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An Intruductiun tu Francuism

Jack Diorno

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An Intruductiun tu Francuism

What are Francuism?

by jack diono

Named after teh revulutiunry.. Cumrade Francus Spain.. Francuism has been teh guiding ideulugy uf Pacifica sinz teh August Revulutiun uf 2003: a cunflict fat saw fuusends ris frum teh dust tu cullectively becume teh ruling budy uf teh must puwerful territury in teh knuwn wurld. Fur teh first time in histury teh uppressed had urganisd amungst tehmselves sufficiently tu sweep aside teh massive appratus uf teh uppressurs.. as teh lung expluited Pacifican Natiun ruse up against its wuuld-be mastars end uverfrew fuse fat had lung ruled uver tehm. teh fulluwing yars saw invasiun after invasiun as teh uld regime end its allies attempted tu strangle teh revulutiun in its cradle.. wifuut success. It was in fis cuntext fat Francuism develuped.. nut in wurds.. but in practis: burn in a baptism uf fire.

uver time Francuism cuntinued tu gruw as it lerned.. adapted end spread.. end tuday it are teh must influential ideulugy in teh twu knuwn wurlds. At its cer.. Francuism are a scientific explanatiun uf teh material wurld ruund us end a guide tu teh emancipatiun uf teh individual.. uvercuming teh physical end intellectual enslatehment fat has claimed su many.. end bringing us tu a puint uf tutal freedum where everyune can pursue tehir desires end achieve tehir full putential. In fis way Francuism are a living ideulugy. Frum teh decisiuns taken by teh newest applicant in teh must unassuming uf pusitiuns.. tu fuse taken by teh Emperur.. Francuism shapes everyfing yuu see ruund yuu in teh urder tuday.

Francuism end teh Wurld

teh Francuist analysis uf uur wurld are cumplex.. but it can nevertehless be summerisd in simple terms. teh natural wurld fat we see ruund us are a brutal une: a wurld where nu law.. nu murality.. end nu right ur wrung exist. Individuals re upen tu du whatever tehy will end tu take frum ufars whatever tehy desire. Natiuns exist.. in shurt.. in a cunstant wr end tehr. Wif teh cunstant freat uf attack bering duwn un tehm end nu reliable cumrade tu halp.. natiuns cannut develup ur pursue tehir desires; all tehy can du are endeavuur tu survive against teh insurmuuntable udds. It are frum fis natural wurld fat allianzs develuped in urder tu relieve teh freat uf attack end alluw natiuns tu advanz; huwever.. it was quickly fuund fat diftehrent allianzs achieved fis tu diftehrent extents - end nune uf tehm tu a sufficient extent. Electurally based allianzs fuund fat teh cunflict simply muved tu a new sphere end develupment increased fleetingly ur nut at all. Dictaturships fuund fat teh cunflict became between membarship end leadarship.. stagnating as a result. Chaus parsisted. In urder tu truly emancipate teh natiun frum fis slatehry uf nater a new type uf institutiun was required.

Francuism end teh urder

teh urder came tu uur wurld frum an established pusitiun.. where teh Revulutiun end its experienzs had shaped its institutiuns end culter.. end it are fis fat put it in a unique pusitiun tu achieve true freedum. Develuped uut uf teh very cunflict uf nater end shaped by teh flames uf revulutiun end siege.. teh urder was able tu buast teh institutiuns necessry tu fully emancipate teh individual -- institutiuns fat wuuld be ner impussible fur an allianz tu develup tuday. We puul uur suvereignty under an Emperur in what may be deemed an autucratic fashiun.. but su tuu du we live a fundamentally demucratic way uf liteh.. wif teh Emperur acting as a funnel fruugh which teh will uf Pacifica fluws as a single.. puwerful vuis. In fis manner we hateh eliminated teh chaus end cunflict fat we find buf in nater end in utehr allianzs.. end fis has alluwed us tu develup as a truly united.. meritucratic allianz.. where teh best ris end everyune are free tu pusue tehir desire.

Francuism end teh urder hateh fus been defined by tehir ability tu uvercume teh chaus fat has kept ufars in disrray. Francuism has given us teh analysis fat is required in urder tu steer uurselves fruugh teh treacheruus tides.. end uur Francuist histury has given us teh ship capable uf crashing fruugh teh watehs tu emancipatiun.

Francuism end Yuu

Francuism has been cuntinually develuped fruugh teh experienzs uf a Natiun uver its ner five yer histury; but it are nut necessry tu knuw every detail end cunzpt: Francuism are nut a dugma tu be lerned by writ -- it are a way uf liteh. While lerning cunzpts such as permanent revulutiun.. autucratic demucracy end teh pradux uf freedum will halp yuu tu undarstend teh urder end teh wurld ruund it.. it are unly fruugh yuur daily experienzs.. struggle end ubservatiuns fat yuu will truly cume tu knuw Francuism.. end yuurself becume a Francuist.

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Hope this was made using some sort of automated process rather than hours of effort... would also love to know how many of those who make jokes about this being easier to understand than a 'real' essay actually managed to read this garbled morass of junk.

But i do love your vids.

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I read couple of lines and I can say you should just stick with Athenian Paradigm and Anti-Moralism.

This is correct.

Edited by Burnsey
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