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The Future of Neo-Hegemony ?

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I like how \m/ is way in right field xP

Idk, I still think that the Neo-Hegemony will never be able to rise due to the hate (reasonable or not) created from the recent wars on either side, with the Neo-Hegemonists being portrayed as evil, and the others being portrayed as, well, evil, to the respective sides.

Maybe we're in a CN cold war soon?

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[quote name='Mustakrakish II' date='17 March 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1268838015' post='2228253']
I like how \m/ is way in right field xP

Idk, I still think that the Neo-Hegemony will never be able to rise due to the hate (reasonable or not) created from the recent wars on either side, with the Neo-Hegemonists being portrayed as evil, and the others being portrayed as, well, evil, to the respective sides.

Maybe we're in a CN cold war soon?
The Independent Republic of Orange Nations, the Order of the Paradox, and the Complaints and Grievances Union would like to dispute 'cold' there, although in hindsight I'd say a group against what was formerly the Hegemony had been gathering influence for some time now.

(Come to think of it..CnG doesn't have anyone to complain to or file grievances against anymore. Do they need to change their name now?)

It might be interesting if the parties involved could actually get to a cold war standpoint, without it hitting hot war every so often.

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[quote name='Qaianna' date='18 March 2010 - 12:18 AM' timestamp='1268889833' post='2229040']

It might be interesting if the parties involved could actually get to a cold war standpoint, without it hitting hot war every so often.

My guess is CnG is quickly getting to the point where they are going to WANT to rebuild and not fight any wars for at least a few months. SF on the other hand, is high on the horse right now* I wonder how this will play out.

*Right use of that phrase?

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[quote name='Qaianna' date='18 March 2010 - 01:18 AM' timestamp='1268889833' post='2229040']
(Come to think of it..CnG doesn't have anyone to complain to or file grievances against anymore. Do they need to change their name now?)
We [i]always[/i] have someone to file complaints against.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='18 March 2010 - 02:10 AM' timestamp='1268892965' post='2229072']
My guess is CnG is quickly getting to the point where they are going to WANT to rebuild and not fight any wars for at least a few months.
You don't know CnG very well. We spend 10-11 months of the year at peace eagerly awaiting the war time.

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[quote name='flak attack' date='18 March 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1268895196' post='2229091']
You don't know CnG very well. We spend 10-11 months of the year at peace eagerly awaiting the war time.

I said CnG, not Athens and MK. I get the feeling LOST, GR, FOB, Vangaurd and maybe even ODN feel a bit differently.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='18 March 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1268895736' post='2229096']
I said CnG, not Athens and MK. I get the feeling LOST, GR, FOB, Vangaurd and maybe even ODN feel a bit differently.
Don't trust your feelings then :/

While I wouldn't say C&G are warmongers to the extent that flak attack did, it's hardly true that Athens/MK want a war and the rest of us don't ;)

We are a unified bloc and our feelings on most issues are identical. It's not as if MK/Athens are pulling us along for the ride- our sovereign member alliances all have an equal say, and because of our unity- we say pretty much the same thing ;)

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I don't know how this discussion turned for a while to be about grammar and/or syntax (or something I entirely didn't understand), but I still find the following comment (from first page) to be interesting and (AFAIK) not adequately addressed this far:
[quote name='Puppet Master' date='09 March 2010' post='2219057']Many of the Neo alliances were not able to get to prekarma levels before this war broke out, and many were still rebuilding from Karma. CnG and friends have had help rebuilding due to reps and were able to get back to a higher level than many of the Neo alliances when this war broke out.[/quote]
This is a pretty darn good reason to never accept to provide significant reparations in exchange for peace - unless maybe when you're not dealing any more real damage and you're just being pounded by superior numbers.
In "modern" CN warfare this would basically mean that, if you're losing a war, it's better to continue fighting as long as you have the tech and the money to do so - "allowing" your members to surrender individually as they're bill-locked and leaving your opponents without external help for their rebuilding (just piles of ashes in their repeatedly nuked nations).

Why support their growth while you halt your one, if you're just helping them in having again the upper hand the next time? Harming them and making them more vulnerable in front of their competitors looks much more effective.
(Unless you actually plan to become an ally of the people you're fighting against, of course.)

[i]Disclaimer: any resemblance to actual alliances or persons, living or dead - and especially myself - real places or real events is unintentional and purely coincidental.[/i]

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[quote name='Qaianna' date='18 March 2010 - 05:18 AM' timestamp='1268889833' post='2229040']

It might be interesting if the parties involved could actually get to a cold war standpoint, without it hitting hot war every so often.

We had a nice little cold war brewing right up to the point where certain parties made a huge error in judgement, decided they had an advantage and moved to strike there perceved opponents, oops
Running a succesful cold war requires both an uncertainty as to which side holds the advantage and leaders on both sides who are able to see the bigger picture

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[quote name='SynthFG' date='18 March 2010 - 04:26 AM' timestamp='1268911882' post='2229191']
We had a nice little cold war brewing right up to the point where certain parties made a huge error in judgement, decided they had an advantage and moved to strike there perceved opponents, oops
Running a succesful cold war requires both an uncertainty as to which side holds the advantage and leaders on both sides who are able to see the bigger picture
Too bad the cold war didn't last very long. It would've kept the game far more interesting.

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[quote name='greatmagnus' date='18 March 2010 - 02:18 PM' timestamp='1268940234' post='2229455']
NPO will not really shake things up once they get out. Sure they are decently ranked, but their avg ns is very low and anyone who would have touched them with a 40 foot pole got pounded in the war.

