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SLCB Harboring Rogues?


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This thread not only made SLCB look like tools they are, but also made them pay reps. Cheers!

That has always been the plan of Stickmen. Bait Purple into attacking them, then call on their allies to help roll Purple.

Well said.

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Did they get the $6m they demanded?

SLCB- no reps --> reps=dmg --> reps>dmg <-- 3m per attk-Invicta

and 2m > 0.

You can keep changing the goal posts tho.

The thread seems to have served its purpose very well and the drama is always more interesting before the resolution -.- so there is nothing left here for us peanut gallery, besides they dun really care about us and its all fun, funny to see Stickmen crowd suddenly switching to srs bsns from lulz, relax erikz :P.

Edited by shahenshah
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and still 2m > 0.

You can keep changing the goal posts tho.

The thread seems to have served its purpose very well and the drama is always more interesting before the resolution -.- so there is nothing left here for us peanut gallery, besides they dun really care about us and its all fun right.

True. They did pay, but I'm still positive this could have been resolved behind closed doors.

But you know FOK are the evil puppetmasters right, we are all orchestrating this :awesome:

Edited by erikz
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You ask that question as though you have been embarrassed by the revelation of the incident. Guessing at Invicta's motives for a moment it would seem they can call this, "mission accomplished".

To answer your question, Fark would have been paid, therefore this announcement would never have occurred. Had they not been paid, they wouldn't have shrugged it off...as to what else would have followed, I'm guessing you would have liked the outcome even less than a OWRP thread.

My point is just saying putting other alliances in this situation would change everything. Maybe they would have been more understanding and given us time to sort it. Maybe they would have said reps were so small they don't even care. Personally I don't know Fark. More likely since we have nothing going on with them Kurt wouldn't have attacked them.

True. They did pay, but I'm still positive this could have been resolved behind closed doors.

But you know FOK are the evil puppetmasters right, we are all orchestrating this :awesome:

All hail FOK.

(They threatened to set my box on fire if i didn't say so.)

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We paid a reasonable amount of reperations, instead of the amount asked. Both the amount asked, and the amount paid, were stupidly small amounts. We refused to pay the original request on principle - similarly, Invicta made this thread on principle. We then met in the middle. It might have been easier and quicker had Invicta not made this thread. It might, too, have been easier and quicker had we offered to negotiate rather than simply rejecting their request.

Now read the above paragraph and ask yourself why you're even reading this thread, never mind why it reached 15 pages.

Edit: Also, Jorost, what's with the editing of the log in your OP? How stupid are you?

Edited by A Soviet Attack
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It's funny to see people winning about this after less than one month of iFOK asking for 300% reps because someone aided one of their raid targets.

Double-Standards someone?

If SLCB refuses to take responsibility for the rogue, then you, by all means, reserve the right to attack him. If SLCB wishes to retaliate, then they will have their own decisions to blame when they are clearly viewed as aggressors.

I agree with this guy, the thread could be over right here^

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It's funny to see people winning about this after less than one month of iFOK asking for 300% reps because someone aided one of their raid targets.

Double-Standards someone?

I agree with this guy, the thread could be over right here^

Yes, until you said iFOK == SLCB

Being in a bloc with another alliance doesn't make you said alliance?

For instance: NSO =/= NpO.

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Yes, because 3 million per nation for what amounts to a total of a couple of thousand is totally reasonable.

It's a reasonable request. Not many alliances want their small nations slots taken up with anything less than $3mil for good reason. Any figure of damages under $3mil from a rogue attack on any Nemesis nation will result in a request for $3mil to be sent. If you go rogue on a nation you need to deal with the consequences, and I don't think Invicta deserves that treatment, no matter how incredibly dull and tedious they are regarding other matters such as the purple senate.

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Even though the issue has been resolved I think I have the right to post here after reading all 15 pages and facepalming myself over and over. (you know, after the 10th time it starts to hurt).

At page 1 I had a very clear post to make in my mind but when I kept reading I found most was already said and others ruined it with dumb remarks and pointed fingers.

Even though Invicta opened the Freak Show with this thread their original demands were just fine. $3M per nation is a good amount when it involves low NS nations. It will pay up for the damage taken + soften the pain with a little bonus. Even if the damage was only 10K, 3M is still a good figure.

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It is easy to see why PEACE did not welcome them, especially since the first that PEACE heard of Stickmen moving to purple was a certain expose of iFOK forums where iFOK members spoke of moving to Purple to forcibly take a Senate seat and goad Purple into attacking them, thus allowing them to claim the defensive side and call their allies in to destroy Purple.

I should know, I was there (in the Gov, and later Triumvirate no less) when those talks were happening.

This would all be more entertaining if our Stickmen friends stopped pretending that they're not just out for a few laughs from treating other leaders [players, people] like dirt.

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It's funny to see people winning about this after less than one month of iFOK asking for 300% reps because someone aided one of their raid targets.

Double-Standards someone?

I agree with this guy, the thread could be over right here^

I'm pretty sure we're talking about SLCB here....?

Otherwise all this purple drama is starting to remind me of the NoR / LSF drama that was so rampant in the past....and I really hated it.


This would all be more entertaining if our Stickmen friends stopped pretending that they're not just out for a few laughs from treating other leaders [players, people] like dirt.

