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Post-War Ratings


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Only a limited engagement from me (Polar were already out of range of me :P), but based on alliance IRC and forum reports, Polar were surprisingly good, particularly in the mid tier where we were quite stretched, and lost a lot of NS. Their top tier never recovered from BLEU war but they've definitely learnt some lessons about warchest, activity and preparedness.

Argent was a one day engagement for us, so I can't really judge their performance in the war. I know they're good from my time in Citadel but they didn't really get the chance to show that against us.

TOOL seem to have been a mixed bag, Dealmaster fought well but the other nation I was on didn't fight back at all, and they didn't seem interested in declaring offensive wars, allowing us to pick and choose the rules of engagement. I suspect they had mostly the second type of nation than those like Dealmaster.

As for our own performance, I've never been in a war in a non-elite alliance before so it's hard to judge, but I think VE did pretty well.

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[quote name='SynthFG' date='19 April 2010 - 12:34 PM' timestamp='1271673269' post='2266139']
and DAWN were a joke, who's unexpected intervention only served to provide targets for the week or so they had nations in range
Lol, gotta check on the treaties of alliances you attack in the future then :P

Generally though, thanks for giving us the opportunity to getting to know your former alliance better, we do intend to stay in range this time :awesome:

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' date='19 April 2010 - 03:13 AM' timestamp='1271661198' post='2266054']
Most of these ratings don'e make sense. Why does just nuking every day give you a 7, and defeat alerting you get a 6? I feel like out of 41 nations, you seem to glorify yourself far too much.
That said, Shardoon was the only good TOP fighter I fought. Three Headed monkey despite having enough money to lose 5 mil each GA still didn't even retaliate with a CM or a nuke for the 14 days we fought.
I was rating how they did. I had the cash to pretty much do fine, though I did lose a lot of GAs. (Helps when you have 1/5th the infra :P )

I tried to avoid glorifying myself, but it's kinda hard when I've fought so many and so many have been bad. Fighting 6 at a time was more like fighting 3, since nearly half of them turtled every single round. Also, I never got defeat alerted. Yet. <_<

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I don't get how we're saying TOP was overrated when the only type of war they've fought and won so far was the type where they were grossly outnumbering their opponents.

Ha ha ha

On a more serious note i rarely get into this type of threads because it generally just begs people to take more jabs at their opponents (see a few lines above) or throw around biased "opinions". Aside from all alliances having both active and inactive members and members who've had some experience with war or actually took their time to read the guides (see: if said alliances actually have a competent gov), there are really no surprises to be had. If anything i could say i was a bit surprised (pleasantly, of course) by ODN with their performance :P

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[quote name='Gamemaster1' date='19 April 2010 - 04:34 AM' timestamp='1271648060' post='2265785']The Nemesis guy was great. He only declared on me to keep me in a stagger (and he had gosh darn high tech), and he was a fun opponent. Didn't do much other then lob nukes and CMs though. 7[/quote]

Be fair :P I attacked until I ran out of infra ^_^

I fought this guy which was interesting because I had a fairly mammoth tech advantage and he had a mammoth infra advantage. Struggled a lot to get coordination going with the other guys I was fighting with him so we had a fairly even fight, that finished, well, fairly evenly :awesome: Also Willem from TOOL who was also great. Every other TOOL member I hit was inactive, didn't take a single cruise missile in the rest of my wars with TOOL. I'd say the active ones are pretty impressive, but too many inactives to really impress on an alliance level. 8.5 for the active ones, 6.5 as an alliance.

TOP hurt like hell. Complete lack of coordination in all of my wars though, not once did I get hit by more than one nation's attacks in a short period of time. Obviously others have had different experiences with this so it's probably just indicative of the fact I got unlucky at the start, and people didn't do many attacks full stop towards the end. 8

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='19 April 2010 - 07:31 AM' timestamp='1271680256' post='2266186']As for our own performance, I've never been in a war in a non-elite alliance before so it's hard to judge, but I think VE did pretty well.[/quote]

Dang it Bob. Quit telling people we're a non-elite alliance. Tell 'em we're a "special" alliance. :P

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I fought 4 PC, 2 Kronos and 1 TOP.

