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Well as a your friendly neighbourhood bully I sincerely apologise that you found my war slot rent to be to steep. I understand you Siberian tigers are an endangered bread these days and alot of the cash you raise goes into preservation. It is certainly a most dreadful experience when such a rare breed is so thoughtlessly attacked kudos to Kronos for assisting in your preservation. Perhaps if more alliances were as considerate as Kronos you guys wouldn't have to spend as much money on preservation and you could afford to pay our war slot rent?

Meh. Now you're just getting stupid.

Your policy might keep a bit more money in your own pockets but it sure as heck doesn't earn you any goodwill which is far far more valuable.

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TOP: 10 - It's my home = bias

MHA: 7 - I hear the people there are p cool

Sparta: 4 - I haven't heard good things but I have to admit that I like Trinite

NpO: 1 - old grudges die hard

IRON: 4 - this used to be a lower score. Refer to the comment for NpO

ODN: 3 - refer to the comment for IRON

FARK: 9 - :wub:

GPA: 5 - meh

NPO: 1 - refer to the comment for NpO.

FOK: 9 - :wub:

MK: 9 - :wub:

WTF: 5 - who?

TOOL: 5 - don't really know 'em

TDO: 5 - don't really know 'em

VE: 3 - refer to the comment for IRON, I never really liked VE, they always struck me as over-zealous morals crusaders

Legion: 1 - refer to the comment for NpO, with the proviso that the NpO's a far more competent alliance

RoK: 5 - I thought I used to like them, but realised that don't really know them at all

GATO: 1 - refer to the comment for NpO, ditto on the comments for the Legion

CSN: 5 - don't know 'em.

Athens: 1 - don't like 'em, they seem to irritate me for some reason

Gremlins: 9 - big love now but used to hate their guts once, true story

MCXA: 5 - meh

UPN: 5 - don't know em

RIA: 6 - they seem alright

STA: 6 - don't know em but I think they have guts, chutzpah etc. etc.

Invicta: 5 - don't know em

RnR: 7 - these guys seem alright too, don't know em too well tho'

MASH: 5 - don't know em

NADC: 5 - don't know em

WAPA: 5 - don't know em, they seem to run into trouble a fair bit

NV: 5 - don't know em

NSO: 1 - don't like em, they seem destined to fail in some (probably spectacular) fashion

NEW: 5 - don't know em, heard good and bad things, reserving judgement

MA: 4 - something about these guys rubs me the wrong way

Umbrella: 9 - :wub:

FAN: 6 - used to dislike them, I've come around a little since then

LoSS: 1 - Old grudges, etc. etc.

TSO: 7 - yeah, they're alright

NATO: 5 - meh

Nordreich: 1 - Old grudges, etc. etc.

GR: 1 - Don't like 'em, too bloody silly for me

Vanguard: 1 - Don't like them, see comments for VE

GOD: 4 - Used to love these guys, not so much anymore

FoB: 5 - Don't know them

PC 5 - Mixed on these guys, reserving judgement

Valhalla: 4 - See comments for GOD

GGA: 1 - Old grudges, yada, yada

TPF: 1 - Hmmm, I never really liked these guys at all

Edit: Also, GOONS: 10 - My only other home.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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Who's that? Sorry dude, I don't spend a lot of time on here anymore.

The only reason I can think of that TOP would have an issue with Athens. He posted a thread a few weeks ago that was critical of you guys.

also, since I'm bored and have nothing to do I'm going to add commentary to my ratings. (OOC: I have a ton of work to do for school and I don't want to do it) A few numbers have changed as people have brought up things I'd forgotten.

TOP - 6 I don't like everything you do, but you're dedicated to building and you're good at it. Plus you have LM who is pure excellence. I just think you shouldn't care so much about what people post about you. (You may say you don't care, but your reaction to Jack's thread makes me think otherwise)

MHA - 6 I used to get the perception that you were trying to control aqua. (Don't know if you were or not, but it annoyed me) Now you don't seem to do much of anything and that annoys me too. I feel like a jerk since it's sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't sort of thing, but you've been a bit quiet lately.

Sparta - 8 Sparta is a rather baller alliance. I'm pretty sure you have most of your milcom affairs in order at this point, but until you face a !@#$ situation like many of us have, we'll never really know.

NpO - 8 (ACTUALLY AN 8.2 BECAUSE OF RANDOM'S LOVE) I like NpO. No, I don't know why Londo thought you hated us. No, I've never thought you hated us. Yes, I think you're a good alliance. Yes I think you're ballers.

