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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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[quote name='PrideAssassin' date='02 February 2010 - 05:50 AM' timestamp='1265111442' post='2152972']
Love is stronger than hate. I see your fear. You will be out-bred. Your resources depleted. Your culture marginalized. You will die slowly and hungry, as opposed to quickly and with honor.
I add my love to the big heapin' pile of NpO love. Come love with us, or wither away.

Awesome, keep in mind, I fear nothing in this world or any other for the matter. (My people still use two rocks to light the fireplace) so dying is nothing.

The first thing I learned was how to reassemble myself. :P

If your asking for an official statement from The Brain, that surely wouldn't come from me.

The doomsday clock is set at 1 minute to midnight and Dr Manhattan is no where to be found :P

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[quote name='KingSrqt' date='02 February 2010 - 07:51 AM' timestamp='1265118691' post='2153083']
I a very surprised to see you enter the war on this side Polaris, especially considering the high level of treaties you hold with C&G signatories. I would understand neutrality fully considering the unfortunate circumstances of this war. To each his own I suppose and I wish good luck to my friends in GOD.

It's not that surprising after seeing the complete lack of support and the almost total disrespect Polar received publicly from CnG allies (y). It was clear from day one that Polar was holding (a) certain treaties (y) that are practically seen as an abomination to the other signatories.

The most interesting part to me here is that with TOP being sold out by one of Polars closest allies, that Polar comes in - while I do understand it's for NSO - on the side Polars ally sold out. A side on which they have only 1 ally.

On a personal note... I love CN politics. It's almost comical to see Polar, TOP and TORN already fighting against the bulk of Karma

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='02 February 2010 - 07:22 AM' timestamp='1265116923' post='2153051']
Methrage, give it up.

[b]For the record, in talks with FARK it was communicated we would not get peace unless we were willing to accept a term that would bar us from re-entering on IRON's behalf. Nor could we achieve peace for IRON. Considering NSO does not leave it's allies on the battlefields, we were at an impasse.[/b]

It seems the other side is willing to call this one war when it benefits them in one situation, and two wars in others.

Seems to be a very reasonable offer.

to some of the other posts:

I understand you do not leave your allies but if you are unwilling to do something, then you can't call the other side anything negative for standing by their guns.

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[quote name='fant0m' date='02 February 2010 - 11:55 AM' timestamp='1265111714' post='2152976']
Nice to see you betraying GR and MK after they were attacked by an alliance with no CB whatsoever. Remember when Polar got rolled just because some alliances decided it was the best time to beat you guys down? MK and GR were there.

I seriously hope GOD rolls Polaris into dust. Maybe then you will retire and Polar can get a real leader again.
GOD isn't rolling Polaris into dust, they're pulling a few more alliances to do that rather than working to get NSO and NpO peace.

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[quote name='EViL0nE' date='02 February 2010 - 03:13 PM' timestamp='1265120004' post='2153112']
So, what you're saying is you had to decide which path would lead to the least loss of pixels? People can argue about whether or not this is a curb stomp all day long. The fact is, the vast majority of TOP will not be stomped, they are so top heavy (pun not intended) that most of them will simply run out of enemies within range in a prolonged war. Polar has chosen to make sure they have no chance of fighting against TOP instead of actually making a decision based on their their current FA situation.

Seriously, Polar, what kind of allies are you? You attacked RoK's treaty partner at the beginning of the short bus war over things that were none of your business and to protect Grub's ego, you're again attacking another of RoK's treaty partners (With a non-existent treaty path since NSO declared on Fark in support of IRON and you only have an MDP with them.) in the current conflict after ignoring the fact that your treaty partners and the treaty partners of treaty partners were in a defensive war having been declared on by TOP and IRON. It seems the only treaty you actually care about is the one with NSO.

I had thought with the size of Grub's ego, he'd make a horrible lapdog. So much for thinking.

As for NSO and Fark peace that Fark was never going to grant. Perhaps NSO would've gotten peace if they hadn't decided that the only logical way to receive peace was to counter-declare in support of IRON in the current war and actually tried to get peace. Obviously that minor detail doesn't support your current propaganda line.

Wow people pretty quickly went from "CRUBSTROMP TOP HURR" to "ZOMG WHAT HAPPENED".

Just... fight. I know TOP is not in to destroy any alliances or impose draconic peace terms should it even come to it (lol). Enjoy the show.

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[quote name='Kindom of Goon' date='02 February 2010 - 01:28 PM' timestamp='1265113705' post='2153003']
ha, quite hilarious to see so many 'Polar scum!' comments from the peace thread turn into 'we love you Polar!' comments.


