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Official disbandment of the Grand Global Alliance

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[quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607']
Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters:

The Conservative Underground
Guru Order

Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy.
Note to self: never, ever join these alliances, they clearly don't have a good eye for new members. :v:

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[quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607']
Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters:

The Conservative Underground
Guru Order

Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy.
Maybe you shouldn't have led the GGA to a point where it's disbanded and "the vultures" could get at them. Considering it's not a merge people can go wherever the hell they want.

Also, join Nemesis! Tech deals a-plenty plus deputy elections!

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I'm sure that's true, and from the few interactions I've had with GGA members since this broke it did seem quite out of the blue.

That one explosion of events could disband the alliance says quite a lot about the kind of precarious state it was in however.

Edited by Rickyman1984
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[quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195891' post='2390624']
Actually, yesterday was a great day and we all had an optimistic view of the future, until that evening. Everyone is interpreting our disbandment as the result of some laundry list of internal problems, but it really was just an explosion of events in one day.

How exactly do you go from optimistic mood to disbandement mode in less than 24 hours? Bipolar syndrome for alliances?

Edited by Lusitan
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[quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607']
Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters:

The Conservative Underground
Guru Order

Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy.

Perhaps Mr. "[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89697&view=findpost&p=2389474"]GGA is doing better than ever[/url]", you should accept recruitment as a fact of disbandment and move on. GGA had talent. People see that it would be a shame for it to disappear thanks to the ill-conceived machinations of its former leaders last night. And I will stay classy, thank you.

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[quote name='Rickyman1984' timestamp='1280196052' post='2390629']
I'm sure that's true, and from the few interactions I've had with GGA members since this broke it did seem quite out of the blue.

That one explosion of events could disband the alliance says quite a lot about the kind of precarious state it was in however.
More of a public relations/global opinion problem rather than outright numbers and government, however. There was just no way GGA could have come back from yesterday insofar as its image was concerned.

[quote] ill-conceived machinations of its former leaders last night[/quote]
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. The only "machination" that occurred was that Dementual was willing to offer JB a place to retire and lend us his NS. That is as far as any devious scheming went.

Edited by Byron Orpheus
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[quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607']
Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters:

The Conservative Underground
Guru Order

Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy.

We're sending them too. You disbanded, so these are free nations.

Also, we just want them to know what it is like to be in a real alliance.

Other than that, sad to see you guys go, etc etc ...

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My favorite memory of GGA was interacting with it's general membership and leadership, as well as the members of GPA and other green alliances of the time on the Green Team Forum on the old Cybernations forums. If for no other reason, I will miss you guys for these fun times we had long ago.

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[quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607']
Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters:

The Conservative Underground
Guru Order

Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy.

Surely you can forgive the vultures for starting on the carcass so quickly; they've been circling for years.

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I never personally dealt with GGA, but whenever a community disbands, it is never nice to see a community disband. I hope you all find a place you can comfortably call home. I also echo this:

[quote name='MercyFallout' timestamp='1280192047' post='2390542']
GGA, it has been a long four years and I commend you for lasting this long. Do rest in peace. How you will be remembered will probably not be what you would like, however, unlike a lot of CN Alliances, you will at least be remembered.

Good luck Dementual, and the other members I haven't gotten to meet.

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1280182086' post='2390289']
I'm sure they love you as well.
Don't we all.

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[quote name='Partisan' timestamp='1280175023' post='2390020']
Never did we give up the fight and there was always someone to continue our struggle against the looming death.
You have given up the fight now. Did you mean to say that 'never did we give up the fight... [i]until today[/i]' ?

GGA always reminded me of the bully's mouthy little friend that would get beaten to a bloody pulp were it not for the bully.

Anyway. Have guys, fun.

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My Dear Friends and Family:

Today is a truly sad day for the Grand Global Alliance. I have long feared that this day was coming. I have served proudly as a member of the Grand Global Alliance for the last three years until very recently. The one thing I have come to realize is that their is a point in time where you look at a given situation and wonder if the cause is staring at you through the mirror. Believe me when I said that I have had many such moments over the course of the last three years, but now I have a bit to say to quite a few people.

