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Who's got the best bloc goin right now

Master Holton

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[quote name='ShadowDragon' date='18 July 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1279476937' post='2377406']

While I am arguably extremely biased (like most others responding), going off of the criteria you mentioned I would say SuperFriends. SF has existed for 35 months, longer then most other alliances and blocs, has fought together in every single war, and have always been close friends throughout it's entire history. Also throughout this entire time we've never had an alliance leave the bloc and have only one ex-member, who merged into a current member alliance over two years ago.

What about Atlantic Shadow Confederation, Armed Coalition of Valor, International Protection Agency, The Order of Halsa, Apocalypse, ARES, Through Yggdrasil's Roots, League of United Defense and Aeon?

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[quote name='Dom Zak' date='22 July 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1279833294' post='2384792']
What about Atlantic Shadow Confederation, Armed Coalition of Valor, International Protection Agency, The Order of Halsa, Apocalypse, ARES, Through Yggdrasil's Roots, League of United Defense and Aeon?

Atlantic Shadow Confederation(ASC) is the alliance that merged into RoK a few years back. As for the rest of those, i believe they are all part of Teen Titans, not Superfriends. Although, yes, they were MDoAP'd as blocs, they weren't the same bloc.

Edited by JackSkellington
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[quote name='Dom Zak' date='22 July 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1279833294' post='2384792']
What about Atlantic Shadow Confederation, Armed Coalition of Valor, International Protection Agency, The Order of Halsa, Apocalypse, ARES, Through Yggdrasil's Roots, League of United Defense and Aeon?
Of those, only ASC was ever a member of SF, and they merged into Ragnarok. The rest were all part of the 'protectorate bloc' SF had set up called Teen Titans.

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Duckroll just has such a great communication structure compared to most other blocs and what have you.
The fact people not only know my shower schedule, but also when I walk my dog really warms my soul. <3

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1279894756' post='2385841']
I have not seen LEO 1.0 mentioned, so I guess I'd have to throw that name in the hat given you'd be hard pressed to find alliances more interested in laying down a righteous beating for each other.
They're all racist against Orange people, apparently :P

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C&G holds the most political and military power. It's also probably the most unified of the major powers, as far as I can tell. Ergo it's the best bloc.

If SuperFriends were the least bit interested in relations with ex-Hegemony, they'd be the most powerful bloc in the game, because they'd (probably) decide who wins the next war. But they aren't.

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[quote name='PrinceArutha' timestamp='1279684963' post='2382004']
I am biased and I vote AZTEC. were I not biased I would still vote AZTEC as well, but then again I might be biased on that.

^^^ Smart man :P

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[quote name='Dom Zak' timestamp='1279833294' post='2384792']
What about Atlantic Shadow Confederation, Armed Coalition of Valor, International Protection Agency, The Order of Halsa, Apocalypse, ARES, Through Yggdrasil's Roots, League of United Defense and Aeon?

ASC merged into RoK and the rest was Teen Titans.

[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1279894756' post='2385841']
I have not seen LEO 1.0 mentioned, so I guess I'd have to throw that name in the hat given you'd be hard pressed to find alliances more interested in laying down a righteous beating for each other.

I must go with LEO 1.0 too.

And SF.. but SF has ThunderStrike and that just pushes the balance towards LEO XD

[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1280141557' post='2389581']
C&G holds the most political and military power. It's also probably the most unified of the major powers, as far as I can tell. Ergo it's the best bloc.

If SuperFriends were the least bit interested in relations with ex-Hegemony, they'd be the most powerful bloc in the game, because they'd (probably) decide who wins the next war. But they aren't.

Hmmm not so sure about that... anyway, it's obvious SF is just way cooler then CnG.. If CnG was so cool then what are those grievances all you guys complain about all the time?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1280141557' post='2389581']
C&G holds the most political and military power. It's also probably the most unified of the major powers, as far as I can tell. Ergo it's the best bloc.

If SuperFriends were the least bit interested in relations with ex-Hegemony, they'd be the most powerful bloc in the game, because they'd (probably) decide who wins the next war. But they aren't.

Some of your arguments I can agree with, others not so much.

While it's true that CnG is the strongest political power at the moment, I wouldn't put us below them in military strength. Actually I think we'd be more than a match for them.

And yes it could be said that from a "Realpolitik" viewpoint SF might be missing a chance to secure victory in the next war by not pulling the ex hegemony alliances unto our side as fast as possible. But we're mostly happy where we are right now. Which doesn't mean we'll never make new friends and the following treaties again. It just means that noone feels any big urgency about new foreign relations at the moment. I wouldn't say we aren't interested in newfound friendships, but GOD (and Superfriends in general) has always been choosy about who we treaty with. After all if they do something stupid we exspect to go down with them. It's what we do. So send your diplomats we'll gladly chat with them, but don't exspect a change in a hurry. Us moderate people gottas have time to cool down Xiph.

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[quote name='Chief' timestamp='1279857348' post='2385373']
Duckroll just has such a great communication structure compared to most other blocs and what have you.
The fact people not only know my shower schedule, but also when I walk my dog really warms my soul. <3

Sounds more like a gathering of professional stalkers than a bloc D:

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