IRON - 4 Dunno what to make of you. Take more of a leadership role int he world unless it's against Athens I guess. :P

ODN - 7 I wasn't here for some of your less than great moments. You seem pretty cool to me. Hope to get to know you better than I already do.

FARK - 6 I came here from a redlit thread that was on the voting page and almost joined you, but in my noobiness I didn't understand and thought you were overly restrictive or something. (don't remember well it was 2 years ago) Anyway, Tums is great and it would be cool to know you better.

GPA - meh neutrals

NPO - 4 Athens Prevails! Cortath seems like a decent guy and he's very accessible. Plus, your diplomats to Athens are great. (World Conqueror and Gus)

FOK - 6 Very likable and professional from my limited experiences with them as part of Karma. An alliance I'd like to know better.

MK - 10 A bunch of snappy dressers.

WTF - meh neutrals/independents

TOOL - I WILL NUKE YOU 25 TIMES THAN QUIT. We don't really hate you. I don't think we actually have any real problems with you. -Bama

TDO - meh aqua neutrals.

VE - 6 Don't have any problems with you and you were easy to get along with in Karma.

Legion - 3 Kinda meh. I suppose it's been a long time since you actually signed with NPO, so I can't really fault the current gov. (I don't think) But I still can't give you any props since you basically gave up and sided with your antagonize.

RoK - 5 I don't really have an opinion on Rok. Londo probably knows you better than I do. Gen. Lee is the one Rokker I really like.

GATO - 7 Did what Legion didn't. And you have MagicPirate. You're pretty cool anyway.

CSN - Don't know them but they seem likable

Athens - ---- We overreact like a dog chasing a ball. We over-pursue and tend to go a bit farther with some things than we should. It really takes a lot to piss us off though and we're kinda softies if you don't piss on our shoes.

Gremlins - 8 Bob Janova is great and I hope you can put whatever problems you have behind you.

MCXA - 4 No real dislike here, but you don't do anything and you need to improve your nations.

UPN - 2 (It was a 3, but the Athens/MK divide has caused us to reevaluate our views of other alliances) Don't know much about you but I don't have a good impression.

RIA - 7 I don't know you very well beyond Delta, but you're p cool.

STA - 9 Best alliance we're not signed with.

Invicta - 2 I could give Jack instructions to get Athens into a war with TOP, NpO, and Fark and I think he'd still come out slightly ahead of how you dealt with the SLCB situation.

RnR - 6 Don't know you well, but you seem ok and you seem level headed.

MASH - 7 Great people. Hope you get more organized.

NADC - 2 Not a huge fan. You don't seem to do anything and you need to tell your big guys to get nukes.

WAPA - 5 No hate, no love. You're a decent group.

NV - 6 Positive impressions and MK likes you

NSO - 5 I like some of your members, but I find you really !@#$@#$ irksome when a bunch of NSO people show up whining anytime something critical is said of them. And stop it with the "We don't care what you think" act. It's clear to me and probably most other people that you do.

NEW - 5 Woo raiding. Seem like a cool group.

MA - no opinion. Don't really know a thing about you.

Umbrella - 7 A good chunk of cool ex-Shrooms. Easy to deal with during Karma and MK always speaks highly of you.

FAN - 7 [doin it rite]

LoSS - no opinion

TSO - 1 meh. I don't know what it would take for your rating to improve.

NATO - 4 You're coming along I suppose. Always seem to be a hanger on in the IRON mold except you

Nordreich - no opinion. Don't really know you. Different people say different things.


Vanguard - 9.5 CnGGGGGGGGGGGG + Stumpy

GOD - 8 It's been excellent getting to know you. During the cluster$%&@ that was karma, you were a breath of fresh, uncompromising air.


PC - 8 Get everything moving in the same direction at once and you'll be more of a force to reckon with than you already are. Keep raiding

Valhalla - 3 You've been real dicks in the past (read NoCB war and a few other things that were before my ). Some people think you've changed your ways and maybe they're right. I don't think you're really sorry though. I think you're just sorry it caught up with you. Only time will tell.

GGA - 6

TPF - lol at your complaining about anything. At least Desperado is a Red Sox fan. Lastly, UCONN Huskies > U Washington Huskies.

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Is that a gay joke? At least when BnT makes an ODN joke it's funny.

Yeah, I'm known far and wide for hating the homos, specially since I am one. It was more like sarcastically homoerotic tbh. What can I say, I'm in a good mood, crazy things flow. Deal, chill, relax. ;) Blunts, etc.