I was always of the belief that the Grand Global Alliance needed to separate itself from the New Pacific Order. I believed that there was a sovereignty infringement which had to be rectified. I sold my ideas by stating that if we leave NPO there will be others who will be friendly to the Grand Global Alliance. No new friends other then MASH stood up. I was sadly mistaken. What we have seen over the course of the last two years is the decline of a major world power due to the inactivity and ineptness of the government, starting with myself.

[b]Dementual of the Grand Global Alliance[/b]
Dementual, I thank you for trying everything possible to resurrect this alliance. You have done all that you can and you should not fault yourself for not being able to save what couldn't be saved.

[b]Byron Orpheus of the Grand Global Alliance[/b]
Byron, your term as Regent has been an interesting one, while I have no doubt that you tried everything that you could to save this alliance, I can only say that your behavior in #gga is certainly not reflective of the respectful spirit of the GGA that we have had in the past. The GGA has always had critics, we have always tried to rise above it.

[b]Jonathan Brookbank of the Grand Global Alliance[/b]
The person I thought had the name recognition to make the GGA succeed. Sometimes I am wrong. Thanks for trying...it was beyond all help.

[b]Bilrow of the New Pacific Order[/b]
Bilrow, I don't know if you remember, but you are the one that recruited me Bilrow. I am sorry for any offense that I have caused you and I am sorry that my policies have helped to lead the GGA where it is today. You are and always will be the founding "father" of the GGA for better or worse. We were once friends, I am sorry that we are not anymore. One day perhaps, we will speak again.

[b]Moo-Cows of the New Pacific Order[/b]
Moo-Cows, I sold you short way to early before I realized that we were both being manipulated. I should have encouraged the GGA to stand in the defense or the Order rather then to find new friends. While I do feel you were a bit over-bearing at some points, it cannot be denied that you were only trying to help. I shall always consider you a friend for that reason, regardless of what you think of me.

[b]Cornelius of the Viridian Entente[/b]
Cornelius, when you were Lord of the Entente you became my protector as I tried to implement these far reaching reforms that probably led us to this point anyway. I thank you for your commitment to green unity and your willingness to befriend me. It will always be remembered.

[b]Sognatore of Phoenix Rising[/b]
My policy regarding the New Pacific Order, along with a few other things, caused you to leave. I am sorry that this was the path that had to be taken and I am sorry you had to leave your CN home. You have dedicated much time and effort to the well-being of the Grand Global Alliance and I am confident that history will be very kind to your past in the Grand Global Alliance. Thanks for being a friend to me back then.

[b]Andre27 of Phoenix Rising[/b]
Andre27, I am sorry for couping you. There is no other way to describe that. Perhaps one time you may be able to forgive me, but until then, good luck...and god speed.

[b]Qaianna of Phoenix Rising[/b]
Qaianna, the powerhouse in the waning days of the Triumvirate, I should have given you more of a chance. I am sorry friend.

[b]Degenerate108 of Cerebus[/b]
Degenerate, we haven't talked in months. I am sorry that you felt the need to leave. You were a sounding board for me for a long time and never hesitated to tell me when I was wrong. Thank you for that. Good luck in Cerebus.

[b]KungFuHamster of Phoenix Rising[/b]
Another excellent triumvir that came into my line of fire. I apologize for what happened to you and take full responsibility. I hope your home in PhoenixRising has been far kinder then the one you had here.

So with all of that said, please understand that this is a personal statement, and does not represent the government position of the Green Old Party or it's government. If anyone has any questions my coldfront nick is ShanePrice{GOP], thank you all for a great run.

Fortuna Fortes Juvat!!!!

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[quote name='shaneprice' timestamp='1280199757' post='2390720']
My Dear Friends and Family:

Today is a truly sad day for the Grand Global Alliance. I have long feared that this day was coming. I have served proudly as a member of the Grand Global Alliance for the last three years until very recently. The one thing I have come to realize is that their is a point in time where you look at a given situation and wonder if the cause is staring at you through the mirror. Believe me when I said that I have had many such moments over the course of the last three years, but now I have a bit to say to quite a few people.

I was always of the belief that the Grand Global Alliance needed to separate itself from the New Pacific Order. I believed that there was a sovereignty infringement which had to be rectified. I sold my ideas by stating that if we leave NPO there will be others who will be friendly to the Grand Global Alliance. No new friends other then MASH stood up. I was sadly mistaken. What we have seen over the course of the last two years is the decline of a major world power due to the inactivity and ineptness of the government, starting with myself.

