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[quote name='mattski133' date='19 April 2010 - 10:39 AM' timestamp='1271691559' post='2266317']
TORN (6/10): [b]1 was not there, possibly deployed somewhere or something[/b], Nighlite was well-prepared but did not cause as much damage as anticipated.
I believe you are correct and that he is currently deployed in Afghanistan.

I guess for TORN's own performance, we could have been better prepared. We all had excellent warchests (I dont think anyone got bill locked all war), but our tech levels were not great. So, we fought well skill wise, great warchests, damage was watered down due to low tech. 7.5/10 this war.

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[quote name='bigwoody' date='20 April 2010 - 01:31 AM' timestamp='1271723479' post='2267080']
I believe you are correct and that he is currently deployed in Afghanistan.

I guess for TORN's own performance, we could have been better prepared. We all had excellent warchests (I dont think anyone got bill locked all war), but our tech levels were not great. So, we fought well skill wise, great warchests, damage was watered down due to low tech. 7.5/10 this war.
Ironchef had a 15mil warchest and was bill locked nearly straight away :unsure:

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I hadn't thought to rate my own alliance.


The greatest problem Nordreich faces in terms of coordination is that our members come from, well, everywhere. At update, a big chunk of our membership is sitting down to breakfast. For others it's dinner time. Our sub-Equator members face the added challenge of trying to coordinate while standing on their heads. (That is how the Equator works, right? Y'all are upside down all the time?) Those of us in North America would rather be in bed.

And yet it works. Don't ask me how, but once the alarm goes out, everybody shows up. We may be groggy, but we're there.

Assign a number value? No, that sort of thing is simply too subjective, and I'd rather not look like some of the boobs who have shared their ill-informed/biased opinions thus far.

Everyone showed up, our morale was high throughout and our enemies surrendered. Frankly, I don't care about much else.

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[quote name='MagicalTrevor' date='20 April 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1271734866' post='2267356']
Ironchef had a 15mil warchest and was bill locked nearly straight away :unsure:
To be fair- she only just arrived in TORN after a long stint in GGA.

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[quote name='Banksy' date='19 April 2010 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1271735904' post='2267387']
To be fair- she only just arrived in TORN after a long stint in GGA.
$15 million? Ouch. Even after the surrender I had more cash than that.

Obviously, I only had experience with the Mostly Harmless Alliance. They were decent sorts, but fell short when it came to the Vogon poetry. Not one verse graced the shattered remains of my postal service! A shame, really. One of them did surrender, too. Shame it wasn't the one who kept dropping nukes on me, but can't have everything. Well, OK, we can have shrapnel. Slightly used, quality goods, straight from the Deconstructor Fleets and yours at a bargain price. Email salvage@sales.ii.phr for more info. (OOC: email is, of course, fake.) (IC: email to sales.ii.gga will no longer be redirected.)

Still, the Mostly Harmless guys were OK enough on fighting.

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Fighting in my 3rd Major CN War (first with nukes) I must say it was a good fight for the most part. The only person I remember fighting was SinisterCanuck, due mostly in part to the wonderful channel name the ones coordinating against him had (too inappropriate to post, has to deal with his nation name). He was a good fighter though, and managed to give as good as he gave. I fought a few people from TORN, but for the most part it was all IRON. And I have to say, I didn't have the greatest warchest when war broke out (coming off a MP/SDI/550 spies spending spree) yet managed to hang in for the first two rounds without trouble. IRON was a mix bag, I fought a few who coordinated on me and had a ton of wonders/a slight tech advantage on me, the rest were decent and one just declared on me to stagger me (poor guy had 6k Infra and no nukes, I dropped him half that for staggering me :mad: ). So a recap:

TORN: 8/10 Hung with us, gave as good as you got, conducted yourselves very professionally.
IRON: 6/10 Varied, some great, some poor, but definitely better morale and more pleasant opponents.

As for =LOST=, well, we have !@#$%* tech levels to begin with :(

But what we lack in tech we make up with :wub:

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[quote name='lebubu' date='18 April 2010 - 10:35 PM' timestamp='1271626489' post='2265336']
All the TOP guys I fought sucked because [b]I hate them so much[/b],

Shout out to TSO, they were great to fight alongside and were a great help to me personally in the first round of wars.

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[quote name='Qaianna' date='20 April 2010 - 06:09 PM' timestamp='1271740126' post='2267480']
$15 million? Ouch. Even after the surrender I had more cash than that.
hehe- I really only meant that she shouldn't reflect on TORN as a whole, and it sounds like should shouldn't reflect on GGA either :)

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My experience was mixed with TOOL, most of the guys I fought just sort of lay there, and one had no warchest at all. Castles though fought fiercely despite being at a pretty severe disadvantage. Props to you man :awesome:

Argent on the other hand brought some pretty serious fight. I was matched blow for blow by Railic, and he singlehandedly did the majority of the damage I took in the whole war, we both cut our respective infra and tech in half by the end of our week of war.

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MK nations I fought were the best (props to oyababy who stood out above the rest). The 3 top 10 nations sent against me weren't anything special (all hit the list). The 7 sparta nations all hit the top 5 biggest losers in CN list (topped them most of the time), I believe couchmonkey was the only one who didn't (in all my wars) since he didn't get to take nukes daily. FOK nations both hit the list. Brigade nations both hit the list. I think there were a few other random nations too. All said and done I sent 16 to the lists, and 1 escaped. After the first week it was fighting on my own (goes to show that even being bigger then everyone doesn't always help) and enjoyed the ride down. 153k NS later, ~44k infra, 33k land, and 10k tech it was peachy.

