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An Intruductiun tu Francuism

Jack Diorno

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I have provided NSO with another valid cause for war by ban evading in their public irc channel. I hope that is sufficient to bring war upon CSN.

Oh, but you forgot their new rule: If it looks like their allies will end up outnumbering you, change it to a 1v1! Forget how many treaties an alliance has, if that becomes a problem just call them out on not fighting you alone.

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What? NSO always does this.

Guide to backing down and still looking strong:

1) Threaten an alliance with war

2) When they say "bring it", ask why they won't bring it.

3) Mention how cowardly the other alliance is for not attacking you, even when you promise to keep it 1 on 1

See? So easy even NSO could do it!

I love how you accuse us of posturing and backing down in this situation, as you do nothing but take little potshots, then quickly retreat to your cute little paper fort of treaties. You don't seem to understand that what you choose to call hell, I call home, so why don't you quit pissing your panties at the concept of losing your paper fort, and come out and face us like men? Or, if you prefer, you can send three nations off of your AA, and I can leave mine, and you can let me go home. Does that sound good, or are your pants too piss-soaked at this point of my post that you're already running home crying, where your mother will console you with your favorite flavor of ice cream and tuck you into bed in your favorite Ninja Turtles sheets. Just like the big boy you are, aren't you? Who's a big boy? That's right, you are. Now, depart from this thread; it's past your bedtime.

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I love how you accuse us of posturing and backing down in this situation, as you do nothing but take little potshots, then quickly retreat to your cute little paper fort of treaties. You don't seem to understand that what you choose to call hell, I call home, so why don't you quit pissing your panties at the concept of losing your paper fort, and come out and face us like men? Or, if you prefer, you can send three nations off of your AA, and I can leave mine, and you can let me go home. Does that sound good, or are your pants too piss-soaked at this point of my post that you're already running home crying, where your mother will console you with your favorite flavor of ice cream and tuck you into bed in your favorite Ninja Turtles sheets. Just like the big boy you are, aren't you? Who's a big boy? That's right, you are. Now, depart from this thread; it's past your bedtime.

Ahahahaha, that is the best possible response to what you quoted. Thread continues to deliver.

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I love how you accuse us of posturing and backing down in this situation, as you do nothing but take little potshots, then quickly retreat to your cute little paper fort of treaties. You don't seem to understand that what you choose to call hell, I call home, so why don't you quit pissing your panties at the concept of losing your paper fort, and come out and face us like men? Or, if you prefer, you can send three nations off of your AA, and I can leave mine, and you can let me go home. Does that sound good, or are your pants too piss-soaked at this point of my post that you're already running home crying, where your mother will console you with your favorite flavor of ice cream and tuck you into bed in your favorite Ninja Turtles sheets. Just like the big boy you are, aren't you? Who's a big boy? That's right, you are. Now, depart from this thread; it's past your bedtime.

Whos the one hiding behind Polar?

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All this thread needs now is Moldavi claiming everyone is infatuated with NSO and that they're not going to be lured into a trap this easily - they will battle on their terms (2x NS advantage in NSO's favour), and that everyone may as well put out or go home. It will be a wonderfully articulate 'no u' and I can just envision the new heights this thread will reach.

Christmas came early on the OWF.

(Also nice avatar Zilla)

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I love how you accuse us of posturing and backing down in this situation, as you do nothing but take little potshots, then quickly retreat to your cute little paper fort of treaties. You don't seem to understand that what you choose to call hell, I call home, so why don't you quit pissing your panties at the concept of losing your paper fort, and come out and face us like men? Or, if you prefer, you can send three nations off of your AA, and I can leave mine, and you can let me go home. Does that sound good, or are your pants too piss-soaked at this point of my post that you're already running home crying, where your mother will console you with your favorite flavor of ice cream and tuck you into bed in your favorite Ninja Turtles sheets. Just like the big boy you are, aren't you? Who's a big boy? That's right, you are. Now, depart from this thread; it's past your bedtime.

This is the NSO's "NO U" response, given by the NSO's version of TBB. Except I think TBB has more respect and believability behind the things he says.

