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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281332374' post='2406683']
As I stated before NSO is our friends, but if you're going to if you're going to jump off a cliff ,while holding our shirt, without letting me know anything I'll simply take my shirt off.

If I had known that's what it took to get your shirt off I'd have set that in motion ages ago :v:

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1281332066' post='2406655']
Dropping a treaty for any reason immediately after the partner is attacked is always an honorable move.

It's not like GATO was obligated to help NSO though. I'm pretty sure NSO asked their allies not to intervene.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1281332323' post='2406676']
If it upsets someone in OO, it's [s]probably [/s] definitely the right move.

lolOO, but this is a really awful thing to do an ally. Shame on you GATO.

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Can't say I'm not disappointed. I mean, they had a day to tell you, and it would seem to me that a lot was happening in that day. This looks like an attempt at an easy out from a potential war. Poor show GATO...

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1281332323' post='2406676']
If it upsets someone in OO, it's [s]probably [/s] definitely the right move.
What does that have to do with anything? You don't know me at all and probably don't know OO either.

TheRec :wub: haters.

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Man, this was one sure fire way to kill a good portion of respect I ever had for GATO.

Chock one more alliance to my "do not sign MDP or higher with" list. Very disappointing and saddening.

Edited by Bernkastel
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I for one am ecstatic that GATO made this move.

For the WAE 2010 competition, I had you guys as number 1. An incident like this that will be so fresh in everyone's minds as the voting is about to start makes it far more likely that I'll win. I can't wait for all the tech nom nom nom.

Edited by Seerow
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[quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1281332546' post='2406699']
Can't say I'm not disappointed. I mean, they had a day to tell you, and it would seem to me that a lot was happening in that day. This looks like an attempt at an easy out from a potential war. Poor show GATO...

This was considered, but when I have three allies and people just hearing through the rumor mill what's going on telling me that NSO and RoK are going at it, before I heard anything from NSO it ticks me off.

[quote]So does your cancellation clause have a time limit on it?[/quote]

No cancellation clause needed NSO broke the treaty so it became void.

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1281332629' post='2406710']
What does that have to do with anything? You don't know me at all and probably don't know OO either.

TheRec :wub: haters.

It doesn't have anything to do with your inabilities to do anything semi-decent at all. Just your alliance.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1281332831' post='2406717']
It doesn't have anything to do with your inabilities to do anything semi-decent at all. Just your alliance.
Why would you bring them into this at all then? I made a comment about Omni's choice because I know him. :blink:

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281332777' post='2406715']
This was considered, but when I have three allies and people just hearing through the rumor mill what's going on telling me that NSO and RoK are going at it, before I heard anything from NSO it ticks me off.
So you're upset because a few gossiping allies were able to give you more information quicker? Sounds fishy, like some of this whole thing was thought out ahead of time.

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First, what a stupid reason to cancel the treaty. They didn't tell you they were going to get [i]attacked[/i]? How many people actually know they are going to get attacked?

Oh god, this would make wars so much easier. Attack someone and all their allies promptly drop the treaties.

And secondly...
[quote name='AtheistRepublican' timestamp='1281332620' post='2406707']
While this is very sad to see our allies NSO loose a friend in this troubled time, I'd like to let everyone who has queried us on IRC about this to know that NATO is not GATO.

Thank you.

o/ NSO


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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281332777' post='2406715']
This was considered, but when I have three allies and people just[b] hearing through the rumor mill[/b] what's going on telling me that NSO and RoK are going at it, before I heard anything from NSO it ticks me off.[/quote] So you're saying RoK didn't tell you either? Are you canceling on them as well?

[quote]No cancellation clause needed NSO broke the treaty so it became void.[/quote]As someone else said, I'm sure they were a little busy with everything and it slipped their mind. I'm almost positive it wasn't out of spite or a lack of good faith. I feel that if the two alliances were still on friendly terms, this wouldn't be a good enough reason and the treaty would still exist. Just call a spade a spade and be done with it.

Edited by ConeBone69
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281331898' post='2406642']
We may have lost the treaty, but we still have morals.


You drop a treaty with a partner who is being curbstomped and don't even asked for your help then claim to have morals? Really?

In my opinion the reason you used to drop this treaty is BS and just an poor move exactly when your ally needed you, and I'm not talking about military help, but financial one after the end of the conflict. Luck you that NSO didn't requested help or it could look worse.

Edited by D34th
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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1281332923' post='2406724']
NSO deserves this, but you should have waited until after the war.
I would have preferred to see if GATO failed the treaty for the third time first.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1281332061' post='2406654']
So you're canceling your treaty with NSO because they didn't tell you that 5 alliances were planning to declare on them?
[color="#0000FF"]Pretty much. I do believe this deserves an immediate response, which I will give. LintWad will come along later with a more formal one.

As you all know, this incident took place before update last night. When RoK attacked only Heft was on, and I entered shortly after. During that time we were scrambling to speak to RoK and resolve this situation. By the time I finished speaking with Hoo is was nearly four in the morning, so I went to sleep.

I return about twelve hours later. I try talking to RoK again, and then the other Sith Lords, most whom usually do not dabble in FA. Heft then informs me that RoK was planning on hitting us. We immediately get in touch with Omni, but it seems he already knew. Heft or someone had sent him all the logs we had of last night.

That's the short story. But still, GATO seems to have known before we even told them. So, what he have here is kind of rubbish in my opinion. We informed them within twelve hours of it happening, and since most of this took place in the wee hours of the morning, informing others was not on our minds. Not yet at least, and even more so because we were still convinced this was resolved.

Still, it is understandable, but disappointing. While it is true GATO was an often neglected ally, and that was never fair on our part, we had hoped of fostering closer relations as of late, and GATO was our highest priority. But with events turning out how they have, it may simply have been too late.

Nevertheless, I still find this someone disheartening, especially considering that once enough Lord were rallied to discuss the situation, when we told our allies GATO was the first we told of the situation. Considering we knew less than they did for the majority of this situation, I do not find anything we did to be slow or a violation of this treaty.

Still, if it was not this it may have been something else. All I can say is this is disappointing to see.[/color]

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