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Some interesting stats

Luis Quezada

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Nobody can be as bad as this guy at fighting, it's been a study in how not to nuke rogue

Hey me and ertyy bought our last nukes on the same date :o

He seems to have the spying thing down pretty good though...I mean he did bust through your security pretty effectively. ;)

edit: repeating words is repetitive

Edited by ChairmanHal
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I'm going to do an anthropological thesis on how the quality of forum communities diminishes within mere hours of my cessation of participation.

Sounds a bit like a "white man's burden" thesis.

I wonder what my warchest is. Luis you get two more attempts tonight to find out. My counter intel better represent or imma go all Stalin on their a&%es.

P.S. Warchest are for !@#$%*^. Everyone can fight with a big warchest. We at Gre pride ourselves in doing it with no warchest. Thats why Ertyy is a loser while Tobbs is a pimp in the making.

Edited by King Chill I
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The first to guys are fine with more than a billion (the first with 2)

the third guy, thats about as short as you ever want to be with the warchest,

That might and I stress might -- be ok for a 10 day war ,but if it lasts longer than that :o:o:o

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