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An Intruductiun tu Francuism

Jack Diorno

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I think this is why everyone is so dissatisfied with the response from NSO:

You came in here threatening CSN with a DoW. A DoW. As in, you had a CB and would wage a full out war, which naturally would draw in the rest of us in SF.

Our reaction? Okay, go for it.

Then we reach the point we're at now, where NSO is now toting about a 1v1. If you wanted a 1v1 you should have just asked them in private, instead of embarrassing yourselves on the OWF. Now instead, you've made yourselves look like spineless cowards who have backed out of a potentially major war.

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The backpedalling here is glorious.

So is this whole 'We've think we've got a solid CB so we're gonna ask you for a 1v1 now and see if you're interested' the next initiative the Sith are introducing to CN?


Well, NSO is good at trying to get "change the CN norms" - that is, find opportunistic ways to profiteer and warmonger, all while not getting their butts wooped.

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I think this is why everyone is so dissatisfied with the response from NSO:

You came in here threatening CSN with a DoW. A DoW. As in, you had a CB and would wage a full out war, which naturally would draw in the rest of us in SF.

Our reaction? Okay, go for it.

Then we reach the point we're at now, where NSO is now toting about a 1v1. If you wanted a 1v1 you should have just asked them in private, instead of embarrassing yourselves on the OWF. Now instead, you've made yourselves look like spineless cowards who have backed out of a potentially major war.

You almost sound surprised...

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I think this is why everyone is so dissatisfied with the response from NSO:

You came in here threatening CSN with a DoW. A DoW. As in, you had a CB and would wage a full out war, which naturally would draw in the rest of us in SF.

Our reaction? Okay, go for it.

Then we reach the point we're at now, where NSO is now toting about a 1v1. If you wanted a 1v1 you should have just asked them in private, instead of embarrassing yourselves on the OWF. Now instead, you've made yourselves look like spineless cowards who have backed out of a potentially major war.

Hey, not just SF!

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The no u comment. This was originally between NSO and CSN. They have been contacted and asked if they wanted a 1v1 war. They said no.

In all fairness looking at it from the standard of an objective and uninterested observer, the above is that which doesn't make sense, and is the reason for a lot of the yelling I'm going to assume. Sure, obviously haters are coming out of the word work to hate, but that is collateral to the original issue.

Fact of the matter is the assertion was made that there was a valid CB on CSN. Then, CSN was approached for a "1v1", something which is reserved for personal disputes and not valid causes of war. If an alliance has a CB on another, they have two logical options: 1) They cite it as a cause for war and then actually go to war or 2) They do not (mind you I'm not making any character claims if this was the option that was chosen). Pursuing the "1v1" thing either means that option two was chosen and the choice for war was shied away from or the rest of your alliance never actually considered that to be a CB, and this has all just been a case of foot in mouth. Or, is there some terribly interesting and unknown reason for offering a "1v1"?

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This is honestly some of the worst damage control I've ever seen, rivaled only by GGA (off the top of my head). I'm not referring to you on your own, just this whole '1v1' thing trying to salvage the thread.

What? NSO always does this.

Guide to backing down and still looking strong:

1) Threaten an alliance with war

2) When they say "bring it", ask why they won't bring it.

3) Mention how cowardly the other alliance is for not attacking you, even when you promise to keep it 1 on 1

See? So easy even NSO could do it!

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[21:29] <+Doppelganger> there would have to be some ground rules, of course

Silly things like no navy, spies or nukes.

Really, I had a real nice post all typed up when I read this one :) Nothing I say can top this!


WE DECLARE WAR!!!!! We will show you how though we are!

but please can we leave your allies out so we don't get entirely trashed? And perhaps throw flowers at each other instead of nukes?

Poor show NSO, losing credibility fast, in a few months you can't even scare a micro alliance anymore.

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