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Decree of the Sith

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281312879' post='2405387']
I doubt very much that the NSO's treaties include a "request for help" clause. Thus I'm going to conclude that any treaty partner not defending the Legion of Brown is led by lying cowards.

Guess I was wrong about you. What a bias comment.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281366986' post='2407575']
I wish people liked us. I wish people would greet us with rainbows and hugs and kisses and cookies every time we walk into a thread.

wow that's a full rainbow, all the way, a double rainbow? oh my gosh!

we hug because it's cold outside

there were marshmallow kisses at some point?!?

and cookies!

Edited by Gn0xious Jr
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I really like the idea of not having to do any work b/c yall have chosen the boring way out, but have to admit I find it pretty boring.

best of luck in your fight and say hi to Feroz for me.

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[quote name='bkphysics' timestamp='1281365820' post='2407531']
Exactly. The political capital that would be needed to cause the NSO to band is simply not there and to be honest, disbanding any alliance forcibly seems to be a move that is beyond the reach of any alliance. The thing to focus on would be has GOD ever successfully disbanded an alliance via force like it is being alluded to? As well, what ramifications would they suffer in this case?

Surely no one is that blindly ignorant to think they can disband an alliance by force and not get the biggest curbstomp beating of the planet put on them.

Uh yes, yes we have. Terry Howard and his ilk were wiped from this earth. Edit: Hmm. I remember that we went to war with them, but Rok did the disbanding in the second war for breach of surrender terms. Blast. That's not on our list of accomplishments. *shrug* Nothing wrong with admitting an error. Something NSO should learn to do more of, IMO. But you'll probably just toss that out as unbeliever's propaganda. Whatevs man.

Also @ the current pages: white peace. We gave that out before it was the kewl thing to do. CCC can attest to that. We're the ones who do things, and don't bother with whether we're liked for it or not (It's why I like us). Get your facts right NSO. You moan and whine far too much to just be peddling the bs to yourselves, and it's disconcerting that people will look at these current pages and just swallow the steaming piles whole.

Edited by thisperson
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[quote name='thisperson' timestamp='1281374413' post='2407811']

Also @ the current pages: white peace. We gave that out before it was the kewl thing to do. CCC can attest to that.

You know, I said the same thing yesterday. It always made me laugh a little inside when NSO were running around shouting about how they started the white peace fad. From recollection (and I'm sure we weren't the first to do it) but I can't recall anyone before us in the WoTC against CCC to give white peace (to reaffirm this before someone shouts they did it first, I'm sure someone probably did it first), and we've done it regularly to those we don't have a history with, or a desire to see suffer.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281312879' post='2405387']
I doubt very much that the NSO's treaties include a "request for help" clause. Thus I'm going to conclude that any treaty partner not defending the Legion of Brown is led by lying cowards.

The Treaty at Bakura does specifically state that help is to be requested.

From the first paragraph of Aticle IV

[i]If another party takes aggressive action against one of the undersigned, the other shall be obligated to provide moral, diplomatic, financial, and military support as requested.[/i]

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[quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1281373731' post='2407795']
Bias? On Planet Bob? Dear lord, say it isn't so!

There a few people I find who would make unbias posts regardless of their alliance affiliation (at least so far). Ironically enough one of those people I consider, resides in your alliance.

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[quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1281376908' post='2407896']
There a few people I find who would make unbias posts regardless of their alliance affiliation (at least so far). Ironically enough one of those people I consider, resides in your alliance.

Thankfully, doppelganger doesnt have a bias. His word is pure and holy.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1281366183' post='2407541']
The Emperor goes on a pilgrimage with the royal family and drama breaks out in the world. Who would have thunk it. Oh well.

Anyone with half a brain cell in NSO could have ended this without a war. The first rule of recruiting is to not accept someone at war with another alliance. RoK has every right to attack NSO over this for the incompetence that has been shown. I am not saying that they did everything they could to avoid the conflict but their cause is a valid one and if some of you would pull your heads out of your partisan holes you would agree. I am surprised at a few of the people I see in here criticizing RoK's actions because the same people have gone to war, or at least threatened war over less in the recent past.

Oh well back to my pilgrimage. Ta ta.

