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Summer without War?


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Give it a week.

[quote name='President Sitruk' date='07 June 2010 - 08:30 PM' timestamp='1275960623' post='2328401']
I remember CnG saying the final reps weren't enough and that the CC would be back in the game within a couple months because they're so capable of paying off the reps. Well, here we are. Although I lik how the current I/D-Gre situation has turned out... pretty entertaining. As for global wars, I'd say not until the school year starts at the earliest.

OOC: Starsiege avatar?

[quote name='Emperor Marx' date='08 June 2010 - 06:40 AM' timestamp='1275997196' post='2328737']
:(( SuperGrievances :((

They're such tyrants.

I enjoy this whole ruining the game thing.

[quote name='Haflinger' date='08 June 2010 - 11:00 AM' timestamp='1276012815' post='2328880']
Lots of people in here complaining about boredom and not enough drama.

Want drama? Found an alliance of reasonable size on Purple. We got drama, lol

I lol'd

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[quote name='Feuersturm' date='13 June 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1276475763' post='2336527']
Nah, you forget so soon! Was this not discussed a year ago? I thought it was ruled by the majority that Spying was not a CB. Or has that changed once again? I don't know anymore - with only visiting the OW forums once every few weeks, the definition of a valid CB changes more then desert sand dunes.
Spying has been a pretty solid CB as far as I can remember and it hasn't really changed. The only time I saw the public response to spying change was when Vox was doing it. And most, if not all, the people Vox was spying on were already at war with them. So no one would have blamed an alliance for using spying as a CB against Vox, but it wasn't really necessary.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' date='18 June 2010 - 02:04 PM' timestamp='1276887869' post='2342133']
Spying has been a pretty solid CB as far as I can remember and it hasn't really changed. The only time I saw the public response to spying change was when Vox was doing it. And most, if not all, the people Vox was spying on were already at war with them. So no one would have blamed an alliance for using spying as a CB against Vox, but it wasn't really necessary.
Think most of the anti-Vox war declarations were over the whole spying (and being a pain) things. It's just that the future winners of the Karma war didn't seem to care a lot about the issue--they got all the benefits without having to do it themselves. I'm not saying it was their plan, but it was something working in their favour.

Most of the sarcasm thrown at how solid spying is as a casus belli is from what the New Pacific Order announced as their justification for declaring war on Ordo Verde. No, I'm not going to refight Karma here, just reporting what was the announced reason. Naturally, some may end up bitter about the results.

..thank you, now I'm pondering 'Vox Pacifica' cropping up after two or three years of 'SuperComplaints' hegemony. You think you've seen some Pacifican walls of text before? Wait until they start feeling..um..what's the status that's more patriotic than the average Pacifican's feelings?

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='19 June 2010 - 01:39 AM' timestamp='1276925928' post='2342681']
Pacifican tabloids are simply nowhere near as effective as This Week in Pacifica, and never will be. Sorry. Nobody ever reads Vladimir's essays either.

I would welcome them to try, though. That would be entertaining.
The Tabloids just doesn't give the same juicy details. It may be better written due to the fact they don't have much to work with. But, they will never give us anything like, "Pit Vipers" or anything else that I can't remember at this point!

Vlad is better when he's concise.

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I'm just tired of wars that almost-start but never do because everyone suddenly lost their balls, then finally do start [i](or never happen)[/i] a month or so after people think they can win.

See: UJW, WotC, Karma, Cluster$%&@, others known & unknown

Edit: tl;dr if you want to go to war, declare mother$%&@ing war. It's better than !@#$%*ing about nothing happening.

Edited by mythicknight
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[quote name='jerdge' date='13 June 2010 - 07:13 AM' timestamp='1276431201' post='2336093']
Cool down, it's just phase 3 of GPA's sekrit plan for [b]Permanent Global Peace(tm)[/b].
It's that perfect that I don't even need to keep it sekrit anymore...

Fact is, everybody should just do like the MHA (easily give White Peace early in every war) or stop "complaining" that there are too few wars and start to consider the [b]True Joys Of Nation Building(tm)[/b].
Everything else looks a bit silly (albeit admittedly funny).

