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Reformation of TBBAF and DoW

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Your incredibly witty and awe-inspiring statements shall continue to amaze me.
[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1273541377' post='2294253']
We've even gotten a few recruits and plenty of people thanking us.
Well, I'm glad you can count. One new member is not a few recruits, and nor is it likely that it has a single thing to do with attacking a one man alliance. As for people thanking you, that's fantastic. I could pee in your coffee and I'd have people thanking me. One side will always thank their own, and whine at the other.
[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1273541377' post='2294253']
It's been a good situation overall.
I continue to be amazed.

Edited by James Saams
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[quote name='James Saams' date='10 May 2010 - 06:40 PM' timestamp='1273542000' post='2294270']
Well, I'm glad you can count. One new member is not a few recruits, and nor is it likely that it has a single thing to do with attacking a one man alliance. As for people thanking you, that's fantastic. I could pee in your coffee and I'd have people thanking me. One side will always thank their own, and whine at the other.

How is this different than what you're doing now?

[quote name='James Saams' date='10 May 2010 - 06:40 PM' timestamp='1273542000' post='2294270']
I continue to be amazed.
Did we blow your mind?

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Dunno \m/ looks pretty shady and a bit weak to me. I like you guys well enough as individuals but as an alliance you seem to be making the same mistakes that led to your downfall the last time around. Watch yourself before you make a mistake you can't take back and your allies can't support.

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[quote name='magicninja' date='10 May 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1273543544' post='2294299']
Dunno \m/ looks pretty shady and a bit weak to me. I like you guys well enough as individuals but as an alliance you seem to be making the same mistakes that led to your downfall the last time around. Watch yourself before you make a mistake you can't take back and your allies can't support.

I agree. Frankly, there are a number of \m/ members I really like. But as a whole they just... suck. Every time they gain a shred of respectability they throw it out the window.

Here they had an opportunity to take part in what might be a historic precedent. They could have sided with the resistance to unconditional surrender. They could have supported unconditional surrender. But they did neither and simply attacked someone because they thought it would be a good for a childish laugh.


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[quote name='James Saams' date='11 May 2010 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1273542000' post='2294270']
Your incredibly witty and awe-inspiring statements shall continue to amaze me.

Well, I'm glad you can count. [b]One new member is not a few recruits[/b], and nor is it likely that it has a single thing to do with attacking a one man alliance. As for people thanking you, that's fantastic. I could pee in your coffee and I'd have people thanking me. One side will always thank their own, and whine at the other.

I continue to be amazed.

It will be two new members if they accept me.

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Admit it... you'd all be bored and lost without \m/... hell they just gave us the only interesting story of the week here. Big Bad goes rogue... \m/ cleans him up...pfft whatever did he expect to see happen? Fruit basket and box of chocolates for his good work?

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[quote name='James Saams' date='11 May 2010 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1273542000' post='2294270']
Your incredibly witty and awe-inspiring statements shall continue to amaze me.

Well, I'm glad you can count. One new member is not a few recruits, and nor is it likely that it has a single thing to do with attacking a one man alliance. As for people thanking you, that's fantastic. I could pee in your coffee and I'd have people thanking me. One side will always thank their own, and whine at the other.

I continue to be amazed.
I don't drink coffee.

Anyway, there's nothing else to say besides "lol" to that insanity.

[quote name='magicninja' date='11 May 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1273543544' post='2294299']
Dunno \m/ looks pretty shady and a bit weak to me. I like you guys well enough as individuals but as an alliance you seem to be making the same mistakes that led to your downfall the last time around. Watch yourself before you make a mistake you can't take back and your allies can't support.
I hate the culture here. Any PR is bad PR, and doing anything other than sitting and collecting makes you controversial.

We'll take the alternative route. If you want to have fun, join \m/.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='11 May 2010 - 03:13 AM' timestamp='1273544014' post='2294313']
It will be two new members if they accept me.
Oh, you will be.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 09:37 AM' timestamp='1273498618' post='2293524']
Their war objectives didn't predict that Poison Clan would be so destructive, \m/ would stand tall, and that FOK and Co. would enter. They basically botched the entire thing really.

Oh I'm not saying they didn't make miscalculations...about a great many things...just that their war objectives weren't the same as they were in 2007.

No, regardless of your objectives in the TBB affair, whether they be simply attacking him for lulz, trying to make a statement regarding symbolic DoWs, or protecting Gramlins from "marauders" (without treaty or any precedent), this just looks and smells bad. Maybe you think otherwise, but it's true.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='10 May 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1273545304' post='2294340']
No, regardless of your objectives in the TBB affair, whether they be simply attacking him for lulz, trying to make a statement regarding symbolic DoWs, or protecting Gramlins from "marauders" (without treaty or any precedent), this just looks and smells bad. Maybe you think otherwise, but it's true.

