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What is your worst and best in game move ever

Comrade Korey

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Worst Move: Introducing Darklink7748 (through a friend) to Planet Bob.
Runner-Up Worst Move: Purchasing a RL NPO flag/staying in NPO as long as I did.

Best Move: Joining Darkstar.
Runner-Up Best Move: Driving AndrewBW and others out of Sparta/instituting real reform in my time there.

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Worst in game moves Cancelling the treaty between SoM and TTK and allowing Schills who was backed by blue to gang rape a member for BS reasons. Sorry Z should have told them to bring it, was much too inexperianced at the time to realize the full scope of things.

Best Moves Moving to Valhalla while many of my friends reside on teh other side of things Valhalla fits me well. Taking TTK up to 200 members and being a co-founder of the current Maroonity.

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My worst move in CN was not to get a war chest once I reached 10k NS... I only started sledding for one after 15k NS :( bad, bad move. Fixed now, though XD

The best move was probably accepting my very first government role in my alliance :) good experience.

I think another "best" move, maybe running equal to my first best move, is letting Lanna chain me to the kitchen sink, never allowing me to leave TYR :P

Edited by CreativName
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[quote name='Earogema' date='10 February 2010 - 01:28 PM' timestamp='1265826527' post='2172862']
And that's why joining TORN was my worst game move.

Seriously, I could have had my name on that charter in the "founding members" section. WHY!?

We didn't think it would amount to much...you know...like Microsoft.

Truthfully there were a fair number of small alliance spin off from \m/ that didn't make it for various reasons. Ragnarok was the one that caught fire.

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Oh great Admin, do I dare expose the comedy of errors that has been my career?

The Worsts:

In my very first major alliance to alliance war, my first move was to over-deploy and self-anarchy. The rest of the war followed in a similar fashion.

Probably the biggest regret was not working harder to save SNOW. I didn't realize what potential it had at the time, but I regret not just dropping other things to take the helm personally.

Not accepting the Triumvir position when it was first offered.

My drunken posting habit has caused a slight embarrassment or two.

My Bests:

Never giving up. Ever.

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[quote name='Fallen_Fool' date='10 February 2010 - 02:08 AM' timestamp='1265785695' post='2172238']
Worst moment: A tie between being an emo brat during a sit down with GRE, GR and OG gov at the beginning of the SPW and later stepping down as Minister of Peace instead of trying to be more useful.
Oh dear, why did we do that?

I remember this :x screw you for reminding me

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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[quote name='chairmanR' date='10 February 2010 - 10:56 AM' timestamp='1265817389' post='2172669']

You NEVER give Junkalunka power! You just ignore him until he goes away and starts his own alliance.

Haha, I remember the whole Junkalunka - FCC incident. That was a fun couple of days. :awesome:

Edited by Mathias
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Best move: Joining Athens, becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs. Loving It.Will never leave Athens. Athens till the end. :awesome:

Worst Move: None so far. Although the GGA crap comes close. Also the TSI crap. I should of posted it. It would of been short and to the point without stating the actual reason. Also the Knights of Ni !@#$%^&*. Other then that stuff, I regret nothing and stand by every decision Athens government has made.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='10 February 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1265848922' post='2173487']
Oh dear, why did we do that?

I remember this :x screw you for reminding me
[/quote]No clue dude.

I just know that everytime I think about it nowadays I feel like facepalming myself into nonexistence.

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Best Move: Eating delicious cake
Worst Move: I didn't savior the flavor :(

oh, and these are my real ones

Best move: Finding someone who matches my character PERFECTLY.(Stephen Colbert)
Worst move: Creating an alliance without any prior govt knowledge.

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