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To those who give a CRAP

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Yesterday, April 11th, the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers turned three years old!! However, we were much too drunk to post anything about it until now. But more importantly, we gotz a new logo!!! (I made it all by myself...and its huge...and available in vector form)

3 years ago, WoodChuk and I decided to create CRAP. Since that time, we have changed our name from Cool Rats And People to what it is currently, we have been through 3 different charters, a coupe attempt, a merger, and some wars. We have seen some of our closet allies die as well as thrive.

When we first started CRAP, CN was a completely different place. We came in at a time where small/new alliances weren't all that welcome, and very few even gave us a chance. But to those few who did, I think you. We probably wouldn't be around if it wasn't for you guys.

Honorary mentions of alliance's that helped us grow and develop:

Phoenix Police Force (PhPF)
Auxiliary Alliance (AA) (mainly Lanna)
Random Insanity Alliance (RIA)
The Templar Knights (TTK)
Spootland Alliance of Allied Allies (SPAAA)
Total Liberation Front (TeLF) (Yes...TeLF)
The Federation (TheFed) (Now FALCON)
Aquatic Coalition Front (ACF)
Notorious Freedom League/New Freedom League (NFL)
Coaliton of Indpendant Nations (CoIN)
The 57th Overlanders (57th)
Asgaard (ASG)
The Maroon Sphere

Thanks. Nuff said.

tl;dnr CRAP turns 3!! Whooo!!! (if you really needed a tl;dnr...shame on you)

Edited by Harry Dresden
Mod edit: removed HUGE image.
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[quote name='Chuck Normis' date='12 April 2010 - 05:18 PM' timestamp='1271110717' post='2257796']
[snip]Honorary mentions of alliance's that helped us grow and develop:

Phoenix Police Force (PhPF)*
Auxiliary Alliance (AA) (mainly Lanna)*
Random Insanity Alliance (RIA)*
The Templar Knights (TTK)
Spootland Alliance of Allied Allies (SPAAA)*
Total Liberation Front (TeLF) (Yes...TeLF)*
The Federation (TheFed) (Now FALCON)
Aquatic Coalition Front (ACF)*
Notorious Freedom League/New Freedom League (NFL)*
Coaliton of Indpendant Nations (CoIN)*
The 57th Overlanders (57th)
Asgaard (ASG)*
The Maroon Sphere


XD oh the days... I miss those days... thanks for remembering!

*these are the alliances that I have personally experienced to be especially awesome. I kinda feel like the 57th should be starred too, but I admit I don't think I ever knew them too well.

07 to good times,

best of luck in all future endeavours too, :)

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