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Yeah, I'm known far and wide for hating the homos, specially since I am one. It was more like sarcastically homoerotic tbh. What can I say, I'm in a good mood, crazy things flow. Deal, chill, relax. ;) Blunts, etc.

Brain matter leaks out of ears.

I don't care if you're gay or not, just stop being unfunny.

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TOP - 6 - Kind of meh. You've got a few members that I think are cool but seem to have some who just love stroking their ego. Not a bad alliance though. You stole MOTU from Ronin though. :mad:

MHA - 3 - You're apparent love for the duck was an annoyance.

Sparta - 4 - The apparent love you and Athens share is funny to watch.

NpO - 6 - Good alliance. Don't really know anybody personally though, thus the score.

IRON - 5 - Don't know you and have no wish to get to know you.

ODN - 5 - Nothing to say.

FARK - 6 - Pretty great with blitzes but you're generally just there in my book. Didn't know you that well when I was your ally and still don't know you that well.

GPA - 1 - Quit being pansies.

NPO - 5 - Needless hate from so many people that have no actual reason to hate you ticks me off. You've never actually wronged me so I could care less.

FOK - 7 - Decent alliance.

MK - 9 - Good alliance and you have a fair amount of my friends in there. Your Lord High Envoy is lame.

WTF - 5 - Nothing.

TOOL - 5 - Nothing really to say.

TDO - 0 - Any alliance can recruit the hell out of every nation created. Just ask KDII.

VE - 7 - You guys were cool in the WotC when I was in MK. Don't know anyone that well though.

Legion - 5 - Don't care.

RoK - 6 - Hoo's cool.

GATO - 5 - Don't care.

CSN - 3 - Don't like one of your members but otherwise you have good people.

Athens - 3 - For everything that is holy...quit merging. Londo needs to stop being power hungry.

Gremlins - 5 - Just there for me. Lokie is ex-Gre though so you guys must be at least decent.

MCXA - 5 - Meh.

UPN - 5 - I'll stray away from the Purple joke and go with I don't know you.

RIA - 7 - My first home. Gotta give you guys some love. Although I still say elections suck. :awesome:

STA - 7 - Good alliance. You've got members who don't !@#$%^&* people. I like that.

Invicta - 4 - Don't care. Haf isn't a bad guy from my few talks with him in #aborealis. However, he does make some outrageous posts every once in a while.

RnR - 5 - Just there.

MASH - 5 - Just there. I still say Athens should've canceled on you guys. Meh.

NADC - 5 - Eh.

WAPA - 5 - Yep...

NV - 8 - Great alliance in my opinion. You helped AB out a lot when I was there and I thank you for that.

NSO - 7 - You're generally just there. However, you do what you wish and I say more power to you.

NEW - 4 - Don't know much about you.

MA - 3 - mamaduck is nice and I like Zilla even though he hates me. Some good members but your !@#$ covered toilet paper you call a charter annoys the hell out of me.

Umbrella - 7 - I like you guys somewhat. Don't know you that well, but you have good people. LJ Scott has sexy avatars so :ehm:

FAN - 5 - Just there.

LoSS - 5 - Just there.

TSO - 5 - Don't care.

NATO - 5 - Don't care.

Nordreich - 5 - Don't care.

GR - 6 - Not a bad alliance. Shamed sucks though.

Vanguard - 6 - C&G. Don't know you all that well though.

GOD - 4 - Xiph can be hard headed at times, but you guys were good to AB during terms.

FoB - 5 - Don't know you at all.

PC - 6 - Twisted is cool.

Valhalla - 5 - Don't know you.

GGA - 5 - Don't know you.

TPF - 5 - I beat Mhawk.

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So it's come to this. i've decided to make this post. i must remind people that many of these opinions might be a bit flawed because i rather often mix things up. if you have a 5 even if you think you should have a 6 or 4 just don't care what i put there.

i have not proof read this and it is very likely that there are errors and all that jazz so don't kill me for this B) happy reading

TOP 5 - you're at the top but that's about it really.

MHA 5 - you don't seem to be doing much so i really can't give you much good or bad.

Sparta 9 - i've always liked you guys.

NpO 7 - you make me feel strange. but for some reason i like you. it has to do with how you're not what you were intended to be in the first place which means you have evolved.

IRON 4 - bleh, i haven't seen much from you and i have bad memories although i also have a bad memory so i'm not entirely sure what those bad memories are. but i just know i dislike you a bit.