Jeez, if you really wanted a fight, you'd just do it. It's as simple as that, you're the only ones clamouring for war, if you don't want it, so be it. We can all move on, as we've all had our fun at your expense for the evening.

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All this thread needs now is Moldavi claiming everyone is infatuated with NSO and that they're not going to be lured into a trap this easily - they will battle on their terms (2x NS advantage in NSO's favour), and that everyone may as well put out or go home. It will be a wonderfully articulate 'no u' and I can just envision the new heights this thread will reach.

Christmas came early on the OWF.

(Also nice avatar Zilla)

Feel free to attack us at anytime. Oh wait. You don't actually exist.

For the rest of you: My alliance is better than your alliance.

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Who's the one hiding behind SuperFriends?

Everyone would enjoy NSO being rolled, Polaris prevents this. This is different to not everyone enjoying CSN being rolled, and in fact only NSO enjoying it. NSO cannot point out individuals from a crowd of people interested in their demise and claim they are hiding behind the other people interested in their demise.

This is the NSO's "NO U" response, given by the NSO's version of TBB. Except I think TBB has more respect and believability behind the things he says.

Let's not be silly now, TBB is pretty hard to match but if I had to pick anyone I'd go with youwish and even then he wouldn't quite be at TBBs low levels of respect. The NSO is unique in that it has an abundance of people only slightly more respected than TBB and individually they are nothing special but collectively they are hilarious.

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When did we become involved in this?

Around the time you formed a bloc with them? :P Come on, you can't honestly say you didn't know your alliance is the only reason NSO isn't rolled on a daily base :)

Who's the one hiding behind SuperFriends?

CSN isn't hiding behind SuperFriends, SuperFriends is just running in front of CSN, they have goose that kinda slows them down ;)

But seriously, CSN wasn't the one who was talking about a DoW, NSO was. Now CSN called them on their empty threats, usually that gives you 2 choices: step up or shut up. But apparantly NSO doesn't remember what war is seeing as they are trying to find some semi-hippy solution to this.

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I love how you accuse us of posturing and backing down in this situation, as you do nothing but take little potshots, then quickly retreat to your cute little paper fort of treaties. You don't seem to understand that what you choose to call hell, I call home, so why don't you quit pissing your panties at the concept of losing your paper fort, and come out and face us like men? Or, if you prefer, you can send three nations off of your AA, and I can leave mine, and you can let me go home. Does that sound good, or are your pants too piss-soaked at this point of my post that you're already running home crying, where your mother will console you with your favorite flavor of ice cream and tuck you into bed in your favorite Ninja Turtles sheets. Just like the big boy you are, aren't you? Who's a big boy? That's right, you are. Now, depart from this thread; it's past your bedtime.

May I remind you who began threatening to kick the other's $@!? Because it wasn't me. It's not my fault you can't back your words up and I can.

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At first I was all :wacko: then I was :huh: which quickly turned to :lol1: which has turned to :popcorn: .

Is it too late to nominate this for thread of the year?

I think we need to petition whoevers running voting to restart the thread of the year voting. This would crush every other thread.

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Feel free to attack us at anytime. Oh wait. You don't actually exist.

For the rest of you: My alliance is better than your alliance.

What? NSO always does this.

Guide to backing down and still looking strong:

1) Threaten an alliance with war

2) When they say "bring it", ask why they won't bring it.

3) Mention how cowardly the other alliance is for not attacking you, even when you promise to keep it 1 on 1

See? So easy even NSO could do it!

I see you're trying out an adaptation of 3 - when calling your opposition cowards fails specacularly refer to how much better your alliance is than everyone else's.

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Around the time you formed a bloc with them? :P Come on, you can't honestly say you didn't know your alliance is the only reason NSO isn't rolled on a daily base :)

I'm no FA expert, but I was under the impression the world had moved on from attacking people for posts they make. Regardless, Polar's name need not be invoked in every pissing match that involves NSO. I am sure both sides can keep flinging mud at each other without our help.

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