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I enjoy the postings of many. I always need to read a post by SpiderJ or Penkala for the kicks. I've always enjoyed SpacingOutMan's posts as well as Xiphosis. I always have an urge to read a topic by Archon, Tygaland, and Schattenmann. Mpol always makes me happy. Unspeakable Evil because I enjoy reading the depot. Stumpy, but I do miss the Trashcat's Corner.

There are plenty of others: Penlugue Solaris, Magnum, Hoo, and a bunch others.

ohgod :v

Also I like rsoxbronco1, SpiderJ, Magnum, LiquidMercury and a bunch of other people.

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It's goes more like this:

TOP Member #1 logs into IRC

TOP Member #1: Hey guys

TOP Member #2: Lol check out this thread

TOP Member #1: Want to ruin?

Collective TOP response: Yes

TOP Government: Please try not to be !@#$% bags this time guys.

...One hour later...

TOP Member #1: Gov you're doing a horrible job of dealing with this diplomatic solution we created by posting on the OWF.

TOP Member #2: Why did we even vote for you?

*Collective TOP Government Grumble*

This is a perfect representation of MK except without the democracy and it happens way more often.

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Citadel: Alpreb. He doesn't have much (any?) name recognition, but whenever is he posting he's posting he makes intelligent and judicious comments; he's been at it forever as well.

I'm not active enough to warrant attention nor is my lack of leadership position helping name recognition. This is a rare occasion to be mentioned in the OP, so thanks.


Citadel: If Syz was around him (despite me being opposed to many of his opinions), but Roguetin or Crymson. I know too many to point a particular guy/gal out.

CnG: Londo Mollari. He's a strong poster, has a good flair to how planet Bob works and is always worth reading. He has that strange "When he speaks, people listen" aura over him which is hard to come by.

Frostbite: Tygaland. Just how long has that emperor been holding STA together? It's no offence to either Grub nor Moldavi, but Tyga is one of the longest reign ruler in CN history. I'm still waiting for STA to rise up that last step in the the sunshine and I will welcome it.

SF: Spacingoutman. No offence to Delta, but he is just a tiny bit better. Both well versed and worth a read.


Note that this is more of a compliment than an insult since people here are the ones I can stand to listen to which makes them well above average for the OWF.

Citadel: Some-Guy, because he is. He is direct and to the point and if he doesn't like it, you will know. There are others out there, but me telling the cyberverse which ally has the best troll ^_^ Maybe next year.

CnG: Sandwich Controversy. I might be a bit nostalgic here, since he has been quality for a long, long time.

Frostbite: Zombie Glaucon. Why don't you post anymore :( You're just really really good and it seems to come naturally.

SF: I don't really remember one particularly, but I tend to steer away from SF related topics so I might just have missed him.

Special mention: Branimir. Hi, how are you?

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It's goes more like this:

TOP Member #1 logs into IRC

TOP Member #1: Hey guys

TOP Member #2: Lol check out this thread

TOP Member #1: Want to ruin?

Collective TOP response: Yes

TOP Government: Please try not to be !@#$% bags this time guys.

...One hour later...

TOP Member #1: Gov you're doing a horrible job of dealing with this diplomatic solution we created by posting on the OWF.

TOP Member #2: Why did we even vote for you?

*Collective TOP Government Grumble*

I really think this is how every alliance works.

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Funny enough, that same exact conversation happened yesterday in a channel I was in... yep, happens in the alliances I've been in. :P

Never happens in Umbrella. Then again, most of us (not me oops) tend to be wise enough to stay off these forums.

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Note that this is more of a compliment than an insult since people here are the ones I can stand to listen to which makes them well above average for the OWF.

Citadel: Some-Guy, because he is. He is direct and to the point and if he doesn't like it, you will know.


Hurts bad, man.


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MPOL, Brookbank, Warbud...damn I miss him. I used to log on to see his new threads for several weeks. MPOL was the best, but there were several in GOONS that were awesome as well. Even though many times I was pissed at the content of the post, I laughed due to the wording. How the hell can you beat that?

I must admit back during GWII/III the quality of posts were much more entertaining.

Edited by Chalaskan
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You know who I miss? Cirrus.

I'm a sucker for the big VE personalities like Egore (actually mostly just him), but I guess that's to be expected of a sycophant like myself.

I don't really know jack about current power structures, but FAN posts were the best. I read an attempt at comedy today and I think I almost cried at how unfunny it was. mpol put the rest of you clowns to shame.

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Yep, if only we could bring those days back...

Yes, I wish we could go back to when 90% of posts were hails, oneliners or tired memes. The GOONS were just about the only non-awful posters during that time and plenty of them weren't great shakes either.

Edited by Essenia
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Yes, I wish we could go back to when 90% of posts were hails, oneliners or tired memes. The GOONS were just about the only non-awful posters during that time and plenty of them weren't great shakes either.

Just because you like to pretend you were around for the good ol' days, doesnt mean you were.

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