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a scientific analysis of recent wars


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I've noticed a trend going back several major wars.

The Unjust War - Led to the destruction of the Goon ORDER of Neutral shoving
NoCB war - defeat of the New Polar ORDER
Karma War- defeat of the New Pacific ORDER
Second unjust war - defeat of The ORDER of the Paradox
Current War - doesn't look good for the New Sith ORDER

I now realize that this is more than a coincidence. This is all ordained by the laws of physics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states a system will naturally move from a state of order to a state of disorder (i.e. randomness)

The reason for the defeat of each of the above alliances is now obvious. Over time, order will fall, and randomness will triumph. So to any alliance considering their future FA direction, I want you to realize that the involatile laws of physics has already determined the right choice - that the future of Planet Bob lies with randomness, and not order.

This is not to be taken as a threat against any ordered alliance, we bear no ill will against you. However, you must realize the laws of physics have already determined who will persevere in the end.

Edited by cctmsp13
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281858120' post='2416512']
Only problem is you could find an ORDER on almost any side of a war.

Perhaps, but in each of these case, the Order in question wasn't just an alliance, but widely acknowledged as the leader of their side.

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Gentle Persons

He's making a crucible, which he hopes will force out the truth. Quite brave, possibly futile, but .. very human.

[b]Delenn[/b]: After all, if you destroyed the Vorlons, they'll never know you won. They'll never see that you were right and they were wrong. It's about ideology.
[b]Shadow Marcus[/b]: Of course. What isn't? Order versus chaos. Choose one.

Dame Hime Themis
Order of the Black Rose

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Maybe Global Order of Darkness is next going by your analysis? Regardless ever since the Karma War ended it has become SF/CnG along with allies who have been the dominate force or main "Order" in the cyberverse by trying to maintain an edge over the treaty web by keeping perceived threats down.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281882740' post='2416654']
In this context, I suppose the Continuum-NoV War was a 'combo breaker'?

If you look deeply, you will see some member alliances of The Hanseatic League where involved, one alliance that was a part of that bloc was [b]Order[/b] of the Sword, though they wheren't in the war, their aura was.


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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1281889745' post='2416722']
If you look deeply, you will see some member alliances of The Hanseatic League where involved, one alliance that was a part of that bloc was [b]Order[/b] of the Sword, though they wheren't in the war, their aura was.

I thought of this later. :blush: Egads....it really is a trend.

(Although I think it speaks more to the lack of originality in alliance names.)

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281882740' post='2416654']
In this context, I suppose the Continuum-NoV War was a 'combo breaker'?

Nah, it's a general trend. Order can make a few minor gains on occasion, but long term, order will fall.

Besides, I imagine it was a big deal for you, but it wasn't really a major war.

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well for UjW- the Order of the GOONS was negated by the chaos of \m/ being destroyed in that same war (earlier in fact. GOONS lasted a lot longer than \m/ did.) Not to mention Polaris was on the winning side against GOONS.

as for the rest- Pacifica was technically on the winning side against Polaris; Polaris and TOP were technically on the winning side against Pacifica. Polaris was on the winning side against TOP.

so in each case, you have an Order winning. now that is the true trend :D

Edited by Dochartaigh
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