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[quote name='Eigrim' date='08 July 2010 - 10:01 PM' timestamp='1278637289' post='2364043']
I can only congratulate Hydra with a top quality member. I know lmfalcon12 from years back and know that he is solid quality. Had he came knocking at the gates of Nordreich, I wouldn't have hesitated to vouch for him.
When that is said, it is painful to see this public quarrel between a friend and an alliance I consider my second home on Planet Bob. Please let this thread die.

No better way to close this out. A friend great and true. I thank you for your kind words. And with REPLY number 300, I'd like this thread to be locked and die.

Blah blah blah, good luck Legion. Love me or hate me, I'm not leaving anytime soon. We have had our differences, so good luck to us both. Shape up or disband. These threads are nothing new. Mine is not the first, and it won't be the last.

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='09 July 2010 - 02:04 AM' timestamp='1278637478' post='2364046']
No better way to close this out. A friend great and true. I thank you for your kind words. And with REPLY number 300, I'd like this thread to be locked and die.

Blah blah blah, good luck Legion. Love me or hate me, I'm not leaving anytime soon. We have had our differences, so good luck to us both. [b]Shape up or disband.[/b] These threads are nothing new. Mine is not the first, and it won't be the last.
You complain about freedom of speech and then you say something so disrespectful to our right to exist as a sovereign entity? You sir are the king of contradictions. This is about the 30th so far.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='08 July 2010 - 09:13 PM' timestamp='1278637983' post='2364057']
You complain about freedom of speech and then you say something so disrespectful to our right to exist as a sovereign entity? You sir are the king of contradictions. This is about the 30th so far.

Speech and existence are different words fyi

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='09 July 2010 - 02:17 AM' timestamp='1278638235' post='2364063']
Speech and existence are different words fyi
If he's so butthurt that we told him to stop posting in a thread wouldn't it also be a breach of rights if we told him to stop existing?

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Please stop this dispute NOW. To continue this is to the detriment of both parties. What do you really gain by continuing with this public laundry washing?

Edited by Eigrim
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[quote name='Eigrim' date='08 July 2010 - 09:26 PM' timestamp='1278638797' post='2364071']
Please stop this dispute NOW. To continue this is to the detriment of both parties. What do you really gain by continuing with this public laundry washing?
Perhaps they have some nice looking clothing being washed they want to share.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='08 July 2010 - 09:18 PM' timestamp='1278638298' post='2364064']
If he's so butthurt that we told him to stop posting in a thread wouldn't it also be a breach of rights if we told him to stop existing?

In case you weren't aware, freedom of speech means that everybody is free to voice the opinions they wish, including the opinion that Legion should disband. This really is not complicated.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='09 July 2010 - 02:46 AM' timestamp='1278639942' post='2364095']
In case you weren't aware, freedom of speech means that everybody is free to voice the opinions they wish, including the opinion that Legion should disband. This really is not complicated.
How is that even relevant? I'm saying that someone who loves freedoms so much should recognize our right to exist. I'm not saying that that isn't freedom of speech. And then you have the nerve to tell me it's not complicated when you can't wrap your brain around a simple statement?

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='08 July 2010 - 09:20 PM' timestamp='1278642039' post='2364152']
How is that even relevant? I'm saying that someone who loves freedoms so much should recognize our right to exist. I'm not saying that that isn't freedom of speech. And then you have the nerve to tell me it's not complicated when you can't wrap your brain around a simple statement?

How is that irrelevant? He's using his freedom of speech to give his opinion. Just as you have a right to exist anyway.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='08 July 2010 - 10:20 PM' timestamp='1278642039' post='2364152']
How is that even relevant? I'm saying that someone who loves freedoms so much should recognize our right to exist. I'm not saying that that isn't freedom of speech. And then you have the nerve to tell me it's not complicated when you can't wrap your brain around a simple statement?
Having a right to do something does not mean one should do it.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='08 July 2010 - 01:38 PM' timestamp='1278621511' post='2363788']
[b]I've never been fired as Minister of Economics.[/b]


Stop trying to change history.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' date='08 July 2010 - 05:17 AM' timestamp='1278580629' post='2363305']
Anyone want to take a bet that Legion disbands between now and mhh let's say christmas?
That should happen right after pezstar returns to Legion gov. Which is to say, right after STA merges with Legion.

Yeah not going to happen.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='08 July 2010 - 09:01 PM' timestamp='1278648077' post='2364291']
This discussion is making either of you look good. Just so you know.

Agreed. I am not sure why either of them keep going at eachother.

This thread does illustrate the problem of trying to institute a ban from posting on these forums. Most people have stuck with this game because of its social aspect. Banning one of the main routes of participating in that part of the game can lead to some high emotions as obviously happened in this case. Note that this is not a comment as to who is in the right here. I think when tempers cool a bit both of them will reflect on the fact that they could both have handled this better.

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='08 July 2010 - 04:09 PM' timestamp='1278630568' post='2363918']
I don't care what went down. I don't care about Legion anymore. The second you levied your retarded punishment for speaking my mind and basking in the glow that Legion had FINALLY achieved the biggest thing ever in that time, I stopped caring. You guys can continue to be as corrupt, savage, and backstabbing as you want. People already have their opinions of you and they aren't going to change.