PC was a really good fight, one Kronos nation did very well, the others was nearly inactive and TOP was just [img]http://polarorder.net/Smileys/default/beatdeadhorse.gif[/img]

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Sparta was fun. ElCoggins and I had a giant slugfest that left our nations in shambles. I wish that the TOOL nations assisting with the guy at the top of my strength range had done more though.. The alliance did see some bad Spartans, but that happens.

Alpha Omega were pretty good from alliance reports, and TCI barely showed up.

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GLOF (2/10): this war only lasted about four hours but there was zero response and most TR nations reported receiving no counterattacks before the update, despite hitting a good hour beforehand. For all the hype leading up to the war and considering GLOF was already fighting FOK, it seemed like they were totally taken by surprise that an attack might be coming.

TORN (6/10): 1 was not there, possibly deployed somewhere or something, Nighlite was well-prepared but did not cause as much damage as anticipated.

BAPS (9/10): Diego caused 2x more damage by himself than the two TORN nations. Jebus.

TOP (8/10): After week 3 Marx was still fighting, and clearly still able to press the red button. Had a good warchest left, smart enough to steal money from my dwindling WC, in doing so took my nation out of week 4 service.

Invicta (2/10): I don't even remember fighting this guy to be honest, might have surrendered sometime in week 3.

Summed up by this SS (TOP guy not included):


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All the TOP guys i fought rocked (it was painful man, really painful :D), the IRON guys were a mixed bag (Some were tough as nails, others just turtled up), the one FEAR guy was pretty good and the one TSO guy made little effort before surrendering.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' date='19 April 2010 - 09:53 AM' timestamp='1271685199' post='2266240']
Be fair :P I attacked until I ran out of infra ^_^

I fought this guy which was interesting because I had a fairly mammoth tech advantage and he had a mammoth infra advantage. Struggled a lot to get coordination going with the other guys I was fighting with him so we had a fairly even fight, that finished, well, fairly evenly :awesome: Also Willem from TOOL who was also great. Every other TOOL member I hit was inactive, didn't take a single cruise missile in the rest of my wars with TOOL. I'd say the active ones are pretty impressive, but too many inactives to really impress on an alliance level. 8.5 for the active ones, 6.5 as an alliance.

TOP hurt like hell. Complete lack of coordination in all of my wars though, not once did I get hit by more than one nation's attacks in a short period of time. Obviously others have had different experiences with this so it's probably just indicative of the fact I got unlucky at the start, and people didn't do many attacks full stop towards the end. 8
I left you with what, 7 infra? :P

Course, you did a !@#$ing ton more damage money wise.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 April 2010 - 07:25 AM' timestamp='1271676307' post='2266156']
Everyone should just give up and join the GPA.
You first.

[quote name='uaciaut' date='19 April 2010 - 08:49 AM' timestamp='1271681332' post='2266205']
On a more serious note i rarely get into this type of threads because it generally just begs people to take more jabs at their opponents (see a few lines above) or throw around biased "opinions".

Aside from all alliances having both active and inactive members and members who've had some experience with war or actually took their time to read the guides (see: if said alliances actually have a competent gov), there are really no surprises to be had. If anything i could say i was a bit surprised (pleasantly, of course) by ODN with their performance :P
Of course there's going to be bias from involved parties. It'd be slightly different if uninvolved parties were the ones opining (they're obviously going to have a significantly lesser idea how people fought though).

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I was in peace mode (contractors were running around my house and I didn't always have electricity, lol) when the second phase of the war started; my wars in the first half got curtailed by the NpO-\m/ peace, though I do remember flattening CptGodzilla when he declared on me. So no real opinions, other than that the good Cpt needs to learn to quad - he just did two attacks the night of his declaration.

When I came out of dove, I fought mostly NV and FOK. The NV guys fought well, FOK not so well (I remember one guy with 15K infra and no navy declaring on me and two ML nations), although all my NV targets had kinda hilarious warchests (GUYS - 250M IS NOT ENOUGH). Going into round 2, I was pretty much just getting attacked by hilariously outgunned iFOK nations. I still had a navy, and a FAB, and all they could do was CM - air attacks were completely pointless, and with my tech advantage GAs were also pointless. Why they didn't just send one MP nation at a time to keep me in anarchy, I'm not sure.

