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Dear Legion


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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='12 July 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1278999714' post='2369061']
[color="#FF0000"]Ahhh, The Legion, one of the many alliances that has marched right into a sanction all the while doing nothing noticable besides drag all of their dirty laundry right out for the world to see. Watching Legion lol-itics is like watching a jet liner crash into a circus...painfully funny.

Top Ten Reasons Legion Sucks
1.The Arbiter (Seriously, has there ever been a Whining Legion Thread that did not involve him in some way)
2.It's leaders can't get beyond their own egos.
3.Punishing your lifeblood membership for anything is stupid.
4.The Color Purple
5.Trying to imitate the NPO model and failing miserably
6.Everytime you try to handle an internal problem, you just piss more people off.
7.Airing your dirty laundry for everyone to see, although it is hillarious is in poor form.
8.Legions econ programs suck. Legions Military sucks. Obviously someone is not doing their job, or isn't smart enough to do it.
9.Legion is nothing more than NPO's !@#$%* and has been for a long time.
10.In the last war, Legion surrendered and then unsurrendered and then resurrendered because of stupid charter technicalities.[/color]

I'm glad you know us so well and have done all your research. It's nice to see an educated opinion with plenty of backup in this thread.
/me goes back to letting the thread die.

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='13 July 2010 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1278999714' post='2369061']
[color="#FF0000"]Ahhh, The Legion, one of the many alliances that has marched right into a sanction all the while doing nothing noticable besides drag all of their dirty laundry right out for the world to see. Watching Legion lol-itics is like watching a jet liner crash into a circus...painfully funny.

Top Ten Reasons Legion Sucks
1.The Arbiter (Seriously, has there ever been a Whining Legion Thread that did not involve him in some way)
2.It's leaders can't get beyond their own egos.
3.Punishing your lifeblood membership for anything is stupid.
4.The Color Purple
5.Trying to imitate the NPO model and failing miserably
6.Everytime you try to handle an internal problem, you just piss more people off.
7.Airing your dirty laundry for everyone to see, although it is hillarious is in poor form.
8.Legions econ programs suck. Legions Military sucks. Obviously someone is not doing their job, or isn't smart enough to do it.
9.Legion is nothing more than NPO's !@#$%* and has been for a long time.
10.In the last war, Legion surrendered and then unsurrendered and then resurrendered because of stupid charter technicalities.[/color]

You just won the internet man... :blink:

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[quote name='Rotavele' date='13 July 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1279046397' post='2369452']
This thread is just Pathetic now. I mean seriously, why all the jealousy? Just because we got a sanction everyone goes ape s*** on the Legion. Ive never seen more jealousy in my life :/

I can see why the timing confused you. Legion get a sanction, then everybody craps on Legion. Let me explain why it works that way:

Until Legion got a sanction, everyone had forgotten that you existed. It's like when a boring band who sucks put out a new album. There's no reason to point out how crap they are when they aren't doing anything.

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='13 July 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1279049394' post='2369523']
I can see why the timing confused you. Legion get a sanction, then everybody craps on Legion. Let me explain why it works that way:

Until Legion got a sanction, everyone had forgotten that you existed. It's like when a boring band who sucks put out a new album. There's no reason to point out how crap they are when they aren't doing anything.
This is a glorious, glorious post.

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='13 July 2010 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1279049394' post='2369523']
I can see why the timing confused you. Legion get a sanction, then everybody craps on Legion. Let me explain why it works that way:

Until Legion got a sanction, everyone had forgotten that you existed. It's like when a boring band who sucks put out a new album. There's no reason to point out how crap they are when they aren't doing anything.


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[color="#FF0000"]Since my input on The Legion is much appreciated, and some certain government members have told me so in private, I think it is time for me to unveil

[size="2"]Dans Plan-How to Make Legion Suck Less[/size]

[b]Option 1:[/b]Disband following the next war which you will obviously lose, disperse your membership throughout the cyberverse, and then Legion can live on as some nostalgic memory like LUE,\m/, or NAAC, and then every April 1st you can pretend to reform and everyone can have a nice belly laugh and appreciate the nostalgia.

[b]Option 2:[/b]Boot Arbiter out. This in it of itself would result in a 2 point reduction of your suck level. Plus people may want to associate with you after you stop harboring a blatant racist. (Defending Arbiter is like defending Mel Gibson...it's not worth doing)


[b]Option 4:[/b] Win a War

[b]Option 5:[/b] Go two months without one of these ridiculous, "Lawls @ Legion" threads popping up, where one of your longest serving members quit because his ego doesn't rub well with everyone elses ego.[/color]

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='13 July 2010 - 05:09 PM' timestamp='1279055372' post='2369650']
Not all of us can change sides to the more powerful side in the middle of a war.

