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I have a confession to make

Krunk the Great

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[quote name='Taget' timestamp='1280502824' post='2395043']
Now clearly (and this is unfortunate) the non-aligned in CN don't have any chance whatsoever anymore. But to say no one is in their alliance for the community is rather foolish since there are so many viable alliances to choose from. I've had the unfortunate task of merging alliances and the first thing I looked at was community. Not treaties or "sides." Not power. Because this game is a very long term game that tends not to be very exciting. It is community that makes it worthwhile. It trumps the random bits of infra one can buy back quickly enough after a war anyway.

Of course to say you looked for the most powerful alliance is ridiculous because there are a number of alliances more powerful or loaded with stats than the NSO. That is not to say the NSO is a bad alliance or weak. It isn't. It's a pretty good choice. And you must've seen something in their style, the way they operated, and yes their community that attracted you to it.

Your sarcasm detector appears to be broken.

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Krunk, I truly am hiding. But not from the raiders... but from... dare I say it out loud... this game (on alliance forums, IRC, etc). I have tried quitting before, but it appears I cannot escape. I've recently turned to alcohol to cope, but I just find myself getting into more and more trouble, and getting sucked deeper into the system. What do I do?

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[quote name='Erwin Schrodinger' timestamp='1280507283' post='2395108']
Krunk, I truly am hiding. But not from the raiders... but from... dare I say it out loud... [b]this (on alliance forums, IRC, etc)[/b]. I have tried quitting before, but it appears I cannot escape. I've recently turned to alcohol to cope, but I just find myself getting into more and more trouble, and getting sucked deeper into the system. What do I do?

I don't understand what you are hiding from *cough cough*.

Can't help you there.

But alcohol is not the answer, You should join LoSS, they protect you AND let you attack whomever you please.

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Sometimes I read threads that I know will be dumb. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just see the title and think hey this is going to be dumb. I know it's wrong, but I always seem to click anyway. I read the OP and think "oh god what have I done."

Is there help for me out there too?

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1280508113' post='2395116']
Sometimes I read threads that I know will be dumb. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just see the title and think hey this is going to be dumb. I know it's wrong, but I always seem to click anyway. I read the OP and think "oh god what have I done."

Is there help for me out there too?

Certainly, but I require tech for this kind of assistance :-p

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1280508281' post='2395119']
Certainly, but I require tech for this kind of assistance :-p


I knew there would be a catch somewhere. I almost called the little toll free number at the bottom of my screen too. :(

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I admit it.. I joined Ragnarok because of the ridiculous number of treaties they hold.

What better way to protect my precious infra than with teems of bullet-catchers.

The alcohol helps me cope with the ever-present fear of having my pixels burnt.

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[quote name='Valtamdraugr' timestamp='1280509817' post='2395148']
I admit it.. I joined Ragnarok because of the ridiculous number of treaties they hold.

What better way to protect my precious infra than with teems of bullet-catchers.

The alcohol helps me cope with the ever-present fear of having my pixels burnt.

I confess to signing some of those treaties to provide a safe haven for the drunks of Planet Bob.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280509402' post='2395141']
Maybe I'm being thick but I just don't get it. Can I get a breakdown of the hidden meaning behind this thread, Barney style?

Ill give it a stab.

Krunk cant let anything go.

He is butthurt about LoSS, [i]still[/i]. :facepalm:

He is butthurt about the DF/Nemesis treaty thread.

Therefore he creates a topic to try to prove a point and get attention.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280509402' post='2395141']Maybe I'm being thick but I just don't get it. Can I get a breakdown of the hidden meaning behind this thread, Barney style?[/quote]

I was all set to echo this when....

[quote name='Desert Ratz' timestamp='1280511207' post='2395169']
Ill give it a stab.

Krunk cant let anything go.

He is butthurt about LoSS, [i]still[/i]. :facepalm:

He is butthurt about the DF/Nemesis treaty thread.

Therefore he creates a topic to try to prove a point and get attention.


Carry on.

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If the OP's assumption were correct, there would probably be about 15 huge alliances in the world. And someone probably would have just made a thread about how most of them needed to split into several smaller ones since they were so fat, complacent, and unwieldy that they were slowing down the game and killing the drama.

That's assuming that Krunk is serious and isn't using 12 layers of sarcasm to make sone convoluted point about LoSS. Never can tell.


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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1280501495' post='2395008']
[size="2"]I have a confession to make.[/size]

[size="2"]I hide behind the protection of an AA.[/size]

[size="2"]There, I said it, I hide behind the protection of an AA. The stronger the AA the better. I love nothing more than to hide my infra behind an AA. The thought of going unaligned scares me to death, seriously.[/size]

[size="2"]When I remade my second nation, I received many recruitment messages. I didn't pay attention to them. I didn't read the bits where they promised protection from tech raids. I just looked at alliance stats. I wanted to join the strongest alliance out there. [/size]

[size="2"]Forget community, forget the benefits of protection, I joined NSO because they were bigger than LoSS and had bigger allies at the time and I could hide behind them much better.[/size]

[size="2"]I know that not one of you are in your alliance for its community, or because they can afford to protect you. No, you are in your respective alliances because you all hide from tech raiders together under the same name.[/size]

[size="2"]This is a time of healing, to come clean with your cowardice. Its OK to hide behind your AA. After all, that's the point of an alliance isn't it? To hide?[/size]

[size="2"]Everyone who is currently under the protection of an AA, please say so and come clean with your addiction so that the healing process may begin.[/size]

EDIT: Stupid word processor....

I don't know about you, I joined the first reputable alliance I could find that had open government slots. But then again, I have ambition and pride. You are clearly not so inhibited.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1280512720' post='2395193']
The World's Most Interesting Man doesn't hide behind an alliance for protection, alliances hide behind him.

Also, GOONS have a week dedicated to him.


The only redeeming quality of wasting my time reading this thread.

Edited by The Syndic
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[quote name='renrohns' timestamp='1280541101' post='2395587']
I don't know about you, I joined the first reputable alliance I could find that had open government slots. But then again, I have ambition and pride. You are clearly not so inhibited.
dont worry about it he is simply mad about something that happend months ago.

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