Then the war ended for Invicta anyway.

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My Polar opponent greatly outclassed me, and was able to inflict massive damage onto me, but I felt like it most mostly due to him having a bigger nation. Looking back at all of the advantages he had, it seems like he could have done so much more damage than he did. I may have taken a pounding, but I sure as hell made sure he did as well.

I ended up fighting four or five members of Valhalla, but unfortunately they were not among their best. It was more like a glorified tech raid with nukes than a war. Perhaps in the future I'll get better luck with the draw.

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[quote name='pd73bassman' date='18 April 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1271642349' post='2265642']
Yes Valhalla put up a fight, I can that for them
Feeling is mutual

[quote name='Thomas Jackson' date='19 April 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1271702647' post='2266552']
My Polar opponent greatly outclassed me, and was able to inflict massive damage onto me, but I felt like it most mostly due to him having a bigger nation. Looking back at all of the advantages he had, it seems like he could have done so much more damage than he did. I may have taken a pounding, but I sure as hell made sure he did as well.

I ended up fighting four or five members of Valhalla, but unfortunately they were not among their best. It was more like a glorified tech raid with nukes than a war. Perhaps in the future I'll get better luck with the draw.
Sorry man ill make sure we get you better service next time :P heres a raid me for free card :P

9/10 NOR didnt miss a stagger on me and kept me in Nuke Anarchy Thor was fun but i am sorry i couldnt hold out for TVM. Some day we need to roll some one together it would be fun :P

8/10 FAN I think Hal said it best they had some rust to shake off but they were very capable opponents and I would imagine learned quickly. Would love to fight on the same side some day :)

8/10 DT Fought a couple of them and one was a blast the other was semi inactive but boy when he nuked it sure hurt. Hope to see you active again FH.

9/10 PC Choader you !@#$%^& give me back my land :P PC are great oppenents they hit us hard even after they were at war for a couple of weeks with POLAR, nothing but respect for you guys.

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Of my wars, TOP had average fighters, miserable fighters and one good fighter (Tex, mostly because he actually knew how to turtle. As a note, you don't rebuy troops every day when you're trying to turtle), with nothing in between. On a strategic level they did well, but they didn't fight as a team, so they didn't do as much damage as they could have.

[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='18 April 2010 - 08:14 PM' timestamp='1271636025' post='2265520']
Hahaha, yeah, we were disappointed that RMMP left us.
tbh, I still wish we got to have a go at him. It would have been awesome.

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I had a blast fighting the 5 TSO guys I faced. Granted I was 2 weeks away from buying a WRC when war broke out, so the 4/5 TSO guys I fought had WRC's and I didn't. I talked more to some than others but they were all cool.

All my wars were good ones and there was a ton of damage dealt; however, I'm not too good at judging whether or not fighters are any good.

I know I'm odd, but I found the spy attacks to be a bit more fun than just praying the SDI personnel were sleeping on the job.

The war did go to show what several of us in GATO have been preaching for months about having one's Warchest built up.

Edited by Laserwolf
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The \m/ nation I raided back in January, (before even NpO did something), was a little girl and peaced out very quickly allowing me to escape to PM. Then I flip flopped and joined \m/ as they needed some backbone.

James Sams who I then fought from Valhalla was powerful, but for my thinking let me off esay. All I can guess was that he was expecting more rounds of war otherwise he could have issued a serving. Alternatively he might just have been cowered by me/crap at war. Either way he brough good banter and respect so in the 2 months or so I was what most would call a rogue, (iFOK and Athens brought nothing against me I could not handle), and then my return to an aliance and more acceptable warfare James Sams was my most able, entertaining and respectful opponent.


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I would give us a 6 out of 10....maybe a 5. Our forums went out and our DoD went missing and all of leadership had various RL issues during the course of the war.

Not bad for our first war though. The issues we had are being corrected due to our experience in the war.

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