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Athens Government Announcement

Sir Paul

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I see. Well if this is true, that is one less point against you. But this still isn't in the same spirit as Athens's, which was essentially a milestone post not an anti-anyone propaganda post.

"When I like it, it's fair play. When I don't like it, it's pettiness."

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"When I like it, it's fair play. When I don't like it, it's pettiness."

After years (my dear God, I am too long here) of reading somebodies posts, you do get a bit of a insight into them. As such, I got one about our little Bob here.

While on "general matters", our little Bob from time to time can represent a coherent line of thought, I learned over years that that little light diminishes once the matter somehow involves alliance called the New Pacific Order. Anyway, cant get bothered with that, its all there for people to conclude for themselves, its a matter not of any interest for me any longer.

As I said originally, normal thing to do (notice I said normal, not even good spirited or classy as some mentioned in the "original" thread of this charade) would be to not "go there" in the first place. But as it seems, this costume charade this year turned into mockery through weak class parody (as witnessed in many threads by many parties) of target and some leaders in some alliance decided to "go with the flow", and as such "went there". Not needed, nor classy, nor good spirited.

Whelp, now "we are there" and its hardly Sir Paul's fault. Lets then enjoy the "festivities" isn't this charade all about that anyway? What now, its not cool any longer? :lol1:

I leave you all to it, I will come back when its all over.

Edited by Branimir
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I like that the NPO is indignant over reps. Sure as hell beats the alliances from NoCB that all shut up after surrendering, quietly paid their reps, and accepted praise for paying them on time. Or those lucky few that were awarded treaties for their obsequience.

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Satire at its best. New Londo did a great job with this as New COrtath did a great job in his announcements. If I was Athens, I would do like Rush did and enjoy the thread instead of arguing over a few factual errors. Jesus christ, it's a satire piece. Lighten up people.

/Mouthbreather waxing rhapsodic out.

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I like that the NPO is indignant over reps. Sure as hell beats the alliances from NoCB that all shut up after surrendering, quietly paid their reps, and accepted praise for paying them on time. Or those lucky few that were awarded treaties for their obsequience.

There's a saying that comes to mind here.

You don't need integrity to be right.

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1) Red Dawn: On August 10, 2009, the New Pacific Order requested permission to join the Red Dawn economic treaty. It's been almost 3 months and we have still failed to tell them 'yes' or 'no.' I suspect we'll continue to take a good, hard look at their request for several months to come ;) .

im fairly sure tromp gave cortath a resounding 'no' yesterday.

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I love Halloween.


As Londo pointed out, Athens was engaged mainly against GGA, and not Pacifica. If anyone can find a picture of what GGA's alliance strength charts looked like, I'm pretty sure we can be done with this argument.

I hardly think Athens can take credit for the GGA's strength charts, seeing as it was dropping before a single shot was fired.

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Well, let's see. We've got the mouthbreathers on one side waxing rhapsodic over every word in one breath and utterly decrying anyone who would dare "take it seriously" enough to attempt to correct factual inaccuracies or request further information. We've got an initially funny display of fair turnabout that's being dragged out a bit too much (yum, tears!). Oh, and I should mention the overly favorable response to a media product based on past experience (I see it a lot in response to some MK propaganda). And in the other corner we've got the folks who actually are taking it a bit too seriously. One wonders if they ever were given advice about not taking bait.

What a detestable show.

Edit: @Corinan: Really?

I could almost bathe in the amount of tears. Crying over reps is just too much when it comes from the NPO.

It's funny. It may have factual inaccuracies and a bit too much vitriol and it certainly does not accord with your political views, but it is still an amusing satire.


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2) Media Revenue/Reperations Paid: I personally told Sir Paul that Karma will be violating the surrender terms and not allowing "any nation" to pay the cash reps. This includes any sponsorships of Pacifican Media, donations from allies, people joining the NPO to pay the reps, or forgiveness of debt from a Karma alliance. Indeed, if on alliance (say, OV) decides to forgive the Pacificans the remainder of the debt, the Pacificans would have to pay that value to the rest of the signatories of the instrument of surrender. This is, of course, to ensure they stay under terms for as long as possible. You can read about it here (second story).