True. GPA is planning to have world peace, so they can finally dominate the game.... <_<

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[quote name='Feuersturm' date='13 June 2010 - 07:36 PM' timestamp='1276475763' post='2336527']
Nah, you forget so soon! Was this not discussed a year ago? I thought it was ruled by the majority that Spying was not a CB. Or has that changed once again? I don't know anymore - with only visiting the OW forums once every few weeks, the definition of a valid CB changes more then desert sand dunes.
I'm pretty sure the outrage was over two things. The first being that not everyone agreed that what Seth did was spying. The second is that the NPO had to spy to obtain that information.

But we shouldn't let this get out of hand, so PM me for any further discussion on the matter.

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[quote name='Letum' date='06 June 2010 - 07:39 AM' timestamp='1275827944' post='2326208']
Summer isn't really that much of a necessity for wars. Sure, the increase in time that a large part of our demographic has helps, but the influence isn't [b]that[/b] big. The whole "time to kill" factor is killed by the substantial number of people - and leaders - who do not have the work schedule of students. It's also counter-acted by people who would spend their time on vacations rather than the computer.

I mean, if you look at when all the "world wars" started, and keep in mind that most of the major fighting is over within a month or two, it's spring, rather than summer, that tends to be the busiest time of the year.

GW1: July
GW2: January
GW3: March
UJW: September
WoTC: August
Karma: April
UJW2: January

Maybe it's because I live in the midwest, but I see 3 winter months on there. January x 2 and March. April is a borderline month.

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[quote name='Fireandthepassion' date='20 June 2010 - 07:13 AM' timestamp='1277014394' post='2343492']
Maybe it's because I live in the midwest, but I see 3 winter months on there. January x 2 and March. April is a borderline month.

Winter = December, January, February.

For the northern hemisphere at least.

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[quote name='General Scipio' date='20 June 2010 - 11:59 AM' timestamp='1277060346' post='2343961']
Winter = Novemeber through April. I should probably get out of Canada :(


Or move to Vancouver Island, it never snows!

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Have to agree with Scipio on this one...in my neck of Eastern Canada, winter is from mid-November through the middle/end of April most years, summer begins with the near-immediate transition from threat of snow to 25 degrees Celsius, and spring is a lie.

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Wars have pretty much nothing to do with the time of the year, it's just a fluke that it has happened that way for a few of the early ones. It might be summer for some people, but not for others. Some alliance leaders go inactive for summer, some don't. The only real trend you can get is that there are fewer and fewer wars as the game progresses.

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[quote name='Banksy' date='20 June 2010 - 04:54 PM' timestamp='1277078072' post='2344275']
Wars have pretty much nothing to do with the time of the year, it's just a fluke that it has happened that way for a few of the early ones. It might be summer for some people, but not for others. Some alliance leaders go inactive for summer, some don't. The only real trend you can get is that there are fewer and fewer wars as the game progresses.

I'd argue that the reason for that is the wars are much more devastating then they ever were before. The time between wars isn't even enough for some people to recover, never mind build up another warchest.

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Hmmmm, maybe CN could build seasons into the offensive/defensive totals for warfare. It could also then add new bonusses to the fray, such as winterizing troops, etc. Bonus for summer warfare, neutral fall and spring, minusses during the winter, unless you are winterized or some such....

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[quote name='Rotavele' date='21 June 2010 - 09:35 AM' timestamp='1277127292' post='2345137']
Theres 4 sides to CN

Hegemony (and allies)
SF (and allies)
CnG (and allies)
The Blue Team (and allies)

All of them change everyday, all of them love and hate each other every day. War is inevitable.
Yeah but expect that war to be SG vs ex-Hegemailures again because we're not going to start hating each other just because you want us to, sorry.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' date='19 June 2010 - 11:05 PM' timestamp='1277003126' post='2343348']
True. GPA is planning to have world peace, so they can finally dominate the game.... <_<
Pfft, we can build better than them. We can bomb them to death, and then rebuild faster :P

Edited by ty345
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