Haha, ahhh that was a good one SCY, plus one internets to you. Lets just say Legion has its problems, but I'll always harbor a little bit of a soft spot for it. I wouldn't say that Dan is *too* far off the mark with his 10 points and then 5 point solution plan. I disagree with some of them and a few might be a bit overexaggerated, but theres a certain grain of truth amidst the hate. Ironically enough the person who gets the most hate cast on him (Arb) is one of few Legionnaires I have a rapport with. Oh well, at least the pip is cool enough, if a bit gaudy for my tastes

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='06 July 2010 - 05:54 PM' timestamp='1278453264' post='2361525']
As you can see, I'm leaving. :awesome:

But before I go for good, I'd figure I'd let you in on the secrets of how you did me wrong. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad, but your bad apples have ruined the fun. I guess this all stems from your IG, a non government member giving me an order to pay 500 tech for disobeying a consulate member. Who was this member you ask? Well he is known as the Arbiter. You know, he's the one you hear about for making the racist comments on IRC, driving members out and talking crap about foreign leaders on their channels. Well played. Very nice. Very classy. I guess part of the reason of this little topic is to advise you to get your government on a tighter leash. They seem to think they can do whatever they want. Even your non government like the IG. Dolling out punishments as he sees fit, when in the charter it says he has no government authority.

I think the most disgusting part of the 500 tech fine, is I have never been disciplined at the Legion. Never once had I ever been demoted from a position, nor had I ever incurred any other discipline action for my conduct. I always came back to your alliance...for whatever reason. And I see it was a mistake. The Legion is just like an ex-girlfriend who keeps kicking me in the balls, taking my money, and lying to me when she says she's changed. I've wasted my time. On and off 3 years of CN life blown, when I could have grown with Sparta, or MK, NPO, IRON, or ODN. And there's more I know. The reason I joined you guys back in 9/2007 is because the first coming of \m/ left many of its members out to dry. I thought you guys were better than that; the shafting of loyal members and all.

Your last Imperator just resigned. I'm not sure what he did for you guys in the last war you were in. I was busy in the land of RL. But I can tell you that in my 4-6 weeks back with you...he didn't do crap. Didn't answer a single PM, barely posted, was never on IRC and really didn't do a whole lot of what I saw. The good members, you know who you are. I won't name you, or call you out, or call on you. Because you know who you are, and I don't want you associated with someone like me; someone who stands for what they think is right and fair. I've always said, you don't have to like me, but you damn well better respect me. Like I said, you have more good members than bad members. But the bad members just taint and sour the whole experience.

So I guess in closing I'm here to say:

Congrats on your sanction.

I will not pay 500 tech for a punishment I didn't deserve for disrespecting someone who thinks he's above the law and king of the world. You gave him an inch, and he took a mile. Get that poodle on a leash before he ruins your whole image.

In regards to the previous sentence ^; I don't take orders from dudes who aren't old enough to buy smokes, drink, or get into strip clubs. Sorry.

I encourage you to ban me from your forums...as I won't be returning anyway.

I encourage you to ZI me. Because this is just a game. You guys take everything far too seriously.

You reprimanded me for trying to defend your image on the BBs here, when some of you were too timid or lazy to stand up for your alliance. I do you a solid and you stab me in the back. Shame on you Legion. SHAME. ON. YOU.

Your new imperator is a solid guy. Your old one made a good pick because he will definitely steer you in the right direction. He ALWAYS has time to do his job and take time to talk to the little members like me when they have concerns. The best decision you've made in a long time. And with your foreign affairs guy, you can get Legion back on their feet.

I can see why you have been disrespected for so many years. The tomato throwing crowds have convinced me and I've come to agree with them. Get it together. I asked you to before I left the last time and you ignored me. You have certain officials to listen to concerns of the membership, but in reality they ignore people and do nothing. You let the conduct on your forums get out of control and don't care. Whatever.

I will play again...someday. I just wrapped the length of rope around Falcon's neck on the gallows and someday we'll come back with a new identity. Wasting a reroll to voice my concerns and stick it you on my way out was worth every pixel...which in fact you may start destroying now. To my real friends, when I come back, it won't be anything related to the current life I have now. But maybe you'll know its me when I return.

You never listen...and you'll never learn.


1. Who are you?

2. Why should I care?

3. Quit your damned whining. If you really liked Legion that much you would have looked into their history and found that this is the very least of their troubles. Far worse things have happened to members of Legion by Legion government. Far worse consequences have been levied upon it's loyal members for far less acceptable reasons. If you didn't like the method of government or those who are in it you should have taken the responsibility and done something about it.

4. Nice play of the martyr card, but was it really worth it?

5. Yea, this thread is 17 pages long. Yea, I'm too damned lazy to read all the way through.

6. Number 5 was a lie, I'm not too lazy, I just don't give a damn.

7. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and sincerely hope to never see you have to post again.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' date='13 July 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1279058641' post='2369721']
4. Nice play of the martyr card, but was it really worth it?[/quote]
I have found that if done properly, the martyr card can be played to great effect.