Think what you wish about \m/'s intentions here, but it's merely \m/ tech raiding an unprotected nation who they happen to dislike. Nothing more.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='11 May 2010 - 12:29 AM' timestamp='1273534139' post='2294091']
No. You see I am not claiming I made \m/ do this to themselves. I did not make them say and do things that will be used against them later. I do not claim to be making \m/ do stupid things. I did not make \m/ go to war to support Gramlins and Unconditonal Surrender terms. I do not claim to be making them look like idiots. That have done that themselves. Was I pretty sure they would do something like this? Oh yeah. But never at this level of stupid. I also thought you all would come and I still think you might of if you had not seen it blow up in \m/ face.

But in the end this has nothing to with \m/ they were just a little extra something to toss in if they were dumb enough to fall for it. They are nothing but a side show. They will keep on screaming and crying here because they know they just did something real stupid. The more they post the more you know they are desperate to try and salvage this. Its like watching lemmings jump off a cliff. They just can not help themselves. And when their time comes they will have to have this shoved in their faces over and over again. Thats not my fault. I did not make them do it, I just gave them the opportunity. They did it of their own free will. Unprovoked. Nobody, not even me could trick an alliance into acting this stupid.

This does however have to with Gramlins. They will not be allowed to demand unconditional surrender. This is not a precedent that will be allowed to be set no matter how hard they and \m/ fight for it. Two alliances both short sighted, poorly led, and desperate to show the world how strong they are now fight on the same side. And now they both make desperate aurguments to support what they are doing side by side with threats to destroy and then in the same breath claims they just don't care what anyone thinks. Its is interesting just how much these to alliances have in common.

Lol sorry man but this is just like methrage. It's got nothing to do with gramlins aside from the fact that you decided to go it alone and declare war on them. Keep thinking it's something bigger though.

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[quote name='Gerald Meane' date='11 May 2010 - 03:44 AM' timestamp='1273545870' post='2294352']
It's got nothing to do with gramlins aside from the fact that you decided to go it alone and declare war on them.

wait, so, let me get this right.... He's been saying all along that he is being attacked because of going it alone and declaring war on Gramlins. Now you are saying it has nothing to do with Gramlins aside from him going it alone and declaring war on Gramlins?

Did I miss something? cause i am honestly confused.

Edited by PrinceArutha
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[quote name='Gerald Meane' date='10 May 2010 - 10:44 PM' timestamp='1273545870' post='2294352']
Lol sorry man but this is just like methrage. It's got nothing to do with gramlins aside from the fact that you decided to go it alone and declare war on them. Keep thinking it's something bigger though.

And yet you and yours have done everything to try and stop me. Why look at all this drama you have caused. Nukes, threats of war for aid, changing of policies, screaming and yelling for attention and war against my alliance. This you call a tech raid? Since I have no tech to raid and in fact barely had a nation to attack then just what are you doing? Either it is much bigger or your alliance has the same leadership standards as Gramlins. Maybe you all are completely incompentent and have come to Gramlins aid by accident? I suppose that is possible. And yet it does not change the fact you are at war with my alliance in defense of Gramlins and Unconditional Surrender. Either you did it on purpose or accident but, in the end these are the choices you have made. Of your own free will. Your actions reveal far more than your words.

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Well yea because it's funny to do so. This isn't about tech, it's about you having pissed off certain people who have now taken the opportunity to raid you since you left yourself open for it. So sorry, but again this doesn't have anything to do with gramlins policies.

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[quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 08:30 PM' timestamp='1273545002' post='2294335']
I hate the culture here. Any PR is bad PR, and doing anything other than sitting and collecting makes you controversial.

We'll take the alternative route. If you want to have fun, join \m/.[/quote]

By all means do whatever you want to do, I certainly don't care man. However, there are some individuals and alliances who do. I don't think you'll take too much crap for this stunt but as you get more and more testier, someday, someone will have something to say. You know how it is.

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[quote name='Gerald Meane' date='10 May 2010 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1273547380' post='2294377']
Well yea because it's funny to do so. This isn't about tech, it's about you having pissed off certain people who have now taken the opportunity to raid you since you left yourself open for it. So sorry, but again this doesn't have anything to do with gramlins policies.

So then it's just petty, childish, crap?

You woulda been better off with the defending gremlins shtick.