This is hilarious watching NPO try to e-lawyer about their terms. Y'all are such horrendous hypocrites. Remember that time MK's terms from the noCB war explicitly stated that certain terms would end in 3 months? And that they said nothing about who had to pay reps? And then y'all arbitrary decided that they had to come from MK and that we had to finish with reps before the 3 months terms ended, despite neither of those items being in the terms, because it was "a standard part of terms" or some such similar nonsense? Oh yea and then y'all took your time getting us targets, extending the terms on us because you couldn't get us targets on time, meaning we didn't finish till a month after the terms were supposed to end? And then we were supposed to be grateful when we were released from the 6 month terms 3 days early?

Good times.

As far as I'm concerned the reps to Athens are fair payback for y'all and TPF taking 7/8ths of their tech in reps in the noCB war. It's funny that you think your attitude is gonna make anyone favorable to letting you sign Red Dawn.

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This is hilarious watching NPO try to e-lawyer about their terms. Y'all are such horrendous hypocrites. Remember that time MK's terms from the noCB war explicitly stated that certain terms would end in 3 months? And that they said nothing about who had to pay reps? And then y'all arbitrary decided that they had to come from MK and that we had to finish with reps before the 3 months terms ended, despite neither of those items being in the terms, because it was "a standard part of terms" or some such similar nonsense? Oh yea and then y'all took your time getting us targets, extending the terms on us because you couldn't get us targets on time, meaning we didn't finish till a month after the terms were supposed to end? And then we were supposed to be grateful when we were released from the 6 month terms 3 days early?

Good times.

As far as I'm concerned the reps to Athens are fair payback for y'all and TPF taking 7/8ths of their tech in reps in the noCB war. It's funny that you think your attitude is gonna make anyone favorable to letting you sign Red Dawn.

Stop using facts. They're dangerous. Using them also proves that you are motivated by revenge and that the Karma War was unjustified.

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I'm touched that you singled me out, Branimir.

The main problem you guys have is twofold. First, the rest of the world now sees through Pacifican propaganda (Karma wasn't just the moment where your physical infrastructure took a big hit, but where your political stranglehold and control of the 'truth' was lost), and most of us have had enough of it. We all know how good you are at making lies sound like the truth and we don't want to let that take hold. And second, you no longer hold the power where you can promulgate these lies and have no-one dare speak against you.

It is not whether I like it that makes it petty, but whether it is pointed jabs at another party dressed up as satire. In Londo's 'Cortath' thread, there's nothing which is taking shots at NPO (or anyone else). The OP of this one is just 'Athens can't/won't fight' with a side of 'bawww reps'. Show me another piece of 'satire' which is such directed negative sentiment and you'll see something else I don't agree with, whoever is the target.

My reaction is mostly disappointment, when I saw the thread title and the author I was expecting 'fair turnabout', not a whine dressed up as that.

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It's funny. It may have factual inaccuracies and a bit too much vitriol and it certainly does not accord with your political views, but it is still an amusing satire.

[image snipped]

Oh no, I was addressing the responses to the OP, not the OP itself. Though for the most part I think Bob's assessment of the OP a few posts up from this one is fairly spot-on.

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3) Epic Scrabble Tournament: The Pacificans offered to play an Athenian Champion for double or nothing on on the reps in an epic game of Scrabble, best two out of three. I, of course, was too cowardly to step into the ring.

Interesting... maybe Pacifica should offer this deal to Vanguard?

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If that's true, that is hilarious. Did they really boast about growing during war before, when they were the least involved in the conflict? That's just funny.

It's faulty data. Athens has increased their membership by 50% since the start of the war. Based on their membership count from the vast majority of the war, they had about 3 wars per member, which would put them right in the middle, while fighting GGA and company as well.

Azaghul's astute use of facts proves that the Karma War was unjustified? Wha wha WHAT?

I do believe that was a touch of sarcasm.

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