Looks like all you need to win TOP's and IRON unconditional love, is to declare on their chosen enemies of the week.

However, I think Grub's agenda doesn't exactly fit into TOP and IRON's. So we may still see Polaris being trolled again by them in the short future.

Edited by Krashnaia
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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='02 February 2010 - 08:22 AM' timestamp='1265116923' post='2153051']
It seems the other side is willing to call this one war when it benefits them in one situation, and two wars in others.
Its two separate wars when MK wants to complain about TOP declaring on them, its one war when they want to complain about NpO helping us out. When looking for something to complain about consistency and facts don't seem to matter.

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Ecks. Dee.

Maybe this war will make people see what kind of a cluster**** this treaty web truly is. Polar has serious allies on the side they are fighting. This would be the case no matter which side they joined. But they STILL joined the war. They basically went "Conflict of interest? What conflict?" :awesome:

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[quote name='Roadie' date='02 February 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1265119739' post='2153107']
It's not that surprising after seeing the complete lack of support and the almost total disrespect Polar received publicly from CnG allies (y). It was clear from day one that Polar was holding (a) certain treaties (y) that are practically seen as an abomination to the other signatories.

The most interesting part to me here is that with TOP being sold out by one of Polars closest allies, that Polar comes in - while I do understand it's for NSO - on the side Polars ally sold out. A side on which they have only 1 ally.

On a personal note... I love CN politics. It's almost comical to see Polar, TOP and TORN already fighting against the bulk of Karma
Is the lack of support and disrespect that much of a surprise considering Polar put them in a situation where they would be torn between their treaty with Polar and their bloc treaty? Don't get me wrong, I agreed with Polar's war with \m/ but supporting a preemptive attack on their own treaty partners by attacking some of the closest allies of even more of their treaty partners is puzzling to say the least.

Edited by KingSrqt
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Well seems the total story has finally made it's way through many posts, it is there to see for anyone who is able to put the pieces together.

I suppose this time around I do understand some of the outrage directed towards Polar but in the end they had to make their own decisions. If you are so clouded in treaties that you couldn't have come to their aid even if you wanted to then really it is not a very strong bond in the first place. They seem to have chosen to help those that display a strong bond rather then to step back into the shadows at the beckoning of those that show that their bond with Polar is not quite as strong. I do not say such to belittle, it is impossible to maintain a wide array of treaties if you intend to follow through on all of them in these times.

People are going to have to understand that this War is going to cost alliances some of their treaties. It does not fill my heart with joy to see where Polar is going to end up going after all is said and done but what is done is done. I know that if it was STA in NSO's shoes that Polar would have come to our aid and we have already seen that we could count on no others as well so I will never condemn my brothers and sisters in Polaris for what has been done. It is no easy thing to go against the flow and do what you know will be unpopular.

Just remember Polars, that as long as you stand together you stand strong. As long as you do such you will never need to hand over some of your Sovereignty to others like we are now seeing many alliances do in order to be at the lead of the next Hegemony.

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[quote name='Methrage' date='02 February 2010 - 08:23 AM' timestamp='1265120596' post='2153120']
Its two separate wars when MK wants to complain about TOP declaring on them, its one war when they want to complain about NpO helping us out. When looking for something to complain about consistency and facts don't seem to matter.

Can you explain that post a little more. It lost me.

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[quote name='KingSrqt' date='02 February 2010 - 08:24 AM' timestamp='1265120659' post='2153123']
Is the lack of support and disrespect that much of a surprise considering Polar put them in a situation where they would be torn between their treaty with Polar and their bloc treaty? Don't get me wrong, I agreed with Polar's war with \m/ but supporting a preemptive attack on their own treaty partners by attacking some of the closest allies of even more of their treaty partners is puzzling to say the least.

I feel the same way about that. I'm just trying to put myself in that situation and figure out what the heck would make me come to the same decisions, and I figure the only way I could is if those treaties had proven themselves dead.

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[quote name='KingSrqt' date='02 February 2010 - 08:51 AM' timestamp='1265118691' post='2153083']
I a very surprised to see you enter the war on this side Polaris, especially considering the high level of treaties you hold with C&G signatories. I would understand neutrality fully considering the unfortunate circumstances of this war. To each his own I suppose and I wish good luck to my friends in GOD.

Except of course that Superfriends is not C&G, nor is C&G Superfriends. While alliances within the two blocs have worked cooperatively as of late, there is absolutely nothing contradictory about Polaris' course of action.