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[quote name='magicninja' date='11 May 2010 - 04:14 AM' timestamp='1273547652' post='2294381']
By all means do whatever you want to do, I certainly don't care man. However, there are some individuals and alliances who do. I don't think you'll take too much crap for this stunt but as you get more and more testier, someday, someone will have something to say. You know how it is.

Yea that's always the case, but I really doubt too many people can have things to say about hitting people they don't like when the opportunity presents itself considering how often that happens. :lol1:

[quote name='magicninja' date='11 May 2010 - 04:16 AM' timestamp='1273547777' post='2294382']
So then it's just petty, childish, crap?

You woulda been better off with the defending gremlins shtick.

So sorry to offend since petty childish crap pretty much drives cn's karma train.

Edited by Gerald Meane
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[quote name='Gerald Meane' date='10 May 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1273547380' post='2294377']
Well yea because it's funny to do so. This isn't about tech, it's about you having pissed off certain people who have now taken the opportunity to raid you since you left yourself open for it. So sorry, but again this doesn't have anything to do with gramlins policies.

And the story changes again. Now I have pissed off some people? Really? Where were they when I had no alliance for so long? Its odd they just show up now is it not? Unless I have done something as of late that made them angry? Hmmm what could that have been? Ah yes declaring war on Gramlins and the harsh terms of Unconditional Surrender. See now that story makes you all look even worse. So go back and talk it over and come back again when you all have one story that somehow does not end up with you being at war defending Gramlins. You tried its a raid and its a war because I made you sad and those did not work. So until you can come up with something other than creating all this drama and war to deflect attention away from Gramlins that is what we will have to work with. I will be waiting.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='11 May 2010 - 04:18 AM' timestamp='1273547901' post='2294385']
And the story changes again. Now I have pissed off some people? Really? Where were they when I had no alliance for so long? Its odd they just show up now is it not? Unless I have done something as of late that made them angry? Hmmm what could that have been? Ah yes declaring war on Gramlins and the harsh terms of Unconditional Surrender. See now that story makes you all look even worse. So go back and talk it over and come back again when you all have one story that somehow does not end up with you being at war defending Gramlins. You tried its a raid and its a war because I made you sad and those did not work. So until you can come up with something other than creating all this drama and war to deflect attention away from Gramlins that is what we will have to work with. I will be waiting.

Again man duhhhh you probably wouldn't be being attacked unless you pissed people off. As for why they didn't attack you when you were in an alliance probably because they didn't care enough about it to go out of their way to attack you. You just had to go and put a huge target sign up though that seems to have jogged enough people's memories where they decided to hit you. Keep on thinking it's something larger though, methrage did too, and look where it got him.

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With all that has been said about this I have just one question. Obvisiously certain people believe it needed to raid this man for whatever reasons. If his alliance would have stronger members like around 100k ns, would they too be raided as tech targets or would you aid gramlins for the real reason?
As founder of Purplol I understand your pain and need for what you have done. Reroll and look me up.

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[quote name='Solomon' date='11 May 2010 - 04:28 AM' timestamp='1273548501' post='2294398']
With all that has been said about this I have just one question. Obvisiously certain people believe it needed to raid this man for whatever reasons. If his alliance would have stronger members like around 100k ns, would they too be raided as tech targets or would you aid gramlins for the real reason?
As founder of Purplol I understand your pain and need for what you have done. Reroll and look me up.

This has nothing to do with other members. Again tbb got people miffed at him, and then decided to announce to the world that he was all alone. I'm pretty sure the same thing would happen to other people if they just randomly did that as well really.

I'll put it this way, if Ivan Moldavi decided to resign the NPO and declare war on LUE after great war one for some reason you can bet he'd have his slots filled by people he angered quickly.

Edited by Gerald Meane
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So thank you very much for offering an answer that is covered in smoke, anyone wanna answer if \m/ would hit members of this alliance that makes a profitable war impossible? Would gramlins be the only counter attackers? Denying doesnt make it false, so just give the man what he wants.....Show your support or don't. Doesnt really matter just be CLEAR.

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[quote name='Solomon' date='11 May 2010 - 04:42 AM' timestamp='1273549310' post='2294420']
So thank you very much for offering an answer that is covered in smoke, anyone wanna answer if \m/ would hit members of this alliance that makes a profitable war impossible? Would gramlins be the only counter attackers? Denying doesnt make it false, so just give the man what he wants.....Show your support or don't. Doesnt really matter just be CLEAR.

Again this isn't about members or gramlins this is about tbb. He did something that screamed attack me so he got attacked. \m/ has nothing to do with the gramlins/tbb situation aside from the fact that it alerted the people who wanted to hit tbb to the opportunity to do so. This has nothing to do with tangible profit.

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