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Constant Harassment by UINE

corey rolfe

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Hi Planet Bob,
Here's the deal. In the past two months I've been constantly harassed by UINE, both IC and OOC. I can't go anywhere on IRC without being harassed. I've been constantly attacked by their members IC. This is not uncommon for them but it's really starting to piss me off. I'm wondering what I should do at this point. Please reply with suggestions and such. UINE people don't reply.

Corey Rolfe

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6/6/2010 7:24:56 PM
War Declared By:
Buck Dich
Ruler: rickyman24
Union of Integrated National Entities

War Declared On:
The Empire of Asher
Ruler: Corey Rolfe

5/26/2010 11:44:12 PM
War Declared By:
Ruler: thelittlejd
Union of Integrated National Entities

War Declared On:
The Empire of Asher
Ruler: Corey Rolfe

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I was just harassed too. I made an effort to stop the harassment of corey and well this is what happened...

[quote]01[20:20] <%Fernando12> UINE stop harassing people....
01[20:20] <%Fernando12> there I did my part to stop this
06[20:21] * @Itsuko_Koizumi slaps Fernando12 around a bit with a large trout
01[20:21] <%Fernando12> back to the laker game[/quote]

UINE's behavior must be stopped!!!!

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Well lookin at the war screen itself: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=iunctus&anyallexact=exact

it seems you are being tech raided. not sure why UINE is allowing their members to raid someone in an established alliance that has 37 members. I would suggest talking to Keve or one of their allies. no other war history beyond the one that began on 5/26 and both say raid/tech raid as the reason.

other than that, not sure on the harassment charge until i see some evidence.

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[quote name='Banksy' date='06 June 2010 - 08:47 PM' timestamp='1275875258' post='2327118']
You should probably query the leadership of UINE's allies and tell them about how horrible UINE is.
How dare you Sir :mad:

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[quote name='Banksy' date='07 June 2010 - 02:47 AM' timestamp='1275875258' post='2327118']
You should probably query the leadership of UINE's allies and tell them about how horrible UINE is.

Dont forget to post logs afterwards

In seriousness if you turely feel you are being really harassed head over to the moderation forum. You will also need proof


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