I don't think it would be smart for NPO to shake things up anyways. Sure they should still be a point of interest, but its better for them to sit and fester, like game of risk where some one sits in Australia for most of the game, but then builds up enough armies to take over everyone else. Everything will be slanted against NPO when the leave terms, so they should just work on changing that.

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[quote name='SynthFG' date='18 March 2010 - 07:31 AM' timestamp='1268911882' post='2229191']
We had a nice little cold war brewing right up to the point where certain parties made a huge error in judgement, decided they had an advantage and moved to strike there perceved opponents, oops
Running a succesful cold war requires both an uncertainty as to which side holds the advantage and leaders on both sides who are able to see the bigger picture

[quote name='KagetheSecond' date='18 March 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1268939865' post='2229447']
Too bad the cold war didn't last very long. It would've kept the game far more interesting.

I donno guys, I thought the semi cold war we had going on was kinda lame. The treaty web precludes proxy wars which means the only advantage a person can get is by winning over allies and by acquiring more nation strength. If we could figure out how to have conflict while keeping the major power centers from attacking one another that would be interesting, but the proliferation of massive treaty webs seems to prevent that.

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If we're losing; how are we the hegemony?

Hegemony (Greek: ἡγεμονία hēgemonía, English: [UK] /hɨˈɡɛməni/, [US]: pronounced /hɨˈdʒɛməni/; "leadership" or "hegemon" for "leader") [1] is the political, economic, ideological or cultural power exerted by a dominant group over other groups, regardless of the explicit consent of the latter. While initially referring to the political dominance of certain ancient Greek city-states over their neighbors, the term has come to be used in a variety of other contexts, in particular Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony.

I don't think that's happening.

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[quote name='greatmagnus' date='18 March 2010 - 02:24 PM' timestamp='1268940234' post='2229455']
NPO will not really shake things up once they get out. Sure they are decently ranked, but their avg ns is very low and anyone who would have touched them with a 40 foot pole got pounded in the war.
I highly doubt they're gonna steal any spotlights anytime soon. Aside from Sir Paul's press reports, I can't imagine them making those kinds of waves. Especially since once terms end, they'll be under so much scrutiny that Emperor Cortath could accidentally cause headlines and fifty-page threads here based on what he orders for dinner at Independent Republic of Orange Pancakes. Or picking that over the Mushroom and Anchovy Kingdom shop for pizza.

Of course, freshly-pounded and possibly vengeful alliances ... hm. Those don't get together, gather power, and overthrow the ones who beat them up, do they? Besides, the ones on top can always throw a war to smash one to bits. That worked before, right?

..OK, I can't type that sarcastically anymore.

And to Flak Attack ... you say you spend so much time in peace waiting for war. OK, then. What happens when you spend all that time AT war? There's a reason that some folks consider the real big winners of the current one to be the Green Protection Agency, with the New Pacific Order coming in a decent second.

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[quote name='Qaianna' date='21 March 2010 - 06:34 AM' timestamp='1269149631' post='2231955']
And to Flak Attack ... you say you spend so much time in peace waiting for war. OK, then. What happens when you spend all that time AT war? There's a reason that some folks consider the real big winners of the current one to be the Green Protection Agency, with the New Pacific Order coming in a decent second.

NPO is statistically incapable of becoming a threat anytime soon.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' date='21 March 2010 - 04:34 PM' timestamp='1269185667' post='2232162']
How much more does NPO need to pay off?
Since they are either A. Incompetent at moving reps, or B. Have been dragging their feet on purpose, My best guess would be a couple more months. I haven't been involved with the reps deal in a very long time though so don't quote me on that. :P

Edited by sethb
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[quote name='sethb' date='21 March 2010 - 11:19 AM' timestamp='1269188358' post='2232184']
Since they are either A. Incompetent at moving reps, or B. Have been dragging their feet on purpose, My best guess would be a couple more months. I haven't been involved with the reps deal in a very long time though so don't quote me on that. :P

I think right now the problem is that most of the ppl they owe reps to are at war. I get the feeling that even though this war is seeing NPO's former enemies (Karma) lose a lot of NS, they actually want to see this war over so they can come out of [s]the closet[/s] terms.

Sorry about the closet joke NPO, it was just soooo easy :ehm:

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='21 March 2010 - 12:48 PM' timestamp='1269190107' post='2232198']
I think right now the problem is that most of the ppl they owe reps to are at war. I get the feeling that even though this war is seeing NPO's former enemies (Karma) lose a lot of NS, they actually want to see this war over so they can come out of [s]the closet[/s] terms.

Sorry about the closet joke NPO, it was just soooo easy :ehm:

A lot of people yelled at GOD for making NPO continue their reps, but lo and behold, they've been done with our payments for a while now and (shockingly) didn't get attacked!

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='21 March 2010 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1269190107' post='2232198']
I think right now the problem is that most of the ppl they owe reps to are at war. I get the feeling that even though this war is seeing NPO's former enemies (Karma) lose a lot of NS, they actually want to see this war over so they can come out of [s]the closet[/s] terms.

Sorry about the closet joke NPO, it was just soooo easy :ehm:
I'm not just talking about during this war.

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[quote name='sethb' date='21 March 2010 - 02:31 PM' timestamp='1269207055' post='2232407']
I'm not just talking about during this war.

What you're saying (in regards to point B) is possibly the most illogical thing I've ever heard. Why on earth would an alliance like the NPO, who is under the kind of terms they are, want to stay under terms for longer?

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