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='13 July 2010 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1278999714' post='2369061']
[color="#FF0000"]Ahhh, The Legion, one of the many alliances that has marched right into a sanction all the while doing nothing noticable besides drag all of their dirty laundry right out for the world to see. Watching Legion lol-itics is like watching a jet liner crash into a circus...painfully funny.

Top Ten Reasons Legion Sucks
1.The Arbiter (Seriously, has there ever been a Whining Legion Thread that did not involve him in some way)
2.It's leaders can't get beyond their own egos.
3.Punishing your lifeblood membership for anything is stupid.
4.The Color Purple
5.Trying to imitate the NPO model and failing miserably
6.Everytime you try to handle an internal problem, you just piss more people off.
7.Airing your dirty laundry for everyone to see, although it is hillarious is in poor form.
8.Legions econ programs suck. Legions Military sucks. Obviously someone is not doing their job, or isn't smart enough to do it.
9.Legion is nothing more than NPO's !@#$%* and has been for a long time.
10.In the last war, Legion surrendered and then unsurrendered and then resurrendered because of stupid charter technicalities.[/color]

I am not sure that you are entitled the moral highground to make some of the criticism you do. Particularly points 2, 9 and 10. And by that I mean Grub or Sponge, the reason for NpO's foundation and Grub respectively.

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='13 July 2010 - 03:52 PM' timestamp='1279061531' post='2369767']
I am not sure that you are entitled the moral highground to make some of the criticism you do. Particularly points 2, 9 and 10. And by that I mean Grub or Sponge, the reason for NpO's foundation and Grub respectively.

apparently, this guy is in argent, i thought the same thing too :P

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='13 July 2010 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1279061531' post='2369767']
I am not sure that you are entitled the moral highground to make some of the criticism you do. Particularly points 2, 9 and 10. And by that I mean Grub or Sponge, the reason for NpO's foundation and Grub respectively.

Now Now Lusitan, Polaris doesn't suck up to Pacifica any more. They now have MK for that.

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='13 July 2010 - 03:52 PM' timestamp='1279061531' post='2369767']
I am not sure that you are entitled the moral highground to make some of the criticism you do. Particularly points 2, 9 and 10. And by that I mean Grub or Sponge, the reason for NpO's foundation and Grub respectively.

double post

Edited by SiCkO
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[quote name='SiCkO' date='13 July 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1279062134' post='2369776']
apparently, this guy is in argent, i thought the same thing too :P
You've already stated that, twice....

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='13 July 2010 - 07:02 PM' timestamp='1279062111' post='2369774']
Now Now Lusitan, Polaris doesn't suck up to Pacifica any more. They now have MK for that.
Haha, you don't know much about our relationship with Polar, do you?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='13 July 2010 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1279062111' post='2369774']
Now Now Lusitan, Polaris doesn't suck up to Pacifica any more. They now have MK for that.
I know you probably expect a generic response like "lol no" but that's honestly the most appropriate thing to say.

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[quote name='Drai' date='13 July 2010 - 06:34 PM' timestamp='1279064076' post='2369796']
I know you probably expect a generic response like "lol no" but that's honestly the most appropriate thing to say.

You're right I don't know everything about the Polaris MK relationship because I am not a member to either alliance. Just as everyone ITT doesn't know everything about Legion but is still overly critical of them. Even though I don't know everything, I do know this, that at the beginning of the last war MK stayed out of the war due to conflicting treaties, but then when NpO had conflicting treaties MK requested the support of NpO, Polaris [i]actually[/i] gave it and turned on the people who supported her. If thats not kissing up, sucking up, or being lead around by a really short leash, then I don't know what is. Why this is relevant to this thread, when someone involved in that relationship, AKA a member of MK or NpO, accuses Legion of "sucking" being horrible, w/e for kissing up to NPO, they are making very hypocritical remarks.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='14 July 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1279065705' post='2369823']
You're right I don't know everything about the Polaris MK relationship because I am not a member to either alliance. Just as everyone ITT doesn't know everything about Legion but is still overly critical of them. Even though I don't know everything, I do know this, that at the beginning of the last war MK stayed out of the war due to conflicting treaties, but then when NpO had conflicting treaties MK requested the support of NpO, Polaris [i]actually[/i] gave it and turned on the people who supported her. If thats not kissing up, sucking up, or being lead around by a really short leash, then I don't know what is. Why this is relevant to this thread, when someone involved in that relationship, AKA a member of MK or NpO, accuses Legion of "sucking" being horrible, w/e for kissing up to NPO, they are making very hypocritical remarks.

:facepalm: scy report in to the HC. Better pop a telephone directory in your pants before you get there.

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