yours.

You may disagree. I suspect you will. And indeed, it is your right to such disagreements and even to act on those disagreements, and according to my understanding of your government, you can continue to bloviate with the power of your office until your successor is sworn in. And that is all right and good. But I'd kindly ask you not to.

Good day.

I'm glad you have respect for GATO, Cortath. I will not stop allowing the world to hear the truth just because it hurts. I've never once acted as if the NPO and I were mortal enemies. I only pointed out why you haven't committed anymore vile acts in the last few months. Almost immediately the NPO spin machine alarm sounded, and tried to make me look like I was jut out to hate on NPO. I've said many times that was not my intention.

I have already given many chances for conversation to end. Even wishing your alliance good luck on your revision of helping out un-aligns on your color sphere. I must have struck a nerve inside though for you and your allies to get so defensive about.

Good luck with your revolution and good day to you too.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1283034144' post='2434227']
I really don't care what you think about GATO, but I know I for one have dedicated loads of time to helping others who I know I'll never get anything in return for. That's one thing that you can't question me on.

Altruism is what sets me apart from the other rulers here. It's why I take the time to find protectorates for poor small alliances that are getting beat down just because they haven't figured things out yet. It's why I actively seek out newer players and help give them the info they need to succeed here. With the exception of maybe WC I don't see many more people doing those things.

This guy is rich.

First, you do what you have to do and then, you do what you can afford to do. That's how you run an alliance. Doesn't seem you have much of a clue. The fact there's much more publicity about what you do wrong than about what you claim to do right tells me a lot about your success.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1283034144' post='2434227']
Altruism is what sets me apart from the other rulers here. It's why I take the time to find protectorates for poor small alliances that are getting beat down just because they haven't figured things out yet. It's why I actively seek out newer players and help give them the info they need to succeed here. With the exception of maybe WC I don't see many more people doing those things.
[/quote]I bet you're also a very modest person, right? :rolleyes:

You are anything but altruistic and I find it laughable that you attempt to label yourself as such. First of all, the mere fact that you are advertising it means you are NOT altruistic, you're doing it for the image. But mostly, the fact that you literally lied to and played the entire WAE government to get a treaty canceled on what hardly even counts as a technicality, to save your pixels (Which weren't even under threat) like the tremendous coward that you are. You are therefore in absolutely no position to judge the NPO on anything whatsoever.

I repeat my question earlier: Has WAE removed you from power yet?

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1283037729' post='2434290']
I'm glad you have respect for GATO, Cortath. I will not stop allowing the world to hear the truth just because it hurts. I've never once acted as if the NPO and I were mortal enemies. I only pointed out why you haven't committed anymore vile acts in the last few months. Almost immediately the NPO spin machine alarm sounded, and tried to make me look like I was jut out to hate on NPO. [b]I've said many times that was not my intention.[/b]
Your guess as to why we haven't committed "vile acts" is entirely divorced from reality. We have told you, and the rest of the world, our FA intentions in great detail in many places, including this thread. And our actions have conformed to our statements, as has already been amply demonstrated by others. Yet you refuse to believe what we say. Very well, that is your right.

But how can we take your word about your intentions, when you so clearly and publicly refuse to take our word for ours?

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[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1283040371' post='2434316']
But how can we take your word about your intentions, when you so clearly and publicly refuse to take our word for ours?

One would say you can never truly know the intentions of another...therein lies the security dilemma. (For any Foreign Affairs Scholars who might understand) [Realism]

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[quote]I never came here seeking to insult the Order. I only corrected a mis-truth. It was then your alliance who engaged me in a less than civil fashion.[/quote]

Man are you out of it. Back in the day, when I was in GATO gov, I would have loved to deal with an NPO as civil as this. And once again you didn't correct a mistruth because the thing you are trying to correct was never said nor implied by anyone here. I challenge you to find one quote in this topic from anyone who has said or implied that the NPO's inaction means that they should now be viewed as a good alliance.

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1283029296' post='2434116']
I've always thought it odd that people act like there is something mystically different about the NPO that requires putting them under more scrutiny and forcing them to be "good" when no one else has to endure such nonsense. It's like people think that the "bad" attitudes and mentalities the NPO used to exhibit are somehow unique to them, rather than being sewn into the fabric of interalliance politics.

QFT... It is just sign of jealousy and/or fear in their unconscious I assume.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1283052321' post='2434452']Man are you out of it.[/quote]
Honestly, I am completely befuddled by that guy.

He compares a group of nation, in an unrelated tangent to the subject and in a childishly failed parallel, in a serious tone to murderers, and yet he is not here to insult? Not only that, it is further elaborated he received less then civil response? Where? Wait,...what?

Raga, man, you need to go back to GATO and set some things straight ;D

Once again to say, a great laid down by Sir Paul in his report, up to the high standards he has set for himself.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote]Welcome to the spin machine Ragashingo [/quote]

Yeah, the NPO spin machine no less. I spent most of my career around here arguing against NPO policies and actions, but I've always maintained that I would give you guys a chance if I thought you deserved one.

[quote]Raga, man, you need to go back to GATO and set some things straight ;D[/quote]

I've thought about it actually. I still care greatly for GATO.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1283054737' post='2434477']
I still care greatly for GATO.
So do I. I developed quite a fondness for GATO during my time there. I'm just sorry that their official representative seems so hell-bent on ruining our state-of-the-Order announcement. :wacko:

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1283018184' post='2433961']
All hail the newly apointed ruler of bob, zzzptm. Seriously, get over yourself.
Or you'll do something about it?

I've already dueled DeSouza's nation. My sense of honor is satisfied. Good day to you, sir.

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[quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1282960743' post='2433355']

[b]Rebuild the New Pacific Order into a top-tier sanctioned alliance[/b]

The Order, at the time of our last report on May 1, 2010, had but 9 million strength and was the fourth ranked alliance. Today, we are now the second ranked alliance and have over 14 million strength, solidly a member of the top-tier sanction with MHA.

[i]The Order, a top-tier alliance once more[/i]
If peace lasts long enough, I hope you all reach 20mil before MHA.

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