PS: The tinfoily posts from some of the TPF members in the beginning of this discussion are hilarious.
[/quote]Youd expect this from RV or myself, but not heft. I was floored when i saw what had happened.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281312879' post='2405387']
I doubt very much that the NSO's treaties include a "request for help" clause. Thus I'm going to conclude that any treaty partner not defending the Legion of Brown is led by lying cowards.

[quote name='Ashoka the Great']
The treaty doesn't actually give the NPO an 'out' here. I'm not going to bother reading the NSO's other treaties, but I expect the same applies to those as well.

Note that transitioning from baiting into whining isn't likely to make the baiting any more successful than it was. It also won't help make your behavior any less transparent.

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[quote name='m3g4tr0n' timestamp='1281382741' post='2408128']
o/ NSO! May your cowardly enemies glow for many years to come.

While it likely won't happen this go around, I can assure you they'll get their comeuppance. I have a very long memory for these kinds of things. I'll see every one of these cowards burn eventually.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1281384465' post='2408187']
While it likely won't happen this go around, I can assure you they'll get their comeuppance. I have a very long memory for these kinds of things. I'll see every one of these cowards burn eventually.
Dopp, you guys need to learn to avoid these one sided wars long before you can set off on your vengeance. "These aren't the droids your looking for"

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1281384717' post='2408201']
Dopp, you guys need to learn to avoid these one sided wars long before you can set off on your vengeance. "These aren't the droids your looking for"

You're right, but my Magic 8 Ball failed to alert me that RoK would declare an aggressive war on us over $6 million worth of aid sent to a member of ours that they were attacking with no reason as to why they were attacking him given to us.

Time for a new Magic 8 Ball.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1281384948' post='2408216']
You're right, but my Magic 8 Ball failed to alert me that RoK would declare an aggressive war on us over $6 million worth of aid sent to a member of ours that they were attacking with no reason as to why they were attacking him given to us.

Time for a new Magic 8 Ball.
Come on now, I had been back in country just a couple hours prior to the beginnings of this shin dig and had sleuthed out the issue at hand, you're SITH, your senses should have alerted you.

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1281315210' post='2405619']
Why is this not a solid CB? "If you aid the member that went rogue on two of our protectorate's nations, that same member that we are currently attacking for going rogue on our protectorate's nations, that same member that you accepted after knowing (or at least, should have known) was going rogue on our protectorates nations, [b][i]we will declare war on you[/i]." Aid gets sent, war gets declared. One hundred percent valid, I don't even see how it can be argued.
I agree with this. NSO tried to call RoK's bluff and lost. Whether RoK wanted war or not doesn't really matter, there was always a solution for NSO that would have prevented war. It was their choice not to take that solution for whatever reason (pride, principles, belligerence, whatever) and thus war happened.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1281384948' post='2408216']
You're right, but my Magic 8 Ball failed to alert me that RoK would declare an aggressive war on us over $6 million worth of aid sent to a member of ours that they were attacking with no reason as to why they were attacking him given to us.

Time for a new Magic 8 Ball.
You tried to call a bluff when they weren't bluffing. You lost. Take your lumps.

("You" is technically Heft, but it's the NSO's responsibility that their representatives on the foreign affairs stage aren't completely incompetent.)

EDIT: simultaneous post with Kowalski - great minds think alike?

Edited by Arcturus Jefferson
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[quote name='thisperson' timestamp='1281374413' post='2407811']
Nothing wrong with admitting an error. Something NSO should learn to do more of, IMO.[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]I hate to interrupt you little tirade, but haven't I and several others already explained that the aid never should have been sent, and that it was a mistake on our part? In fact, I did that as soon as I spoke with Hoo.[/color]

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281384602' post='2408193']
Don't forget their cowardly allies.

You know....like Invicta.

The last war was justified. This is just an excuse for Hoo and company to gang up on NSO.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281384602' post='2408193']
Don't forget their cowardly allies.

You know....like Invicta.
[/quote]Come now, are we [i]still[/i] trying to goad NPO and friends into war? Don't you realize how silly this makes you look now?

"Lol at the conspiracy theorists, like we care if NPO enters this... But seriously, you're all a bunch of cowards!"

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1281386468' post='2408281']
Come now, are we [i]still[/i] trying to goad NPO and friends into war? Don't you realize how silly this makes you look now?

"Lol at the conspiracy theorists, like we care if NPO enters this... But seriously, you're all a bunch of cowards!"
If you feel so strongly about this why don't you jump to the defense of NSO?

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