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\m/ announcement; Regarding Current Events

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You mean my former principles. No one did what you did before I did it with Poison Clan. The only difference is, at one point, a little common sense was thrown into the equation, somewhere along the way that done got tossed out.

[edit:] also, for the record, I still stand by my earlier words, that no one is allowed to destroy poison clan but me. And considering I'm not in poison clan right now.. well, no one's allowed to do it.

As much as I think this current version of \m/ is a sham and a terrible copy of a once good alliance, the fact that you seem to be claiming you created tech raiding on a large scale is a joke.

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I don't believe I've ever had French champagne before.

[ooc] Legally speaking, the only champagne you can get is french champagne, from the champagne region of france.. everyone else, by law, must call it sparkling wine, even those who are just outside of the region by inches. [/ooc]

But yeah, again.. what was I saying?

[edit]: Oooh yeah, yeah, down with \m/ and all that jazz.

Edited by astronaut jones
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\m/ will not back down from our principles just because one in a higher seat of power thinks they can dictate to us what is right, what is wrong, and what codes and laws we must abide by. Though we may lose much by way of lives, members, and infrastructure, we will never lose our strength in conviction.

If your principals are to tech raid recognized alliances and breaking your own charter, then you're doing a fine job at sticking to them.

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[ooc] Legally speaking, the only champagne you can get is french champagne, from the champagne region of france.. everyone else, by law, must call it sparkling wine, even those who are just outside of the region by inches. [/ooc]

But yeah, again.. what was I saying?

[edit]: Oooh yeah, yeah, down with \m/ and all that jazz.

It's a quote from Wayne's World. Somewhat more graceful than saying putting some icing on a piece of poo does not a cake make.

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For those people of whom I speak, again, I must ask you to simply skip this piece, as I can safely assure you it will contain nothing at all of which you would find yourself of interest.

Save yourselves the trouble, i can assure you that it contains nothing of interest even after you read it.

For those that do not want to read this waste of words, let me sum it up for you

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What do you get when you cross an alligator with a sausage?

A crock o' baloney.

Or the OP...

Sorry, \m/, but your heinous actions belie your verbal proclamations. You are criminals and you deserve the justice Polaris is meting out.

We in Nueva Vida are not lackeys of Polaris: We desired a chance to be able to fight at their side.

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Wow. I want my 5 minutes back. I really do.

That said, I hope the next announcement is a disbandment.

I fully agree with this, I don't think I have ever read something as boring and redundant as the OP here, I kept hoping until the end that it would somehow get better, but boy was I wrong :(

For shame.

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I have read the original post in its entirety and I believe that the facts and statements that are contained within are, without a doubt, truthful and I support them in full. Indeed, I would like to give the original poster my regards for such an excellent piece that put my thoughts into words, exactly, as if I were to do such myself. Furthermore, praise be to \m/, we are a classy alliance and it is an honor to serve as a \m/ember during these tough times.

Stay calm, you've had a funny turn. Help is on its way and we'll find you a nice soft room soon.


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Well, that's five minutes I'll never get back.

Wow. I want my 5 minutes back. I really do.

You people need to learn some CN reading strategies.

In wall-of-text alliance announcements like this without a tl;dr, the first 75% of the text is irrelevant.

That said, I hope the next announcement is a disbandment.

I want to see some more whining first.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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A key requirement of good writing is editing and rewording your thoughts. Your piece would have been much more effective had you taken the time to properly revise it. Still, you demonstrate an advanced grasp of the English language, only when compared to most forum users of course, and for that I commend you.

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You people need to learn some CN reading strategies.

In wall-of-text alliance announcements like this without a tl;dr, the first 75% of the text is irrelevant.

I thought that inserting a tl;dr at the bottom would assist readers with my own announcements, but at least half the time they go unnoticed. Such a waste <_<

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... your torrents of unlearned filth ... filth such as yours. ... degenerates ... a pack of jive talking imbeciles ... debasement of the written word, ... far behind the civilized world's standard in intelligence and in literary capability. ...

... these barbaric forums ... denizens of this backwater, ....

... slaves and lackeys, ... ego and evil ... take it from and oppress the rightful. ... the ruffians of this forum....

(etc and etc and oh my god it never ends)

I find you to be hilariously angry and am sorry that my skill in the English language upset you enough to write all this. Please accept my most humble apologies and rest assured that I will do all that I can to improve. :)

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Lines wasted warning people that this is a wall of text: 11

Lines used before getting to the point: 35

Lines spent on Point: 3

Lines used after the point: 13

Ratio of Relevant/Filler: 3/51 ~5%


blah!!!blah!!!blah!!!blah!!!blah!!!NpO hates us!!!blah!!!blah!!!blah!!!blah!!!blah!!!

Also Louisa!!!!!!!!

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Just because Grub is playing the ego maniacal moral authority of Bob and people don't like that doesn't mean anyone likes you guys or what you did. I'm assuming this a satirical piece created to mock Grub's long winded morality lecture, but it's not funny, so instead it just looks like an inferior less respectable version of something I disliked the first time around.

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Wow. That OP is a waste of time, and a total crock of !@#$. Way to spend 30 minutes writing something that you could have spent 3 minutes on. Posing as an intellectual doesn't make you one, Comrade Gropey.

A thinly veiled onslaught of tears, covered with words that \m/ had to look up in their trusty thesaurus.

Propaganda failure.

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