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What I see...


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I see an entire creed of entries into war thrown aside.

I see a lot of respect for many warring alliances.

I see a lot of disrespect among warring alliances.

I see empty threats thrown out due to fear and anger.

I see many alliances letting loose their fear and anger.

I see a side holding onto a moral ground.

I see a side claiming that none exists.

I see a lot of hypocrisy.

I see a lot of heroism.

I see a lot of heroes.

I see a lot of villains.

I see a lot of nukes.

I see a lot of death.

And most of all, I see a lot of fun.

I see the old CN. :D

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I still don't see intelligent posting from more than 3 or so people on both sides. So no, its not the old days. They at least had 10.

And what exactly qualifies a post as "intelligent" in your eyes oh Master of Purple?

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Seeing as this will be the first major war with an unknown victor at the beginning since the Unjust War (which this war mirrors rather well), I'm excited.

As they say, the victors will write history. The future of CyberNations depends on the outcome of this war.

That being said, let's have fun blowing stuff up.

Edited by Bokonon
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I can only do the work of so many people, Stumpy. It doesnt help when I lack the old crew to play backup vocals.

You have my... keyboard? Voice? Whatever. Also, regardless of my first post, this is the best this game has been in about a year.

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