So ranking this war by alliances I directly fought in-game (best to worst):

The Resistance

TOP did well considering.

All said and done, having the most tech = fun. Having to do spy ops for everyone got lame and the probabilities are off in some of the stuff I tested.

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Of those I fought, TOP nations did the best and IRON nations the worst. TOP's ability to deal damage was amplified considerably by their ridiculous prewar stats, but they were still pretty potent even when disregarding how large their nations were.

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[quote name='bigwoody' date='20 April 2010 - 01:31 AM' timestamp='1271723479' post='2267080']
I believe you are correct and that he is currently deployed in Afghanistan.

I guess for TORN's own performance, we could have been better prepared. We all had excellent warchests (I dont think anyone got bill locked all war), but our tech levels were not great. So, we fought well skill wise, great warchests, damage was watered down due to low tech. 7.5/10 this war.


Sorry I could only rate my own experience.

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[quote name='Scorbolt' date='19 April 2010 - 06:30 AM' timestamp='1271654998' post='2265955']
Fought a dozen or so TOP. Most were pretty good.

Had two rounds vs. Doug and he was definitely a tough opponent.
Haha definately not the first round. The Metaphorical stuff hit the metaphorical fan in RL during that first set of wars - plus an inactive first round mate =/
Second round was definately more fun though :awesome:

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I fought a lot of people. Let's see...

IRON were pretty terrible. Most of the guys I fought had been picking on our coalition's lower tiers, cherry-picking inactive players and trying to force them to quit. As soon as I'd attack one, they'd do one set of retaliatory attacks and then roll over. Every single time. I fought like 10 of them, and that's always how it went. As soon as they saw it was someone who was going to put up a fight they gave up. 3/10 (One of your nations nuked.)

NSO, one of their members and I had a nuclear shootout which I decisively won, but at least he nuked... he just ran out of steam before me. A couple more weren't great fighters. Overall a slightly above average score here I guess, for nuking back. 6.5/10

GDA was kind of a joke. When I can beat you guys 6v1 by just destroying 1 at a time then moving onto the next guy, well... that says something. None of them could recover from a set of big attacks. They just weren't able to. 1/10

Rebel Virginia... On one hand, he performed decently. On the other, he missed a few golden opportunities and just generally couldn't capitalize on anything. He did show a good ability to read my capabilities before attacking, though. He waited and waited for months until I got to a point where I couldn't nuke back before attacking. Hilariously, he went begging for a ceasefire to discuss terms the very day I reached 1,000 infrastructure and just needed a uranium trade for a nuke. Then he quickly agreed to peace. So I just nuked his alliance member, Bansky, instead.

5/10 for war skills
2/10 overall because he's a coward

NADC - A bit below average. They think they did a lot more than they really did. You guys are NOT that good at war, trust me. 3/10

STA - Really, really, really disappointed here. I fought 3 of your members for a couple/few days. They all had decent warchests. None of them fought back. One had a $345m warchest @ 15k NS and didn't do so much as CM me. I was really disappointed that you guys didn't put up any fight, but I figure I just got really unlucky in who I attacked. Still, I have to rate you on what I experienced, so 1/10.

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The only action I took part in was the VE vs NpO war, in where I managed to find the 1(one) target within my range in NpO that wasn't completely filled. Unfortunately for me, there was a reason he was: monster tech and wonders. Nevertheless, I wanted a taste of the fighting before the scheduled incarnation of AcTi (something planned months earlier) and so I warred him. The first day, we exchanged nukes and such, however we both fell into a state of inactivity to the point where nothing happened day 6/7 :/ He didn't seem well-organized or knew really when to attack: he did everything the one time he came on, and in a sub-standard order.

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7/10 - TORN is correct in saying their top ranks were well prepared money wise but no where near prepared tech wise. I believe I out teched anyone in that alliance by at least 2k if not more. MK totalus hit the list at one point and they tumbled pretty quickly due to damage out put and being piled on more then any other alliance proportion wise. (TOP was the biggest alliance in the game so obviously had more but proportionally I think TORN was out NSed like 10 to 1 at the beginning of the war)

2/10 - Invicta talked a lot and their nations were ill prepared especially war chest wise. Very infra and land inflated. It was a very poor showing for them imo.

10/10 - TOP - Obviously being out alliance 21 - 1 can be demoralizing but they really gave it to everyone. Lum L Lumwood did the most damage to me in the war and I was 1 v 1 on him for a bit which hurt my ns quite a bit. If it wasnt for a huge war chest I would be very very sad right now because of him. I think this war and reps eventually will level the playing field for a short while before TOP will be able to put on such a performance again.

8/10 - BAPS, Didn't have the largest nations in the world but they were very active, able fighters who had decent sized war chests for the most part.

5/10 - Olympus - I can't say I have anything particularly horrible or good to say about Olympus. Proportionally there was a lot in peace and after checking war chest stats they weren't that great with few exceptions. I suppose you could say they were serviceable.

Edited by Overlord Shinnra
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[quote name='Corinan' date='22 April 2010 - 07:30 PM' timestamp='1271979038' post='2271272']
I had a lot of fun nuking the !@#$ out of Fark. I found their attacks to be mostly weak and pathetic. Probably because I deliberately targeted weaker nations without SDI's, lol. Good times.

In conclusion, Fark sucks.

I had a lot of fun too. Making a couple NSO nations ask me if they could surrender and how to do it made me laugh. I wonder if they ever did surrender. I think one did. Not sure about the other.

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