ODN 6 - you're really cool guys from what i've seen and i look forwards to a good future.

FARK 7 - you guys make me smile. good graphics and stuff i like.

GPA 5 - well you're neutral so i'll be neutral about you.

NPO 3 - there are things you've done that i do not approve. there's some hope for you though.

FOK 5 - idk much about you really although i've seen you guys on irc every now and then but that's not enough.

MK 9 - i'd give you a ten, but you raided me about two years ago and i hold grudges forever!!! lol. no. i like you a lot.

WTF 5 - what the force does i do not know, they come out so seldom they barely show.

TOOL 4 - i remember something bad from somewhere but i cannot specify what it was so meh you get a slight negative.

TDO 5.1 - well a friend of mine joined you guys i think but other than that i don't have much to say.

VE 6 - you guys seem to be a bit more than ok in my book although i don't speak to you guys that often really.

Legion 4 - well you've been around a while but that doesn't make up for the bad stuff.

RoK 5 - there's not much to say but you're ok.

GATO 5 - there's about as much good as there is bad with you. it's not that i don't know you or anything just that i added the good to the bad and the sum was 5.

CSN 6 - we finally passed you and thus you get a bonus xD


Gremlins 8.5 - i've always admired you guys a bit

MCXA 5 - lolwut i haven't seen you much, in all my time in existance you've never had an impact on me.

UPN 4 - somehow somewhere something went wrong. i'd like to be more specific.. however i can't.

RIA 7 - i think you guys are rather likeable :D

STA somewhere between 7 and 8 but not quite 7.5 either. really you get 7 and 8 at the same time. i like that thing Tyga posts so often.

Invicta 4 - well i don't dislike you that much but i still kinda do.

RnR 6.3 - i kinda like you guise :)

MASH 5 - not much to say other than you're ok

NADC 3 - no comment. you handled something poorly.

WAPA 5 - you guys seem alright

NV 6 - there's a guy in your alliance that i used to look up to so that has to mean something.

NSO 5 - really, i have to admire your evil efficiency while at the same time i think that evil efficiency is... well... evil. neither good nor bad really.

NEW 8 - i really think you fought well in the last war however i haven't heard from you since.

MA 6 - if i remember correctly i like you guys :S

Umbrella 7 - you can stand under my umbrellah ellah eh eh eh under my umbrella yeah yeah plus you're a bit like the black team grämlins and generally i like you a bit more than i like some other likeable alliances.

FAN 7 - i haven't spoken to you guys enough to really have that much of an opinion, however when i've spoken with somebody from FAN it has been good. that alone would give you a 6. however, despite NPO trying to kill you you stayed alive which is most admirable so you get a 7.

LoSS 5 - i really don't know you that well.

TSO 3 - meh

NATO 5.3 - there's something about you guys. and i once almost joined you. however you should not just go by what's rational, sometimes you need to trust your instincts.

Nordreich 5 - well this case is too confusing for me to comment on.

GR 9 - <3 just <3

Vanguard 9 - hi there

GOD 7 - you're cool

FoB 10 - you have a bunch of great guys and i think you're my favorite alliance right now.

PC 8 - you get one <3 and a hug

Valhalla 4 - no

GGA 5 - you're not that bad

TPF 4 - you say mean things

The Brain 8 - i really like your theme and i talked in your chan a few hours ago and you always make my day a little better.

DT 8 - my favorite guy in digiterra is in here somewhere

Menotah 7 - i never could spell your name right but i really like you despite some strange forces trying to make us dislike each other :/ but really i care for you.

Ether 8 - hehehe i like you guise <3

Edited by Max Beck
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Meh. Now you're just getting stupid.

Your policy might keep a bit more money in your own pockets but it sure as heck doesn't earn you any goodwill which is far far more valuable.

Ironically though in this instance I didn't even try to enforce the policy, merely pointed to it's existent. For that I was called a bully. Of course a fine upstanding gentleman like myself would take objection to such ludicrous accusations which have since been found to be false, as is evident by my continuing offers to assist the STA preservation by running with a red flag across the snow to ward off any leering poachers. In all seriousness yes you have a point, however as Pezstar admits I was polite and easy to deal with, as you will find IRON are in most occasions. To turn around a publicly say we use bully tactics when you have received nothing but respect and courtesy from us is a little rich and stinks of an agenda. Don't go all emo and start crying instead of reaching a compromise. People these days need to grow a thicker skin.

STA - 6 (would be a 7 but for obvious reasons)

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