Oh piss off, this whole thing is IC and if invicta is that hurt OOC from it they should just quit the damn game, otherwise the attack page is there.

Edited by WarriorConcept
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Stated by other people, If not prepared to release the "full logs".......shut up

Stated by me... If I'm not willing to bring myself down to the level of those who constantly bring private conversations into the public domain, without asking permission of those who participated in the conversation... I won't.

And no, everyone else doing it does not make it right. If Jorost chooses to deny that the logs are doctored, I will post the original. Otherwise, I will not.

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Stated by other people, If not prepared to release the "full logs".......shut up

You're right. We lied. Clearly the OP has full logs.. All.. 8-10? (cbf to go check) lines.

Also, issue is done with. What would we gain? Anyone who's ever had a diplomatic discussion should facepalm until they lose whatever remaining braincell(s) they have if they think Invicta posted anywhere near full logs.

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Wait, is SLCB refusing to pay reps at all? Or are they saying the amount is too high?

They were refusing to pay reps at all.

6 million seems like an effort on Invicta's part not to entirely waste SLCB aid slots on anything less than that.

That was the idea, yes.

I was trying to help both parties out by seeking a resolution, as my alliance is kind of in the middle of this, as we are allied to Invicta, and Nemesis.

Thanks for your assistance, Bob.

a. invicta gave us less than 12 hours to contact our member.

Actually, we were having discussions with you while your member was online and talking to you.

They somehow paid Legion already.

Hilariously, they paid Legion 3M per nation hit.

When you are told an alliance won't pay you reps, your opinions are twofold. Attack outright, or give them another chance. This is their second chance, as I view it.

Invicta is giving them the time to pay, and then they will consider their options is, again how I view it.

That's right. Once again, thanks Bob. :)

Who the hell pays reps when their members go rogue?

People who want their members to remain in their alliances and not get attacked.

Tell you what Invicta, when a member of the NPO goes rogue on you, you go try to get reps from them and see what they say. When a member of MK goes rogue on you, go to them see what they say. When a member of NpO goes rogue on you, go see what they say. Again, this is an instance of a private matter that shouldn't be public. Yet another smear campaign on the Stickmen.

We've never had any MK or NpO rogues attack us. Ex-NPO rogues have in the past normally been booted from NPO for roguing.

SLCB wanted to keep their member despite the rogue wars. We're OK with that, as long as reps are paid.

3 million is easier on the person paying reps, and the person attacked gets a bit of extra cash out of it as a "sorry our member was dumb and attacked you"

I find myself in the odd position of thanking you as well. Yeah that was the idea. :)

With war reasons like those, I'm not so sure 3 million would be enough to persuade me to stand down if I was in Invicta's shoes. Resolving accidental wars started by ignorant new members that don't know any better is a nice courtesy, but if an aligned nation attacks another alliance in full knowledge of what they are doing and they use offensive war declaration reasons that demonstrate malicious intent, don't expect to be granted any favors when it comes to finding a peaceful resolution.

EDIT: Seems you've resolved it.

Yeah, we did. :)

Thanks to everyone who helped.

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So what SLCB is saying is that he did not fully release the logs, but we got to take your word for it over his?

His logs show what has been said until you release something countering it, I will continue to belief those logs are real and truthful.

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As for Invicta starting this thread, I can't say I blame them. $6 mill/$500 k/whatever the damages were isn't worth a major war--and that is exactly what would have happened had they come to collect it in blood. It is worth mentioning in a press release for the information of the rest of Planet Bob. So here we are.

Pretty much this. Thanks Hal.

I have a better idea, as SLCB happens to hold a treaty with The Brain.

Someone from Invicta PM with with a list of nations that reps will be paid, I love spice and drama, it has to be epic though, this is far from that..

If money will fix this, well look no further thats easy for us Brainy Folk.

Already sorted, thanks for the offer though Free.

So declare war. How many times are you gonna let them push you guys around? HUH? MAN UP SOLDIER! THAT'S WHAT NPO WOULD HAVE DONE!

It should be pretty clear by now that we didn't think the attack on OV was a good idea.

Did they get the $6m they demanded?

Initial offers are not the same as demands.

Even though Invicta opened the Freak Show with this thread their original demands were just fine. $3M per nation is a good amount when it involves low NS nations. It will pay up for the damage taken + soften the pain with a little bonus. Even if the damage was only 10K, 3M is still a good figure.

We're plenty fine with the freak show. Thanks, TTM. For the first time ever I feel slightly guilty for our little war :)

Oh piss off, this whole thing is IC and if invicta is that hurt OOC from it they should just quit the damn game, otherwise the attack page is there.

Yes, I'd tend to agree with this assessment as well.

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I'm pretty sure we're talking about SLCB here....?

The tendency is to think of Stickmen not as a bloc, but as an alliance. At times that does seem to be the case, though obviously it is not.

Otherwise all this purple drama is starting to remind me of the NoR / LSF drama that was so rampant in the past....and I really hated it.

If I weren't in Valhalla, and the current treaty web so tied to this, it would be an eye roll fest. As is... *shrug*

EDIT: Weren't we rooting for NoR back then? ;)

Edited by ChairmanHal
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