But yeah, I've said all along this war was crazy business. ;)

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[quote name='HeinousOne' date='02 February 2010 - 09:24 AM' timestamp='1265120684' post='2153124']
Well seems the total story has finally made it's way through many posts, it is there to see for anyone who is able to put the pieces together.

I suppose this time around I do understand some of the outrage directed towards Polar but in the end they had to make their own decisions. If you are so clouded in treaties that you couldn't have come to their aid even if you wanted to then really it is not a very strong bond in the first place. They seem to have chosen to help those that display a strong bond rather then to step back into the shadows at the beckoning of those that show that their bond with Polar is not quite as strong. I do not say such to belittle, it is impossible to maintain a wide array of treaties if you intend to follow through on all of them in these times.

People are going to have to understand that this War is going to cost alliances some of their treaties. It does not fill my heart with joy to see where Polar is going to end up going after all is said and done but what is done is done. I know that if it was STA in NSO's shoes that Polar would have come to our aid and we have already seen that we could count on no others as well so I will never condemn my brothers and sisters in Polaris for what has been done. It is no easy thing to go against the flow and do what you know will be unpopular.

Just remember Polars, that as long as you stand together you stand strong. As long as you do such you will never need to hand over some of your Sovereignty to others like we are now seeing many alliances do in order to be at the lead of the next Hegemony.
Great words HeinousOne.

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This is all very amusing. I believe this to be the best war ever. :awesome: Despite the !@#$%* situations you keep putting your allies in.

For months now, I have seen nothing but praises and good words about Polaris from my allies in MK and GR. One could not help but believe them and feel happy for them that they found a good friend and a great ally. Your relationship has recently gone through some extraordinary trials.From Polaris threatening war against not one, but two CnG members to the current situation which has split our side of the web in two and caused massive treaty conflicts within CnG. I for one hope your relationship can withstand the current test it is going through and be properly restored to what it once was.

Good Luck.

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[quote name='EViL0nE' date='02 February 2010 - 03:13 PM' timestamp='1265120004' post='2153112']
As for NSO and Fark peace that Fark was never going to grant. Perhaps NSO would've gotten peace if they hadn't decided that the only logical way to receive peace was to counter-declare in support of IRON in the current war and actually tried to get peace. Obviously that minor detail doesn't support your current propaganda line.

You've made it pretty clear that you won't be giving the NSO any acceptable terms. We aren't going to let our allies get thrown under the bus just so we can get peace. Stop trying to misrepresent matters. This is simply a power grab on your coalitions behalf.

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[quote name='Angrator' date='02 February 2010 - 08:40 AM' timestamp='1265121658' post='2153145']
You've made it pretty clear that you won't be giving the NSO any acceptable terms. We aren't going to let our allies get thrown under the bus just so we can get peace. Stop trying to misrepresent matters. This is simply a power grab on your coalitions behalf.
You honestly expect Fark to give peace to IRON just to get rid of NSO? Honestly, NSO and IRON would both be better off if NSO were to get peace now, rebuild and save. Then, when IRON is at peace, aid-bombing IRON as best they can. What you're doing now is simply lugging your cross through the streets with the intent to climb on and nail yourself to it.

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[quote name='HeinousOne' date='02 February 2010 - 08:24 AM' timestamp='1265120684' post='2153124']
Well seems the total story has finally made it's way through many posts, it is there to see for anyone who is able to put the pieces together.

I suppose this time around I do understand some of the outrage directed towards Polar but in the end they had to make their own decisions. If you are so clouded in treaties that you couldn't have come to their aid even if you wanted to then really it is not a very strong bond in the first place. They seem to have chosen to help those that display a strong bond rather then to step back into the shadows at the beckoning of those that show that their bond with Polar is not quite as strong. I do not say such to belittle, it is impossible to maintain a wide array of treaties if you intend to follow through on all of them in these times.

People are going to have to understand that this War is going to cost alliances some of their treaties. It does not fill my heart with joy to see where Polar is going to end up going after all is said and done but what is done is done. I know that if it was STA in NSO's shoes that Polar would have come to our aid and we have already seen that we could count on no others as well so I will never condemn my brothers and sisters in Polaris for what has been done. It is no easy thing to go against the flow and do what you know will be unpopular.

Just remember Polars, that as long as you stand together you stand strong. As long as you do such you will never need to hand over some of your Sovereignty to others like we are now seeing many alliances do in order to be at the lead of the next Hegemony.

And what of the STA? Seeing as they were the ones who leaked the plans to CnG - a move which directly leads to the debacle Polar finds itself in today - will STA come to Polars defense?

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