I disobeyed an order. Whoop de doo. Have you beat that into the ground enough? We've got 13 other pages of people saying, [i]"He broke a rule, but his punishment was out of control."[/i] Would you care to get with the times? Or could you just do us all a favor and stop posting if you can't stay in the present here? I know that only one page of replies has been added to this topic today. I know its going to be difficult to keep up with [i]ALL[/i] the new, fresh material, but if you could, that'd be great. Thanks ahead of time!

Letum is spot on? I mean what? He couldn't stray farther from the thread if he tried. I think on page 11 or 12, he wanted to start a debate with me about civil liberties and freedom of speech. Really? I'm not interested in another debate about trivial, meaningless crap. If you want to debate something else, make another thread and discuss it there. Letum doesn't know WTF he's talking about and should do us all a favor and stop posting until he does know.

And as far as why people are recruiting (already been recruited by an alliance thanks), maybe some alliances like members who are active, and not just sheep. Maybe speaking your mind every once and a while isn't such a bad thing. In my 6 weeks back at Legion and CN, I barely posted on Legion boards and never touched a CN board. That's why I got recruited. There's not a whole lot of alliances who like quiet, sheep like rule followers like you. Taking a few risks and growing some balls are a part of the game.

Actually, a lot of alliances enjoy sheep, but to argue...I'm actually quite active, ask anyone in GOD or RIA. and not airing out my ex alliances' crap makes me a better member than you by default. :smug: I tried as hard as I might to neither go along with the LOL LEGION THIS GUY IS SPOT ON, and OMG LMFALCON IS TOTALLY INSUBORDINATE NUKE HIS RUMP posts. I actually did speak my mind. If you didn't want people's opinions...then you shouldn't of posted where it could be SEEN by people. "Taking a few risks" is a sweet way to justify insubordination, I could....take a few risks too, but unlike the Legion, my alliance wouldn't put up with my whiny BAAAAAAAAAAAWing or disobedience, they'd expel me, and then take my tech instead of asking for it. I'm sure you'd be an amazing addition to any alliance. Letum is correct that in a sense...you AGREED to join the Legion, and therefore your abilities to post can be revoked by the LEGION, which...wait for it... [i][b]you[/b][/i] joined. Whether Arbiter is a heartless idiot who steals the candy of children has no effect on your obedience or rights as a ruler in an alliance. If you don't like it, then you should have left a long $@! time ago.

Also Sigged.

[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='08 July 2010 - 04:09 PM' timestamp='1278630568' post='2363918']
There's not a whole lot of alliances who like quiet, sheep like rule followers like you.

Edited by Emperor Whimsical
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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='08 July 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1278621511' post='2363788']
I've never been fired as Minister of Economics. I was fired when I worked under another Minister of Economics but it wasn't because of skill. I resigned after almost a year with the title because honestly I was just getting tired. I took a nice break and I'm back now. It is really funny how many wrong things you've said in this thread while claiming to be a model, informed, super active member. You really don't know what went down...

HymenBreach, it is much easier to grow an alliance of 15 people (most of which were in the Ministry of Economics) with 100% activity than an alliance of 400 people with 50% activity. 33% for your alliance is probably <1% for us.

I was talking about personal nation growth.

Also, I've never obeyed a gag order in my life, along with some other people (hai, Pez)and never got punished for it.

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='09 July 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1278649877' post='2364336']
Are you guys just arguing for the sake of arguing now?

"Ah. I'd like to have an argument, please."

"Certainly sir. Have you been here before?"

"No, I haven't, this is my first time."

"I see. Well, do you want to have just one argument, or were you thinking of taking a course?"

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[quote name='DarkEra97' date='09 July 2010 - 03:24 AM' timestamp='1278656667' post='2364491']
I can't believe this is still going. :wacko:

Neither can I. Because the situation is over and done. There's nothing left to discuss. Things went down as they did and that's that.

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[color="#FF0000"]Ahhh, The Legion, one of the many alliances that has marched right into a sanction all the while doing nothing noticable besides drag all of their dirty laundry right out for the world to see. Watching Legion lol-itics is like watching a jet liner crash into a circus...painfully funny.

Top Ten Reasons Legion Sucks
1.The Arbiter (Seriously, has there ever been a Whining Legion Thread that did not involve him in some way)
2.It's leaders can't get beyond their own egos.
3.Punishing your lifeblood membership for anything is stupid.
4.The Color Purple
5.Trying to imitate the NPO model and failing miserably
6.Everytime you try to handle an internal problem, you just piss more people off.
7.Airing your dirty laundry for everyone to see, although it is hillarious is in poor form.
8.Legions econ programs suck. Legions Military sucks. Obviously someone is not doing their job, or isn't smart enough to do it.
9.Legion is nothing more than NPO's !@#$%* and has been for a long time.
10.In the last war, Legion surrendered and then unsurrendered and then resurrendered because of stupid charter technicalities.[/color]

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='13 July 2010 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1278999714' post='2369061']
Top Ten Reasons Legion Sucks
1.The Arbiter (Seriously, has there ever been a Whining Legion Thread that did not involve him in some way)[/quote]
Why all the hatin on this guy? I like arbiter. :(

I can't speak for the alliance as a whole, but from my own personal experiences the legion has been doing a great job getting their reps paid. :goodjob:

EDIT: Wut? :goodjob: is only a bbcode on sparta boards? That is !@#$%^&*.

Edited by jeff barr
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