[b]Dementual of the Grand Global Alliance[/b]
Dementual, I thank you for trying everything possible to resurrect this alliance. You have done all that you can and you should not fault yourself for not being able to save what couldn't be saved.

[b]Byron Orpheus of the Grand Global Alliance[/b]
Byron, your term as Regent has been an interesting one, while I have no doubt that you tried everything that you could to save this alliance, I can only say that your behavior in #gga is certainly not reflective of the respectful spirit of the GGA that we have had in the past. The GGA has always had critics, we have always tried to rise above it.

[b]Jonathan Brookbank of the Grand Global Alliance[/b]
The person I thought had the name recognition to make the GGA succeed. Sometimes I am wrong. Thanks for trying...it was beyond all help.

[b]Bilrow of the New Pacific Order[/b]
Bilrow, I don't know if you remember, but you are the one that recruited me Bilrow. I am sorry for any offense that I have caused you and I am sorry that my policies have helped to lead the GGA where it is today. You are and always will be the founding "father" of the GGA for better or worse. We were once friends, I am sorry that we are not anymore. One day perhaps, we will speak again.

[b]Moo-Cows of the New Pacific Order[/b]
Moo-Cows, I sold you short way to early before I realized that we were both being manipulated. I should have encouraged the GGA to stand in the defense or the Order rather then to find new friends. While I do feel you were a bit over-bearing at some points, it cannot be denied that you were only trying to help. I shall always consider you a friend for that reason, regardless of what you think of me.

[b]Cornelius of the Viridian Entente[/b]
Cornelius, when you were Lord of the Entente you became my protector as I tried to implement these far reaching reforms that probably led us to this point anyway. I thank you for your commitment to green unity and your willingness to befriend me. It will always be remembered.

[b]Sognatore of Phoenix Rising[/b]
My policy regarding the New Pacific Order, along with a few other things, caused you to leave. I am sorry that this was the path that had to be taken and I am sorry you had to leave your CN home. You have dedicated much time and effort to the well-being of the Grand Global Alliance and I am confident that history will be very kind to your past in the Grand Global Alliance. Thanks for being a friend to me back then.

[b]Andre27 of Phoenix Rising[/b]
Andre27, I am sorry for couping you. There is no other way to describe that. Perhaps one time you may be able to forgive me, but until then, good luck...and god speed.

[b]Qaianna of Phoenix Rising[/b]
Qaianna, the powerhouse in the waning days of the Triumvirate, I should have given you more of a chance. I am sorry friend.

[b]Degenerate108 of Cerebus[/b]
Degenerate, we haven't talked in months. I am sorry that you felt the need to leave. You were a sounding board for me for a long time and never hesitated to tell me when I was wrong. Thank you for that. Good luck in Cerebus.

[b]KungFuHamster of Phoenix Rising[/b]
Another excellent triumvir that came into my line of fire. I apologize for what happened to you and take full responsibility. I hope your home in PhoenixRising has been far kinder then the one you had here.

So with all of that said, please understand that this is a personal statement, and does not represent the government position of the Green Old Party or it's government. If anyone has any questions my coldfront nick is ShanePrice{GOP], thank you all for a great run.

Fortuna Fortes Juvat!!!!

Takes allot of nerve to say that Shane. Well said. o/ GGA

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GGA was the first alliance I joined, way back in 2006. I stayed until perhaps the middle of 2009 when disagreements with how things were going forced me to resign. I served in almost every ministry except the MoAE, if not as a regular worker then as the minister itself. I put a good amount of time in to that work as well and quite enjoyed it, as well as the many fun conversation and some not so fun ones that took place in #ggasecure. Even then I still cared about GGA and wanted them to solve their issues. Tonight reading this post it saddens me to see that work wasted. Probably got that way when I left, but nonetheless it really is sad to see a once powerful alliance just fade in to the night. Though in the state that it was in prior to its disbandment perhaps this is better than leaving it to suffer as it had been for so long.

I wish all (save for the two at the top) of GGA's former members good luck in finding new homes.

For the final time,
Fortuna Fortes Juvat
Hail GGA.

Edited by rstat1
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